Monday, February 23, 2015

Technology and Industry: Innovations that changed America

Industry, travel, and communications greatly expanded during the 1800s. These innovations began changing the way Americans worked, traveled, and communicated. As the book mentions, industrialization developed into three phases. First phase, manufacture workers divided the tasks among other workers to produce faster production. Second phase, manufacturers built factories with more specialized workers. Third phase, factory workers used more machinery to allow access goods to produced at an incredible rate. These mass productions led to new inventions.

Your assignment: Use this link to choose an invention. There are 13 of you and 13 of inventions. Each student must choose an invention different from other students in the class. After choosing an invention you must research on your own, and discuss the chosen invention. Give details such as who invented this invention, how did it help the United States, what was the outcome, etc.?

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Economic Growth: The Wave of New Technology

In the mid-1700s the way goods were made began to change. Industries became a startling revolution in the United States. This boom led to people leaving their homes and farms to go up North for new jobs.

The cotton gin was a machine that could remove the seeds from the cotton fiber rapidly and efficiently, With this said, the need for workers and labor increased. Follow this link to discuss how the cotton gin was a reason that led to the Civil War. The video will expand on the concept.

How do you feel about the invention of the cotton gin now? Good or bad invention?

Monday, February 9, 2015

War of 1812: The second war of independence?

The War of 1812 was a was against Britain. The British navy was disengaging America's desire to expand its territories. Impressment of America seaman was at a all time high. This was could be considered as a controversy war. The United States was not ready for another war in the eyes of many Americans.

Follow this link to the History Channel. In there, there are countless videos and articles describing the events of the War of 1812. Please choose one video and one article and discuss your findings in essay form.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Louisiana Purchase: American Expansion

The Louisiana Purchase was influential in American expansion westward. This westward expansion of the United States was fruitful for the American people. Use this link to read reasons that Americans were able to receive such a large amount of land. Also, describe Thomas Jefferson's role in purchasing the land that doubled the mass of the United States.
For your leisure please watch this video to further enhance your knowledge on the Louisiana Purchase.