Monday, November 9, 2015

If it was you

Revolutionary war - If it was you!

The Treaty of Paris was signed in Paris, France on September 3, 1783.  This ended the American Revolutionary War, and gave the colonies their independence from Great Britain. The 13 states were now free to join together and become the United States of America. They could now form their own government and make their own laws. This freedom was the most important effect of the American Revolution. New ideas like those expressed in the Declaration of Independence were now allowed to spread and grow in the new country.  If the revolution had not taken place, we might still be under British rule today.
         The British gave America all of the land between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi River, from Canada to the north and Florida to the south.  The land east of the Mississippi River, between the Ohio River and the Great Lakes was known as the Northwest Territory.  The English had taken this land from the French during the French and Indian War. The British had not allowed the colonists to move west over the Appalachian Mountains into this territory.  They had "reserved" it for the Indian Nations. This land would now be open for settlement.
         After the war, the British Army and Navy agreed to leave all American territories.   England had controlled trade in the colonies.  They had forced the colonists to trade only with England and buy only English goods.  They had placed heavy taxes on products from other countries. The United States was now able to trade freely with other countries of the world.

         British nobility had always ruled the colonies. The newly formed United States of America would need to set up a new national government. The citizens of the new country did not want the national government to be so large and powerful that it became like the English Parliament with a ruling king.  They did not want a government that would impose high taxes like England had done before the revolution.  New York, like the other 12 colonies, had called itself a state for two years before the end of the revolution. They did not want to give up the power to make their own decisions. The new government would be weak however, unless the states were willing to compromise.

Imagine you lived in this area as a new American with freedoms. Describe what actions will change for you looking forward. Describe the emotions of knowing friends and family have passed but the effort was not in vain but for a purpose.


  1. If I lived in this area, with the new freedoms I had,I would rejoice! Even though there were still taxes, and laws to follow. There were no stupid Stamp Acts, no useless taxes, and no rude British Soldiers. The new things I will be looking forward to would seeing is how George Washington, and other important people are going to arrange the government, I don't want to have another controlling king. If we do, some of my friends and family have died in vain. Even though they have passed, I need to keep my head up because they fought for my freedom. I am very thankful for what my friends have family have done, and hopefully the new upcoming government will remember what the people have fought for and keep that in mind while rebuilding America. 137

  2. If I was in this new land called America with new freedoms, I would be looking forward to starting a good life. England had many laws that America didn't, but there were obviously some similarities in laws. However, I would greatly enjoy new freedoms because that means I can do almost anything I want with my land. I wouldn't have to give it up to a king if he wanted the land,I could trade with whoever I wanted, and I could buy from anyone I want (looking at you tea act). I would also be very great full for my friends and family who may have sacrificed their lives for that cause, because it really was worth it in the end. Would I miss them? Yes. Would I wish they hadn't died? Of course. But I know that they knew exactly what they were signing up for and were willing to give up their life to make sure I have the freedoms I do today.

    Word Count-166

  3. If I a new person in America, I old be happy. Even if the laws were harsh and the taxes were high I would still be happy because I was getting away from Britain where it was messed up. There would not be any use less tax or tea acts or anything like that. The thing I would look forward too is watching the different ways George Washington commanded and other guys. Another thing I would be happy about is not having to share my house with any one else. I would also need to be thankful for my friends because they fought hard for me.

    WORD COUNT-106

  4. If I lived in a place where I had new freedoms I would be pretty happy. I mean we they had laws like us but some of the had to be the same. I would look forward to doing many things like seeing how everything would play out with all the important people. Also I would have my rights with my stuff like trading, land, and so much more. It would be mine and no one could take it away from me so easy. Also my family they risked their lives for everyone else I would be proud of them but also sad I mean the government would need to realize that they risked everything and how would they feel if it was someone in their family.

  5. If I lived in this new land with the new these new laws, I would probably have mixed feelings about it. Just knowing that my family has passed on and I'm not able to rejoice with them is kind of depressing but at the same time I would be happy. I would probably do everything that I was not able to do before just knowing me. To honest I really would not like the feeling of not have the support of my family with me, but know that they didn't go in vain makes me very happy. So over all I would REJOICE.
    Word Count- 103

  6. If I lived in America at this time, I would be extremely happy because everything that we had fought for was finally received. The struggle for freedom had not been in vain and now there wouldn't be any British intrusion in our governmental affairs. We wouldn't have to put up with taxes or British soldiers in our cities. Finally, we would have our own country.It would be easier to remember those I had lost,knowing that they died for this cause and it was finally recognized.I would still be sad that they were not there when what they had fought for had actually been accomplished.I would look forward to a better life under this new government that I would actually have a say in. (127 words)

  7. If I were to live in America, and the British had given us all this land I would be very happy. After, we had one so many battles and had fought so hard. If they were leaving and then we, as. Americans had all this great land it would be awesome. The America revolution has been described different by many people. However, from the way it has been said, America had a great Miracle and ended up winning in the end. This means freedom. I'd love the freedom part. We even had Canada. At this point, I think all I could do is just be thankful. (106)

  8. If I lived in America at this time I would probably be excited but sad and scared at the same time. I would be excited because we just won the war and defeated Britiain was ruling us for like ever. I would be sad because I probably would have lost close relatives and close friends in the war , and it would probably be very hard to go on with life and live without them. I would also be scared because now we have to find somewhere to get goods other wise would starve to death. Living back then probably would have been interesting, yet not as fun as today.

  9. This weeks blog is about being in America, and what I would do and how would I feel about it.

    If I had made it all the way to America from England, I would be very excited for many reasons. I would also be very appreciative for all those who had died trying to come here. I would want to start fresh by chopping down some trees, building a log house, hunting, and eventually, having a family. There would be endless possibilities no that "I wasn't under britains control". We could no govern our selves and make our own rules. It would be great! My emotions would consist of nothing less of ecstatic to be in America, land of the free. Being able to freely commune and trade with my fellow colonists would be another plus. King George would have no idea how glad I would be to finally be away from him.

    Word count: 156

  10. If I lived during the period of time where the Revolutionary War was finally over and America had just won their freedom, at first, I would be happy and proud to be free and to have beaten Britain, one of the most powerful countries at the time. True, I would be sad that many people died and many people lost people they loved very much, but I know that they did not die for nothing. But the rational part of my brain would have realized that this is a new country without a strong government and a good way of running things. Although I would be happy to be free, a part of me would probably be afraid of being away from Britain, who had protected me for so long.
    (130 Words)

  11. If I lived during this time I do not really no what I would do. First of all by what I am guessing that this was a hard time for America. We were going through a war so who knows what the people would go though back then. If I lived back then I would pray every day and honestly not think about all the hard ships in life. Also the emotions that I would go through would be unbearable because I can not keep my emotions under control. So if someone died I would be very sad and would not wanna talk to anyone at all.

    Word count : 149

  12. If I had lived during this time in America, I would be excited that I had new freedoms. We would not have to pay taxes, put up with British soldiers, or buy goods from only certain businesses. However, I would also be a bit scared. Imagine not having the British behind your back. At the time, the British were the most powerful people in the world. Now, the colonists wouldn't have them behind their back. They would have to actually fight for ourselves. I would also be glad that my family and friends fought for something that had a purpose.

    Word count: 103

  13. If i was living in this area with American freedom I probably wouldn't last long and I would probably be happy. I would not want to know about looking forward in my life because of deaths in the family maybe or even losing family or friends. The emotions of my friends and family members dying would be depressing and overwhelming. The actions that would change me from looking forward would be the loss of friendship and harsh punishments and also no one caring or loving for me especially if my friends and family didn't love or care about me too. 100 words

  14. If I lived in America after the revolutionary war, I would have lots of mixed emotions. For one, I would be sad about those I had lost in the war. But, I would also feel happy that all that my loved ones had fought for had been redeemed. Then, I would be excited for the dawn of a brand new era of civilization. America would be the beacon of hope, life, and liberty to the rest of the world. My life would now be free from the tyranny and oppression of Britain, the largest and most powerful country in the world.

  15. If I lived back then and I just got freedom for the first time I would have been really happy but kind of sad at the same time. I know that the people who died didn't do it in vain because we ended up winning and they saved the future of this nation. And as they looked forward they discovered many things as well as if we did not look forward like we did back then we probably would not have had the things we have today. If it was me I would have looked forward to the good times we would have later in life just like we do today in life look forward to the the good times. Also I would be really upset and it would take me a while to get over my friends and family being dead if that happened to me. Though it would take me a while to get over it I would still eventually and though it would be painful but I would still probably have friends left and I could also make some more friends and help them trough the tuff time they are having as well.

    Word Count 196

  16. For me, I would probably take advantage of that freedom. I would also thank my friends and some family for the sacrifices they had made for me and others. It would be painful for me to even think about forgetting them. I would visit their grave every day thanking them. Going back when I said, I would take advantage of the freedom, I would definantly be upset and sad. Because even though I know, they gave their lives for my freedom, I would want them there with me, experiencing the same freedom I'm experiencing. Even though, their freedom is probably way better, I would want them to be with me.
    It would be hard for me to try to make new friends. I'll think of the past times where we were together, and I might compare them to the people trying to be friends with me, and I don't want to do that. Starting a new family would also be rough. Because it's me I would go to the places that brought back memories of them, so I didn't have to forget all the happy and sad moments I had together with them. Everyday would be difficult but I could bare with it.

    204 words counted

  17. I would be happy because people died for me to get freedom and knowing that some of those people could have been my family it would make it better. People would have given their lives for me to be free and I would be happy. It would make me sad to know that they were gone and I couldn't have stopped them. People when they're really die they would forget about them and not remember them. People would take advantage of being free and use it to their advantage. Word count 104

  18. This question is a tough one for me to imagine. My response to that question is, that it would be exstreemly hard to press on without some one I would want them to be there with me but in the end it just adds up to that I would be scared and lonely. I would feel some what better that they where a small part of a big plan to help save our country and make it free. Plus if I could see into the future and see America today I would be proud, proud that my loved ones sacrifice helped many people. I think maybe in there I would help and serve. But it would depend on if Thas what God wants for me.
    125 words

  19. If I would have lived in this new place with a bunch of freedom, I would be very happy and I would probably start a brand new life. Even though they had laws and taxes, I would still be happy even though I would not want to pay the taxes or follow the laws. I would try to live a very happy life. I would really enjoy the freedom. You would probably just do whatever you would really want and I would enjoy that. I would look forward to having a bunch of new land and new friends to start a new life.

    (103 words)

  20. I would be more worried about protection against natives and the French because they might want to get rid of us and make America part of France. Another thing would be that we as a country would be most likely needing help from other countries to get started up since we are brand new. My emotions would be sadness, but also joy because we would be free from British rule since most laws would be made here because any British rules would be extremely hard to enforce since they are an ocean away. I would feel alittle helpless since we just started as a country but knowing that we have great leaders leading us would make that go away eventually.
    (Word count 120)

  21. I would have felt over whelmed. We finally have our own country, with our own rules, and British can't "boss us around" anymore! I would have been very grateful for all the people, through all the legacies, who got us here. Yes many of them have died, but back then, America wouldn't have been America without a lot of people. I would probably look forward to he most is, not having everything I buy, being taxed. I think that would have gotten annoying. Yes nothing is going to be free, but it may not cost as much now. I also wonder, how many people took advantage of the time when there wasn't too many "rules" too follow. Because yes they had the Declaration of Independence, but I also don't think they thought of that and the Amendments as soon as we became America, or maybe they did. If there was a period of time, where no one had "rules" to go by or follow, I think I would have taken advantage of that time.

    174 words

  22. As a newly formed nation, there would be several things that I would look forward to. Of course, I would be extremely happy about taxes being lifted. Britain had severely taxed the colonies with various acts that parliament passed. Also, I would feel much safer. Now that there is a written agreement on whose land this is, there would be no need to continue fighting for it, and there would be no more perilous riots. A new government would also be a great thing to look forward to. Since America is now a new country, a new government is necessary. All those old taxes and ridiculous acts passed by a previous government would now become void, and another form of government would be formed; a democracy. These are the things I would look forward to as a newly formed nation.
    Overtaking land usually isn’t a matter of simply proclaiming that this is now someone’s land; it usually involves much conflict and usually it comes down to war. Unfortunately, that happened in the Revolutionary and many deaths were involved. Applying the situation to myself, it would be quite tough to have a loved one die suddenly. Although it would be for a cause for many great things to come, it would still have a major effect on me because it really would make me think that maybe the same outcome would have occurred if that person had not been involved. It probably would be hard to overcome a loss like this as well. Unfortunately, war doesn’t come without deaths, and one of those deaths might be someone you know or a person in your family.

  23. I would feel like I would be losing my family over the dumbest things. I feel like the freedom I had would be the most important thing in my life. If I lived in this time I would do everything I could for more freedom. If I had family and friends with family that had died for freedom I would thank them for their sacrifice all the time. I would probably celebrate most thing with them. I would sit and listen to the stories the family members told. If I had family or really close friends that were killed I would want them to be there for me.

    If I was brand new I would probably try to make as many friends as possible. If the new friends I made had death in the family I would do everything I could for them to be comfortable. I would walk around knowing that it would be hard to make friends, but it would be worth it. There would be so many people there to comfort me if I had lost my family it would just be amazing. The events that would probably affect me most is the actual war/battles. It would feel like way to much of a sacrifice I probably wouldn't be able to handle it. (217 words)

  24. If I lived in this Time I would be very happy that we had freedom and were our own country but I would feel like was it worth it losing that meaning people at the cost of freedom it was. The British could no longer tax us and the acts parliament passed were no longer in affect I'm not sure if people actually needed to sacrifice themselves or not. But they were willing to fight for us so we would no longer be taxed by the British who also tortured Us for wanting to be free from their terrible reign.

    Word count: 100

  25. If I lived in America with freedom I would be so honored. The reason why I would be honored is because some of my family members fought for me to be able to live in a free country. I would also be sad because I lost my family and friends in the war, but I know that they fought with a purpose and they fought for what they believed in. I would probably have mixed feelings about living in a free country without my family and friends thee to support me on thing when I need them. I also think that I would take advantage of being in a free country because I get to do what I want. Without anyone telling me what to do or when to do it. So my emotions would be very weird staying in a new country.
    Word count 143

  26. Imagine you lived in this area as a new American with freedoms. Describe what actions will change for you looking forward. Describe the emotions of knowing friends and family have passed but the effort was not in vain but for a purpose.

  27. If I lived in America at this time then my actions would change for the better. I would certainly be more grateful and humble knowing that men and woman gave their lives for mine and everyone else's freedom. I would feel privileged to live in a place where freedom means that much.
    I would be very sad at first if family members and friends of mine passed away in the war. I would have to mourn for a while and pray a lot. Thankfully most family that passed away would be going to a better place so I would try not to ask why because that is selfish. It would take awhile but I would realize that they did not die for nothing. They died for something they believed in. As a result of this I probably would help any way I could considering my age with the process of a new country.

    Word count- 156
