Monday, December 5, 2016

World War One: Propaganda Posters

As some of you noted in last week's blog, the use of propaganda during this war was prevalent in America. Although, many European countries used poster-propaganda as well.

Similar to our political cartoons blog a few weeks back, I want you to find an interesting WW1 propaganda poster, post the link in the comments and explain it. You cannot use a poster someone else has posted, so the sooner you get this done, the easier it will be on you! (200 words minimum)



    In this picture, it has a bunch of men riding horses. At the top of the picture of the men it says "At the front!" Below the picture of the men and horses, it says, "Every fit Britain should join our brave men at the front. Enlist now." This type of poster was trying to encourage men to enlist and help out Britain. At the time, Britain only had a professional army, but did not have a place of national service. Because of the many posters that were put up, numbers of enlisters rose. Because of this, these types of posters were kept up during the time of the war. Most of the time, these posters weren't only used to recruit meant to the military cause. Usually, the posters urged wartime thrift and were used to seek funds from the public. The most propaganda posters were put up in the United States. Many of the posters in Britain included things about out doing someone who has the same job as you, stuff about Hitler, and even a picture of a pig that said "We want your kitchen waste" with a pig and a trash can that said "pig food." This poster was specifically encouraging people to keep certain things out of their waste and that the council would collect it. (220 words)


    The propaganda poster that I picked depicts a man that looks happy in the waves at a beach (as one typically does at the beach on a sunny day) and it says , "it's nice in the surf, but what about the men in the trenches, go and help" this propaganda poster is promoting enlisting in the military for the world war 1 and It was probably meant to hit a soft spot talking about the men defending them out on the front lines and was supposed to encourage men to get up the nerve to volunteer to fight. The draft was put into place by the president Roosevelt who signed the Selective Training and Service Act that began in 1940, and remained in place for many years to come, in fact The draft continued through the war and into late 1973. And More than 10 million men entered military service through the Selective Service System during World War II alone. How ever the US wasn't the only country to use the propaganda posters to their advantage, England did it too. Propaganda was used to get money, assistance, supplies, etc. (201)


    in this picture it shows uncle sam pointing at (you) saying he wants you to join the military. at this time some people may have not wanted to join the army and not that this forced people to join the army but it was a strong force that made people almost want to. however there was not a draft at this time it probably led to the draft that happened in world war two. Since people did not want to join the army they had to have a draft registration but the draft did not happen for another 30 or so years. Uncle sam has been an icon of this country for a long time and when people see him it makes them feel more patriotic and i see how this can make some one want to join the war to fight for this beautiful country that we live in. Uncle sam is used in not just this picture but many other propaganda pictures. He is not really used as much today as he was in the past because i would say the navy is stronger than the army so our focus may be more on that but he is still a very big icon from this era and world war one. (212) this is avery


    This cartoon shows that about how demanding we we're as a country at that point and time. We wanted to bring as many people to the military as possible we needed man power beacuse we were trying to gain world domination at the point and time. We wanted to basically entice to do as much manual laborer as possible wither through military work or day to day laborer. America needed more money to fund for are military development so we tried as many ideas and philosophy's to get our economy back on track. It got involved because we are allies and they were in the middle of the controversy and they wanted us to fight with them and also beacuse of the Zimmerman telegraph which wanted Mexico to declare war on the United States. Which we wanted to pump out or chest and prove that we weren't to be messed with and we were going to show our physical and mental will power. The main point of the cartoon is to show that America is going to do anything we could to show that we were and still are the best country on the planet (207 words)


    This propaganda poster is most likely a typical kind you'd see commonly, it deals with saving or giving food in order to feed our troops. In this case the label says "Canada Food Board" and right under it, it says S.O.S. they use these posters to lead on the public in a benefit for the war. A simple quote such as "We are saving you, you save food." Can be striking enough for most people to stop buying food in mass so we can win the war. It puts this grief over your head, that if you do buy more food than others supporting those dying across seas. You'll feel bad for doing so, and that's the purpose in these posters. But our troops really did need food so I'd say it was for a worthy cause. It'd be different if it was more deceiving. There was another poster similar to this one, signifying that food was like ammunition and very valuable even if the public knew it or not. So these posters helped spread awareness, it was almost like a sign such as the cancer ribbon to remind those of the threat. War is a vital time for a country and they have to do whatever they can to win this war. I'd say the propaganda posters played a role for the people back at home that weren't yet associated with the war or couldn't fight as a soldier. This was one way they could help the effort and win the war, I'm sure there are dozens more that they came up with for the same food method.
    -Matthew Mettendorf

    Poster showing a soldier with a flag and a sailor with a sign, "We depend on you." this was a poster mainly about the Government selling Liberty Bonds.
    A Liberty Bond was a war bond that was sold in the United States to support the allied cause in World War I. Subscribing to the bonds became a symbol of patriotic duty in the United States and introduced the idea of financial securities to many citizens for the first time. A government bond is a bond issued by a national government, generally with a promise to pay periodic interest payments and to repay the face value on the maturity date. 203


    This Canadian World War One propaganda poster comes from Canada, and reperesents not only the need for soldiers to fight in the war, but it also brought awareness for the women who the soldiers left behind. Many wives faced hard times during the war because of their husbands leaving, often times leaving behind not only their spouse, but also their children too. It encouraged those who could't or wouldn't join the war to help those who were left behind yet still directly involved in it. We often forget about the struggle these women faced all on their own for weeks, months, and sometimes years. Women had to be the head of the household for a period of time before they came home, if they ever did. Rations and different organizations helped the women, especially those who were unemployed. Remember, women were just beginning to enter the workforce, and most were stay-at-home moms, so their husbands were their only source of income. These women were not only struggling financially, but also mentally. Some even went through pregnancy on their own, and went through the pains of childbirth without their husbands by their side. This poster reminds us that things were hard for everyone, not just those on the battlefield. (208)


    This propaganda poster is trying to talk men into joining the army so that the war can end sooner in 1915. It says oh happy new year to our gallant soldiers because it's telling people our men are over seas spending their new year. It honestly actually might mean we can have our soldiers back home before 1915 if more men join because with more men you have more firepower and with more firepower the war can end sooner and get our boys over seas back for New Years. But I don't know when the poster was published so I can't really put it into context.105


    This poster is about food rationing that took place during world war one. The United States troops were basically starving because they had limited access to food. The United States then asked people to waste nothing when it came to food because they need some food for the war effort. The slogan that they had for this was that Food would win the War. This sparked a movement that lead to the rationing of food for the war effort. This meant that families did not waste food and they helped in any way they could to win the war. Unlike today the people would protest the war but back then they would help in any way they can they would donate aluminium to build planes and bacon grease to make tnt and they recycled numerous different kind of metals along with plastics and sugar. This also included bread they would (like on ships like the mayflower) they would make the bread hard and it was like a cracker minus the tasty salt but they were still well fed and that is the main contributing factor that would help us win the war. (200 words)


    I thought this was interesting because people thought everything back then. Really would we fall if England fell to Germany I don't think so. I think we still could of won the war with out England I think we are the strongest country since then so I think we would of pulled it out just based on heart alone. Not to mention we were one of the suppliers to most countries in gun supplies. Who knows maybe if England had fell we would live in a better world where the United States and Germany and France where the big nice beautiful places instead of England. Maybe life would be better and we would have an alliance with Germany and make it real easy to control the world. Or would England really of fell if we didn't help them what would of happened if England had beat Germany by itself what if they were the leader in the world instead of the United States of America. What if we all spoke like the British and in weird accents that would be horrible. I understand that we needed to help England but I think they over exaggerated a little bit to much on that one there. (205)

  11. code FESTIVE pin 9855

    This poster that I found was about the Irish being recruited for world war one. The Irish were a big part in helping out with the construction of the Lusitania. When it got sank, there were plenty of Irish aboard the ship. The people were very angry in Ireland and they used the Lusitania to fight back as a battle cry. The Lusitania would also be a major part in helping with the war efforts in the UK, Ireland, and the US. These people would altogether help rally to help fight and defeat Germany. The cartoon is perfect for rallying people. It shows the Lousitania burning and the people in the water drowning which can be very moving to many. The poster would be one of the most famous posters in all of Ireland as well as the world. The lusitania sunk after it was hit by the topedoes of a German U-Boat which caused it to sink. It would take only eleven minutes for the boat to submerge which would then become one of the most famous WWI battle crys. (201)


    This poster is just explaining how you can make money to help the men in fighting. You say well why do they need money all there doing is fighting well how do they fight. They need food clothing ammunition medical expenses and many other things to keep it going these posters were great way to almost you could say guilt people into giving money or if they decided to just join the war themselves. This particular one is about Turing your silver or gold into bullets and ammunition for the people fighting. This was a easy way to help the people out fighting for you and putting all this sacrifice in. This poster is not one trying to get you to join the war it's one for those who were to scared or for particular reasons couldn't because of health or other reasons so it got there attention because one they felt bad for not helping for two they were helping their country out and fellow brothers and what better way to do it then that. There were probably more of the ones asking people to join the war then the silver but this was the one that stuck out to me just because it was bold and said it clearly. (217)


    This poster depicts a red cross worker trying to give aid to a wounded soldier, and it has emblazoned on it in large black and red letters: "Your money or his life!" Below it says to subscribe to war fund for Red Cross week, then who published it, thin this case, it is New Hampshire committe on public safety. I found this interesting because it attempts to "guilt trip" people by saying that if they don't donate, soldiers with die. While this maybe true, it still seems like an underhanded thing to do. Whats also interesting is that it is put out by the Committee for PUBLIC safety. To me, that exemplifies how the entirety of America got involved in the war effort.
    (Word count: 130) (I have nothing more to say.)
