Monday, October 12, 2015

Albany Plan Of Union: We *Almost* Unified. Kind of. Sort of.

Above is the first political cartoon created in America. Drawn by Ben Franklin in the 1750s, this image urges colonists to consider consolidation and unity to protect itself. The protection, however, is not from England. At this point in history, we are happy to "belong" to Mother England and are not seeking independence. No, this cartoon is speaking of the threat both France and her Native American allies pose to the colonies. In fact, from 1754-1763 the colonists will fight on the same side as British soldiers (and Britain's native allies) against the French and her native allies.

As you can see in the cartoon, a snake is cut into eight pieces. Above each piece is the initial of one of the thirteen colonies. ("N.E." groups all of New England together). The caption "Join, or Die" gives us a sense of how urgent and important Ben Franklin felt about colonial unity.

So, why didn't we unify? What kept us from creating some type of loose confederation that would have made us, and therefore Britain, stronger on the world's stage?

I'm glad you asked! For this week's blog, read this short article and watch this brief video to learn more about the Albany Plan of Union.

In the comments section, please address the following two questions.
1) Why did the Albany Plan of Union fail (remember...both the colonies AND England rejected it).
2) If you had been a colonial leader, would you have supported or struck down this proposal for unity?


  1. The Albany plan of Union failed because England thought the colonies wouldn't survive the plan and it would take up all of the colonies land. It also failed because it wasn't really planed well too. It also failed because England and the colonies didn't think it would work well. If I had been a colonial leader I would have struck down this proposal because I would have agreed with England and the colonies and because I don't really like Benjaman Franklin and he looks ugly and he is smart but I would think he was that smart because he made lightning strike a kite
    104 words

  2. The Albany plan didn't work. They were thinking it would take up the colonies land and also the people would not survive the plan. The people did not make the plan a very good one. The people were afraid of loosing their power, territories, and commence. So people were afraid of this made sure the plan failed. I mean yea it had some good aspects to the plan just people didn't like them I guess.I probably would have turned it down just cause of everything that people did to make sure it failed and I wouldn't want to make enemies honestly.


  3. This Weeks blog is about the Albany plan of union. Benjamin Franklin made the first political cartoon ever and about this. He drew a snake split up into eight pieces, represeting the colonies that had been established, and at the bottom of the paper, it read "Join or Die". This meant that the wars between the indians, the french, and everyone else were getting to the point were the colonies should possibly unite together. In my opinion this would not be a good idea. It sounds good and all when you sugar coat it, but in reality, how are you going to get tens of thouasands of people to agree on something, be 100% committed to the idea, and have no one double cross you? This would be nearly impossible. I think that trying to unite with the other colonies would start enough tension to start a war in and of itself. So my answer to this question is no, I would not unite. The Albany plan of union was rejected by England and the colonies becuase the idea was too imeasurable and they thought that it wold curb their own authority. Again, this sounds nice but they're picking their own poison if they unite.

    Word Count: 208

  4. Well, one reason the colonies rejected it was because they wanted to curve their own rules, authority, and they wanted to live, instead of following New England's way. After all, the colonies were following the rule of England but that's why they came here in America, to break off from England, for religious freedom, and political. another reason was probably because they didn't really want to join. If I was a colonial leader back then, I think it would be a hard decision. Only because, we would get shipments of supplies and tools from England. I would be juggling the decisions of the people, and my own, but over all I think I would strike it down because of religious reasons. 121


  5. The Albany plan of union failed because it security of independence for Great Britain. It also failed because the government was afraid of losing power, territory, and commerce both to other colonies, and to the British Parliment. Despite the failure of Albany's Plan Of Union it started a lot of things for the future. It also helped set up the division between the legislature and the executive branches. If I was a leader I don't really know what I would have done. It probably would have just depended on what was going on at that time, and I would do what was best for the people.
    Word count :106

  6. This weeks blog is about the Albany Plan of Union. Ben Franklin drew a cartoon for the Albany Plan to try to convince more people to play a part in it. He drew a snake, into 8 pieces, representing the 8 colonies. The Albany Plan was to help the British North America colonies in a more centralized government. July 10, 1754, 7 representatives from the British North America colonies agreed with the plan. The reason they had this plan was because there were so many wars between the French, Indians, and everyone else who lived their. They thought the Albany Plan would help everyone unite and Coke together to fight the main problem, but in it self it would just cause more wars. Certain people did not want to join this because they thought they would loose their land, and possible even some of their rights. It would also be very easy to die in battles, I think. If I were a leader, or asked to join, I would say no. Firstly, I wouldn't want to leave my family to do this. Secondly I wouldn't feel comfortable doing this. Knowing myself I might just cause more friction and make everything worse. I don't think having everyone unite into one army and face the real problem was the smartest idea. Yes you may be getting supplies and tools that could be very help to you, but you also have to make decisions for your community. If you made one wrong decision, and it was a big mistake, you would have a lot of people mad at you. Depending on how big you were, people would not always be to happy with you, and may want to kill you. I would not have anything to do with this if I had a choice.

    301 words

  7. There were several reasons the Albany plan failed. One reason was that the colonies felt like some of their right were going to be kicked to the curb. The main rights the colonies felt like were going to be taken were their authorial and territorial rights. They felt this because of the fact that they would have to elect certain officials to deal with Native issues, rather than deciding as a community. Also, the colonists wanted to expand and the couldn't do that if all Native problems were solved with the colonists giving back all the land they took. England however, was pretty lazy with their reason. They had already sent several men to the colonies to settle these problems, and they felt that if they sent more, nothing would change.
    If I lived at this time, I would absolutely not take part in this plan. First of all, I want to be able to have a strong say in how we deal with Native issues, rather than just have a person who may favor the Natives choose what happens. Secondly, if I want to get more land, I'm gonna get more land. Now I would be polite and ask or pay the Natives for land, but still I want to expand, so let me!

    Word count-215

  8. 1. The Albany Plan of Union failed for several reasons. One, there were disagreements among the colonies to enacting this plan of Union. Two, this would essentially decrease the power of the government in colonies. Three, the colonists did not necessarily seek for better relations with the Native Indians.
    2. If I were a colonial leader, I would probably oppose this idea. The primary reason for this is because The Albany Plan of Union infers forms of Socialism, and I personally strongly oppose socialism. Also, if I were a colonial leader, I don’t think I would want to lose more power, despite the relatively low power that we would already have.

    111 words

  9. The Albany Plan obviously failed. They thought it would take up the colonies land. They also seemed to think they wouldn't survive it.
    People adopted this plan in a meeting known as the Albany congress.
    This did not mean complete independent Freedom though. Even though this plan failed it set up a good model for future attempts. The people wanted religious freedom and political freedom. Even by coming to America and trying to follow the Albany Plan they couldn't because of these issues. If I was given the option, I think I would have to go with no, because this seems like a lot of stress just for it to fail, also the religious reasons and even the political ones. They didn't like the idea of having one main president. They didn't like lots of things and because if this they made enemies.(143)

  10. The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to place a British and North American colonies under a more centralized government. The Albany plan was the first important proposal to conceive of the colonies as a collective whole united under only one government. The Albany plan of union had failed because of the many differences between the colonies which were: religion, class, or differences. It will make it hard for cooperation but it is significant because it is the first ever made in uniting the colonies. If I was a colonial leader, I would have most likely struck down this proposal for unity.
    (103 words)

  11. One reason that it failed was the colonies wanted to make their own rules and not follow follow the rules of New England. The whole reason why they came here was to leave England and come to the new world and live free with out being a slave or follow anyone's rules. The picture of the Albany Union was a snake chopped up in eight pieces. The eight prices represented the eight colonies. If I was a ruler I would know if I wanted to use this or not because I don't all the responsibility of if I do this wrong or if I'm doing it right. I feel like if New England had a better ruling system and help the new world I would have just followed the New England rules.

    WORD COUNT 134

  12. The Albany Plan of Union was an attempt to unite all the colonies. They were fighting against the French and Indians, not Great Britain, as many people think. Ben Franklin created a cartoon to try and get the colonies involved. Drawn on it was a snake, split into 8 pieces with "join or die" written on it. Even though many people supported the Albany Plan of Union, it didn't work out. Many people though that it would hurt their own leadership and authority, but also their own territory. I probably would not have supported this idea of unity because I wouldn't want to loose my authority or my territory. The only way that I would go with this is if all of the people in my colony thought it was a good idea. Even if I disagreed with it, I still let them do it.
    Word count- 148

  13. 1) Why did the Albany Plan of Union fail (remember...both the colonies AND England rejected it).

    Colonist leaders did not want to have to give up there ability to have power over the colonist, and the British did not want the 13 colonist to have freedom from Britain.

    2) If you had been a colonial leader, would you have supported or struck down this proposal for unity?
    I would have liked to not have to pay britian for things like tea that I don't want because they want taxes,but I would not have liked to have to do battle with britian.(Word count 103)

  14. It was in 1754 The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. the Albany Plan was the first important proposal to conceive of the colonies as a collective whole united under one government. One reason the plan failed was that is was rejected by the colonial governments as a threat to the democratic institutions. Another reason the plan failed was that is was rejected by the colonial governments as a threat to the democratic institutions. The last reason that the plan failed was that is was rejected by the colonial governments as a threat to the democratic institutions Though to summarize it was because of the many differences between the colonies religion, class differences, etc. It would make it hard for cooperation. But it is significant because it is the first effort made in uniting the colonies. I would not have supported this but most likely because it would take away my independence and that is what we had fought so hard for.

    Word Count 175

  15. BLOG

    1. On July the tenth of 1754 representatives from seven colonies accepted it. However, it failed because of the colonial governments own doubts and concerns!

    2. If I had been a colonial leader way back then, I probably would have had to make a pros and cons list about this movement. I would have said that the pros would be that we could all be friends, we could become stronger and larger, we would have had better defense, and much more. The cons would have been things such as we would give up our freedom, and loose our independence. It also may or may not hurt our pride.

    Word count- 108

  16. The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government. On July 10, 1754, representatives from seven of the British North American colonies adopted the plan. Although never carried out, the Albany Plan was the first important proposal to conceive of the colonies as a collective whole united under one government. Despite the support of many colonial leaders, the plan, as formulated at Albany, did not become a reality. Colonial governments, sensing that it would curb their own authority and territorial rights, either rejected the plan or chose not to act on it at all. The British Government had already dispatched General Edward Braddock as military commander in chief along with two commissioners to handle Indian relations, and believed that directives from London would suffice in the management of colonial affairs. If I were the other groups I wouldn't expect it either because I would want to know what benefits do I get from off of his plan. Word count 179

  17. The Albany plan did not work. This was a plan for the British American colonie. This was a very important price of history. All prices of hostory are important but this one really stood out. This is something that many people should hear about this in their life time. If I were one of the other groups I wouldn't expect for this event of battle to be a good thing for the team but their plan of battle was a very eventful time in history.

  18. The Albany Plan of Union did not work because the colonies and England both rejected it. Also because of the European drama that had stater. It came to the American Indian war. They wanted to have peace between everyone.

    2. If I were in that word I would want to do it because it would make peace between all the people. It would get a president that made everything and that nobody could just say an idea of a rule and then get it passed. Now you can give the ideas to them so that they can see if it is worthy to be a rule or it is just something silly and stupid.

    Word count 114

  19. One of the reasons for the Albany Plan's failure is the colonial support, or, rather, the lack thereof. At first, some of the colonies were sort of interested, but, eventually, the idea died out due colonists' thought that the British would have a better hold on them. Honestly, if the British were already oppressing the colonists, why would they give the British king the chance to oppress them more? They wouldn't, and they didn't.
    If I was a colonial leader, I probably wouldn't agree with the Albany Plan. With the reasoning stated directly above the current text, why would I give someone I hate more control over me?

    108 words

  20. The Albany Plan of Union was a plan to place the British North American colonies under a more centralized government in 1754. the treaty with the Iroquois was the main purpose of the Congress, the delegates also met to discuss intercolonial cooperation on other matters. Although only seven colonies sent commissioners, the plan proposed the union of all the British colonies except for Georgia and Delaware. The colonial governments were to select members of a "Grand Council," while the British Government would appoint a "president General." the Albany Plan gave the Grand Council greater relative authority. The plan also allowed the new government to levy taxes for its own support, which did not happen. The colonial governments’ own fears of losing power, territory, and commerce, both to other colonies and to the British Parliament, ensured the Albany Plan’s failure.

    if i were a colonial leader, i would be for the unity because i would want to try new things and i think that it would be cool.


  21. 1. People thought they were losing territory and such. The government was also at fault. Their fears of losing power, territory, and commerce both to other colonies and to the British Parliament .

    2. It depends but probably, maybe, not. I don't want to be forced into it. Plus, in my perspective i don't want more power and control over me. I do think the idea of wanting to be unified is an okay thought. But i probably would just want to be controlled by respected superiors, or be an outcast and live a life without all the different power and control around me.

    100 words

  22. 1. The Albany Plan of Union failed for many reasons. One being the fact that both the colonist and Britain rejected it. The colonies also did not want to give up it is power. They thought that they might lose territory and such so why chance it? They were so strongly against this idea that it did not even make it to the King to be finalized.
    2. If I was a person of high position back then then I probably would not know what to do. There are many pros and cons and if it were the case I had to choose then I would have to do a lot of praying. On one side why give up having your own government while on the other hand finally uniting could give you the strength you need to finale defeat the French and all their allies.
    3. 148

  23. 1)The Albany Plan of Union failed because the colonial governments believed that it would curb their authority.They also believed it would result in loss of land.The colonial governments were fearful of losing power,commerce,and territory and this resulted in the failure of The Albany Plan of Union.

    2)I'm kind of indifferent about being involved with The Albany Plan of Union.It would make a good defense system.Rather than being separated and sort of working alone government wise,it would be better to have one ruling body.That being said,they would have a president general appointed by England so for those who left England in hopes for more freedom,it isn't really appealing. (115 words)

  24. The Albany Plan failed because of being afraid of losing power. The colonists were afraid that they would lose their local power and England didn’t want to lose all power. If England had allowed the colonies to have a president appointed by them, then it is possible that the United States would have been a part of the English empire. Everyone was to worried about their own interests and it let to the colonies revolting against England. I would have supported the Albany Plan because as is shown in the picture that Benjamin Franklin drew, the snake is alive together, but dead apart.
    Word Count: 103

  25. they failed because of joe

    joe mama (:
