Monday, May 12, 2014

Civil War: Self-Guided Tour

The Civil War is so important for countless reasons. We could do a whole year's worth of blogs and never completely cover every aspect. Some people love to study the battles. Others like how it affected women, slaves and free blacks. Others focus on Jefferson Davis vs. Abraham Lincoln. Still others study the music and poetry of the time. Etc. Etc.

So for this week's blog I am going to give you a list of things you can research concerning the Civil War. You must pick three (3) and write 100 words on each of your choices. That is a total of 300 words for this week's blog. Consequently, this week's blog will be worth 150 points rather than the usual 50. Choose wisely and enjoy exploring this topic!

*Clara Barton/Field Nurses
*Women as spies/soldiers
*Massachusetts 54th Regiment
*Civil War Poetry
*Civil War Songs
*Baseball & The Civil War
*Monitor & The Merrimack
*Lincoln's problems with his generals
*Battles: Antietam, First Bull Run, Second Bull Run, Gettysburg, Shiloh, Sherman's March to the Sea
*Andersonville Prison
*Grant's Wilderness Campaign
*Lincoln's growing war-time executive power
*Appomattox Courthouse

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

North & South: Pros & Cons

So we've finally reached the Civil War. This and next week's blog will be the last two of the year. I want to thank you again for all of your hard work contributing to this blog each week. I've loved the topics, discussion and interaction!

This week, research the advantages and disadvantages facing both sides at the beginning of the war. List at least three advantages and disadvantages for each side (total of 12) in the comment section. Also, based on your list, assess which side should have won the war based on your findings.