Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Modern Marvels: The Erie Canal & The National Road

As we discussed in class today, the early 19th century was a time of major evolution in the lives of Americans.  Technology was rapidly bringing convenience and efficiency into the lives of everyday citizens.  Read these two articles, one on the Erie Canal and the other on the National Road, to get an eyewitness perspective on two major developments in America's transportation network.

As you read these stories, put yourself in the place of a "common citizen" who was watching these events unfold.  Would you be excited? Scared of the "new way of life"? Worried about government taking up more land for future projects?  Looking to get in on the ground floor of these new construction projects?  For the comment section, pretend to write a letter to the editor of a local newspaper.  Give your thoughts on either the canal or the road.  What do you think people would have said back then?  Is "progress" always a good thing?


  1. Dear Ye Olde Times,
    Lately I have been seeing many new things being built and I like them a lot. The new road and canals have boosted my business and allowed me to sell my goods at a much faster pace. But there is a downside. Due to these advances in new-fangled technology people have been working in these things called factories that take away from my business. This change started out great but it has backfired on me and I don't think anything is going to change. People are going to keep making advances in industry and eventually I will be useless. Watch out and soon the machines will take over the world!
    The First White Mamba

  2. Lately there have been some new things going on in the area. These things called canals are being built to connect waterways for travel and transportation. They seem fairly useful, but the steamboats cant get through them. But nonetheless, they are still being used. I am very excited to see what new inventions will be built in the years to come! The canals are made of water, and boats are seen passing by all day long! The area is getting a lot more goods frequently because of how much quicker they get here! We are also able to trade more thanks to these new canals. (107)
    Sincerely, Savvy

  3. Dear Mr. Editor,
    I have just gone to see the two newest and most miraculous things in our country. The new National road and the Erie Canal are making such a difference in our nation's traveling. I just traveled on the newly completed road that makes such a difference because you don't have so many things in the way. It makes travel so much easier for large families. The new road and canal has made many more families try to get out and settle in the frontier. The new canal makes travel so much easier and makes the trade in America very effective. I think that technology is not always a good thing, but this I see is going to be great.

  4. Dear Mr. Editor,
    I have noticed, as well as everyone in the area I'm sure, that these canals they started building are very much improving our society! They are a quick way of transportation for goods or individuals. They are a faster and more efficient way of travel compared to the National roads. I am enjoying watching our country grow into a less agriculture and more manufacturing and futuristic nation. I can't wait to see what great things will come from America and all of our leaders to come. I'm sure most people feel the same as I do!
    Sincerely, Tobasco (107)

  5. Dear Mr. Editor,
    i will quickly tell you my thoughts on the 'technology', quite frankly, i believe that these new things can be a good or wonderful thing to the great united states. But also, well, it couldnt be. thankfully i have not that much to worry about as in family, food, etc. i believe that they are great in many ways. i dont really know how or if this is going to help the dear united states. it is very great to get new things and try them but sometimes no. i actually may like these for once. yay.


  6. Dear Editor Dude From Way Back When,
    These canals that are being built are just wonderful! I mean wowy zowy! They make transportation way easier and faster! The goods that I buy from my local store are there more often now because they get here sooner. It is so nice now that I can eat everyday now! We need many more of these canals to improve our cities and economy. Maybe we can put one in my backyard. With the canals and those new steamboats, we can transport stuff in just a couple of days. Thank you and I hope you agree with me! :) <3
    Sincerely, Steve!

  7. Dear editor of a local newspaper,
    My sister moved to West Virginia in 1848 and the road really helped her out, especially since she was leaving from here in Maryland where the road starts. It made the trip easier because she has a large family with 7 kids and one on the way and the road made it a smooth trip. There weren’t any trees or things blocking their way so it was a quick and easy trip. I’m thinking about moving out there myself. I can’t wait to see what the future will bring, maybe someday there’ll be other ways of transportation; faster ways. (105)

  8. oh, i forgot sincerely, Angry. (110)

  9. Dear Mr. Editor person,
    I really think that the canals have inproved our technology a bunch. They are very faster than on land. They are very expensive and some people dont have the money, but the canal was a good idea. Like my sister she doesnt have a lot of money but i give her some. I do think progress is good but maybe not every time. Some times tech. can get us in some trouble. I think America has a good rep with tech. Our leaders have done so good. The canal helps my family trade a lot more to.

  10. To the attention of: The editor of the Atlanta Times Newspaper

    My, oh my! What kind of a joke you think you’re pullin’, mister? You ‘xpect me to believe that there’s actually some kind of a new road thing goin’ on?______________________________________________
    Sorry ‘bout that. My senile old mother was writin’ in permanent ink, and I didn’t wanna waste any paper. I was just readin’ yer newest newspaper issue and I saw somethin’ ‘bout a new canal and road! I’m sure you know that this hasn’t reached us yet so I’m not sure what to expect. I hope it doesn’t bring a whole lotta loud yuppies tramplin’ through our farm like they own the place, but on the other hand, it’ll sure make travel easier. That is, of course, I you wasn’t lyin’ ‘bout all that good stuff. I’d really like an easier way to see my sisters and brothers without that hassle of a horse ride up there to big ‘ole fancy Pennsylvania. Speakin’ of my horse, I’d better be saddlin’ up old Isabelle right now. She gets antsy when I don’t give her a daily ride.

    Ethel Mae Sue Ann Liza Eisenhower
    -1 year later-

    Howdy mister editor! It’s me again! I just wanted to tell you that that road made me happier than a pig in mud! Now I can see Diana, Esther, Billy Bob, Joann, Thomas, Johnny, Elizabeth, and great granny much more! My dairy farmin’ business has been through the roof! I can go to town all the time now that there’s a road, and more people are there to buy my milk and cheeses! And I’m thinkin’ of usin’ one of them steamboats to sell my products nationally! These roads and canals are the best thing since store-bought bread!

    Yours Truly,
    Ethel Mae Sue Ann Liza Eisenhower


  11. Dear Mr. Editor,
    It has been my pleasure of last week to travel in a packet boat on the new Erie Canal. It was exciting to see new territory with scenic mountains, valleys and vast forests. The team of sturdy horses pulled us ever so gently down the waterway. The table settings and food were the best luxuries to be had. However, the sleeping berths were comical. I had such apprehension getting into one but managed to adjust quite well. This mode of transportation is so progressive and luxurious. It cut my travel time in half. I do feel that the mass of immigrants going west can use the National Road in a practical way. The rough terrain and slow pace is hard but one can transport all their goods and an entire family in an economical way. These new things seem great for our nation but I wonder how it will affect our lives.(155)

  12. I had the divine opportunity of traveling on the new Erie Canal. I truly thought that the entire experience was just blissful. There was somthing new to see everyday; the sights and veiws were never the same, not once. I would have nevera' guessd that so many things so close to each other could ever look so different! There was however one thing i did not approve of: the bridges. they were dangerously low! And honest I'm not even worried about me; i trust my actions and my judgement and i knew i would be ok, but some people who have too many kids they just cant always keep up with them and was awful scared for them every time we approached a bridge. The captian sure was awful good about tellin us when we were coming on a bridge tho, thata way there would be no surprised people who didnt see it comin.161

  13. Dear editor of the newspaper, I believe that the national Road has improved so much on my life. Just yesterday I had a large amount of cargo that needed to get to Maryland when this road was built I was so excited to finally get to use it. My cargo arrived safely and in Maryland because of this wondrous new invention. Who knows if this idea of roads will catch on but I have a feeling that they will and they will benefit everyone in America. The more progress the butter for our new country. We need to expand through our borders and work towards progress.

  14. Dear newspaper editor, I truthfully think that the nation road has made a good impact on my life. My great aunt, who is very close to me, recently moved to Maryland. She has recently been rather sick, and she needs someone to take care of her. Before the national road was here, it would take what seemed like forever to get to her! Now, thanks to the national road( a wonderful idea, might I add) I can reach her a lot faster! The national road has indeed made a great impact on my life! I am very glad that this was a positive change rather than a negative one!
    Sincerely, Godfrey
