Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The French & Indian War: The War That Made America

The other major event at this time in the colonies, besides the First Great Awakening (which was covered in last week's blog) was the French + Indian War. Essentially, the French and British were fighting in Europe and it bled over into the North American continent. Fighting broke out in 1754 and was concluded in 1763. The British won the war and gained essentially all the land EAST of the Mississippi River. This was is interesting because there were conflicts between the French/British, British/Colonists and Colonists/Natives.

For this week, watch this video and take good notes while you listen/watch. Summarize the important points (people, battles, places etc.) of this conflict in the comments section. What would've happened if the French had won the war?


  1. During the 18th century, many people were in North America. The French were in New France (aka Canada), the Spanish were in the west, and the British were in the east, but moving west. When everyone discovered firearms they all wanted it. It helped make each side stronger. One fight broke out with the French and the Huron vs. the British and the Iroquois. Everyone wanted the Ohio River Valley and Great Lakes so everyone fought for them. During the 1740s England and their allies, Germany, fought with the French and their allies, Austria. In 1745 England captured Louisburg. The French tried to take it back, but weren't successful. With France at St. Lawrence River it was threatening. England on the Atlantic Coast. In 1748 a. Treaty was signed that granted temporary peace. In the 1750s though, the tensions in North America came back. France leader, Marce du Cane, began establishing new settlements in North America. Both sides were making plans for war. England sent George Washington in 1754 to attack the French, but he met them sooner than expected in the woods. This battle began the French and Indian war. British colonists and 6 Native American groups met to discuss how to protect their land. This is where Benjamin Franklin debuted the Albany Plan of Union. When everyone returned home they came to no agreement, but had the basis of government that would soon become the United States of America. In 1756 conflict spread from North America to Europe. In Europe the French and Indian war was known as the 7 years' war. Britain won this war after a long and hard time of fighting. To the British William Pitt was a big reason they won. He captured Fort Ducane which was attempted before by the British, but they failed. He also succeeded in sending men to capture Montreal and Quebec. In 1763 the Treaty of Paris was signed. It stated that France no longer owned any land in North America. If France had one this war, I think America would be very different, nonetheless our history.(348)

  2. In this week’s blog I will talk about the French and Indian war. Both of the forces British and French planned to attack the other with the native patterns. The native asked that the French would help them defeat their enemy the earocoy tribe. The eracoy tribe had the same plan as the heron the chose the British to fight with them to defeat the heron tribe. So with both of the forces having plans to attack a bloody battle was about to begin. In this war there were many battles and with battles you would need a general. The British chose the general as George Washington. In this he fought in many of battles throughout this war and eventually became part of the government of the United States of America. Eventually a man in New York made a compact saying that the country should be all under one government. Therefore the change in America was very big on us and the people here at the time.

  3. This week’s blog I will be talking about the French and Indian war. They both had similar planes to team up with the people who were already living there and have them help them defeat their enemy’s. And the people who already lived there were known as Indians and they said we will help you if you will help us defeat our enemy tribe the eraco. So the Indians helped and one of the Indian chefs said this was the bloodies battle he has ever been in. But the French needed a General so they put George Washington in charge charge of that and after some time he became part of the Government then eventually the he was standing alone in front of York town saying that we need to be under one governments control. (135)

  4. There were many important aspects of the French and Indian War. One of them would be that was fought in two different continents, North America and Europe. Another one is that even the Indians picked sides. A third one would be that the colonists could fend for themselves. This was proven when the colonists took Louisburg from the French, which is in modern day Nova Scotia. Also, George Washington led a group of one hundred and fifty men to modern day Pittsburg to establish a fort called Fort Necessity, but that didn’t work out so well because they were beaten badly. Quebec was the capital of New France (Canada), and it was thought that it was impossible to attack. But then, General James Wolfe found a poorly guarded path and defeated the French army on the Plains of Abraham. After the fall of Quebec, the Treaty of Paris of 1763 was signed, which forced France to give up Canada and most of its lands east of the Mississippi River. This also ended the war and Spain was forced to give up Florida. This war is considered to be the first world war because there was fighting all over the world.(200)

  5. In the 18th century, North America was changing. Many colonists were moving west from the Atlantic coast while the French settled in what is now Canada. However, disease came and took out Lots of tribes! After diseases, firearms came which allowed some of the tribes to be more powerful. After all this happened, many allies were shifted around and many trading partners were changing around. However, settlers of New France wanted to increase their land holdings so they could have a lot more for to trade. Their interest was the Ohio River Valley and all the great lakes. Then, the British started moving into the Ohio River Valley! The conflict between the British and the French in North America aligned with power struggles in Europe! Soon enough, war broke out between George II of England and his allies in Northern Germany against France and Austria. Then, the British captured the French city of Louisburg. The French tried to take back the city, but that did not happen. After that, colonist in New England began to make a plan to invade Canada to make sure the French would not gain any strong holds in North America. In 1748 a peace treaty was signed made for a lull in the hostilities. However, in the 1750s tensions in America were soon rising. In 1754, the British let George Washington and 150 men go to Fort Ducanne but before they arrived, they came into contact with French and Uron Indians in the woods. The French and Indians came out victors but the allowed George Washington to go with what was left of his troops. That battle marked the start of the French and Indian war. In 1756, tensions in North America became a, yes, global conflict! It all started in Europe then spread to the colonies, then aggression went from the colonies back to Europe. Battles between Britain, France, Spain, and other European countries spread many places including Africa! All of this conflict was known as the French and Indian war, also known in Europe as the seven years war. Even though the triumph did not come easily, Britain soon came out the victor. If the French had won the war, many things would be different. We cannot say what all would be different, but I would think the way we do things now would be very different if the French had won the war. Let us just say, it is good that Britain won! (411)

  6. In the mid eighteenth century the British were moving West form the Atlantic Coast into Ohio River Valley. The Spanish occupied the Gulf of California extending through the dessert along the Gulf Coat of Florida. The French were settling New France, or present-day Canada. European expansion and diseases decimated whole tribes of Native Americans. But trade relations and firearms gave the Native American power. Native American groups struggled with each other just as much as with the white invaders. Both the Native Americans and the Europeans took hold of alliances whenever possible. In the 1600's the Native Americans were seen as obstacles to the Europeans. Alliances were finally formed in the 1700's. The French formed an alliance with the Huron tribe. As the British formed an alliance with the Iroquois tribe. Both alliances were wanting to get more land so they could increase their fur trade, Ohio River and the Great Lakes. The conflicts of The French and the British in America paralleled with the conflicts in Europe. War started in Europe and the British captured present-day Novaskosha. A peace treaty in 1748 allowed for a temporary rest in the war. By the 1750's tension in America was on the rise. Both alliances were planning attacks. In 1754 George Washington was sent to Fort Duquesne. But before he cold get there Washington and his troops ran into a battle were he was allowed to retreat. This battle started the French and Indian War. Benjamin Franklin tried to cause peace and brought up something called the Albany Plan of Union, which failed. Some disorganization cause the British some battles. General Edward Braddock lost a battle and lost his life in trying to capture Fort Duquesne. The British hero of the war was William Pitt, who would later become prime minister of England in 1756. In 1758 the British captured Fort Duquesne which was renamed Fort Pitt. After that Pitt set out to capture more French settlements. The Battle of Quebec turned out to be he confining battle in the French and Indian War. The Paris Treaty of 1763 sated that France did not hold control over any part of North America except two small islands near the Newfoundland. If the French would have won the French and Indian War then I believe that we would all be speaking French. And I also believe that France would be our main ally. (402)

  7. The French and Indian war was felt all over the world. In the new world of America, both the French and the British had control of different land. Both wanted to move into the Ohio Valley. The French had teamed up with the native tribe of the Herons and established trade relations. The British had teamed up with some natives known as the Iroquois Indians. The British send George Washington to attack the Ducane fort but were met by the French and Herons and were defeated. The colonists wanted to govern themselves and wrote the Albany Plan of Union that would establish a colonial government and army. The struggles happening in America had spread to the rest of the world and became known as the Seven Years War. British came out the winner, but if France would have won, the entire world could have been affected. Many countries around the world would have changed from a British power to a French influenced power. We may not even be speaking English today.(171)

  8. during the eighteenth century, the british went on a huge push to move west from the east coast towards the Mississippi river. This angered the French and natives, which started war. The natives still tried to stay in the neutral zone, but eventually the Huron allied with the French, and the Iriqouis allied with the british. This caused war all over the world between britian and France. The british started the attacks, and George Washington was a british general, who was involved in the first attack. The british lost. Both groups were angered and wanted the land for their own reasons, The French for fur, and The british for expansion. The Colonies were called together, all but 3, and they presented the Albany union act. This was to take power from the colonies, to create a centralized govt. for the 13 colonies. Bradock lead the first attack, but had George Washington under him. They were ambushed by about 300 French, and the 1,300 british troops, almost got whipped out. William pitt was the true hero though. he was the person who took control of Fort Duccan. Piitt had James Wolf attack Quebec, which was the last battle of the war. The French were forced to surrender. he treaty of parris was signed in 1763, which gave all land west of the Mississippi and Canada, to Britian. If the French won, then we would be speaking French, as well as being more associated with France instead of England today. (248)

  9. In this blog I will tell you some of important things in the French and Indian War. By the mid-18th century in North America, The British were moving west towards the Ohio River Valley. The French settled primarily New France the area that later become Canada. From the arrival of Europeans the diseases they brought decimated numbers of Native American tribes. The War between the British and the French was emerged into North America. So they allied themselves with the Natives. The British were allied with the Iroquois Tribe, and the French were allied with the Huron Tribe. The French were allied with the Huron back in the 16 hundreds because the Huron asked the French to help fight the Iroquois. Meanwhile the British a trade relationship with the Iroquois as a result they were aligned themselves with the Iroquois. The war was the Iroquois and the British versus the French and the Huron. In 1754 the British dispatched 22 year old lieutenant colonel George Washington and 150 men to Fort Duquesne. However before Washington and his men could get there they ran into small group of French and Huron. This battle started the French and Indian War. William Pitt was another person who was important in this war who was later Prime Minister of England. His administration designed an offensive that successfully captured Fort Duquesne. It was renamed Pittsburgh in honor of William Pitt. Then he set off to conquer Quebec which became the end of the war which was one by the British. If the French won we wouldn't have been able to grow into free country instead of English we would be speaking French, because there wouldn't be English in America. (284)

  10. By the mid 18th century north Americas face was changing every one was moving west into the Ohio River valley. The Spanish controlled the entire California gulf all the way to the Florida gulf coast. Although the moving changed life for the Indians it did it in different ways. On was there diseases whipped out entire tribes. The other was better weapons made tribes stronger. In the 17 hundreds European tension helped with the movement of colonists west. But this presented a problem mainly for the natives. The Ohio River valley was where most Indians were located at the time, by doing this they were pushing the Indians out of there own land. When this happens negotiations come and the Indians needed help at the time so they went to the Europeans at said you need help we need help you help us we help you. Then they went into one of the bloodiest battle in their history. After this the French needed a general and they appointed George Washington. (170)
