Tuesday, February 7, 2017

World War II: Propaganda Posters

As we have noticed in the past, wars are a great time to examine the "government's artwork" of the era.

For this week's blog, find an interesting WWII (be sure it is WWII and not WWI) propaganda poster and post the link to it in the comment section. Then, write 200 words about the meaning/message of the poster.

Remember, this type of blog is a first-come-first-served affair. So, if your blog post is a repeat of someone else's poster, you will not get credit. So...act fast!


  1. https://design.tutsplus.com/articles/inspiration-80-amazing-wwii-allied-propaganda-posters--vector-3376

    This poster I found was about the women's movement in world war 11. Rosie the riveter became a symbol for women's strength and that women have all of the same strength and rights that men have. She is a woman her poster represents women and their strength. She represents women working in factories during World War 11. I think this lady has made a big influence on the women back then and even the women today. My grandmother has a shirt with her on it. I know even today it is still a big thing and people still even today still know who she is which says a lot about her and how she made an influence on everyone not just the women. I think especially back then it was such a big deal to be a woman at this time working and especially working in factories because at this time working in factories was a man's job and now this lady has changed women's life for good forever. 200

  2. http://www.allworldwars.com/image/011/Poster069.jpg

    This propaganda poster is the same as ours would be in the United States. We have to remember that the Soviet Union lost over 11,000,000 soldiers during world war 2, a drastic sacrifice for the allies. We have to remember that we came into the war late and those on the eastern front were already fighting. That soldier count isn't counting civilians.

    The propaganda poster translated in Russian says...

    The youth.
    to howl
    For Rodinia!

    The Soviet Union was heavy on manpower and low on technology. They needed everyone including the youth, their soldiers may have been as young as 14 able to use small arms or Anti-Tank weaponry. The phrase on the poster is gathering the youth, for the "howl". Which signifies the Soviet Union as a pack, then it says for Rodinia. Which simply means "For the Motherland!". I think often we can forget that our allies served just as much of a purpose in the war as the United States did. Since the forming of NATO we are all allies and the Soviet Union may have been a lost cause for communism, but there were many lives sacrificed for it due to propaganda like this. (209)

  3. https://cdn.tutsplus.com/vector/uploads/legacy/articles/2010/inspir_propagandaposters/jointhewac.jpg

    This poster is about the woman's army Corp. and encouraging woman to joking the army. They were not allowed to fight in combat but they could work "behind the scenes" they worked to make ammunition and supplies for the war. Women most often worked in communications or we were nurses for the injured or sick men who were soldiers. They were very important to the war. And obviously we would not be where we are today without women. "The women were fitted for uniforms, interviewed, and assigned to companies and barracks and treated against disease during their very first day. About 150,000 American women eventually were a part of the WAAC and WAC during The War. They were the first women other than nurses to serve with the Army. While conservative opinion in the leadership of the Army and public opinion generally was initially opposed to women serving in uniform, the shortage of men necessitated a new policy." -Wikipedia
    It encouraged women from all over the United States to participate in the war. They were able to do a "man's job" and be payed a decent amount for it so they could also provide for their families. It gave women the motivation to be a part of a moment in history that changed the way we lived for the rest of time. Women could make a big difference. (241)

  4. http://www.ranker.com/list/ww2-propaganda/mike-rothschild

    Propaganda posters, also known as "weapons on the walls," played a huge role in World War 2. These posters provided boosting messages that showed the need for silence and secrecy and also brought home the importance of what each soldier and worker did. When the conflict began, most nations saw the need to engage the entire population. Rationing was shown, industry was nationalized, and companies that made products with no relevance to the war were changed into armament plants. This propaganda poster has a picture of a man wearing red, white, and blue and is pointing his finger directly at whoever is reading the poster. In words it says: "I Want YOU for U.S. Army - Nearest Recruiting Station." This is probably one of the most famous recruitment posters in American history. The man in the picture is known as "Uncle Sam" and is based on a poster of British high-ranking officer, Lord Kitchener. JM Flagg designed this poster and he actually used his own face as Uncle Sam's and Walter Bott's body for the pose. The outcome of this poster was to make people understand the war on a more personal level. The U.S. didn't want just any random person to fight for them (although numbers are important). They wanted proud U.S. citizens to fight for them because they know the fighting would be for a good cause. (228 words)

  5. This poster is about every single one of the allies coming together as one force and take down the axis powers and to destroy them once and for all. We had to put aside our differences and come together as one people and one bond to destroy our enemies that were trying to take over the whole world. It shows that which were the principles of our great county were founded upon. That was the more we stick together the more we can do together. We all want to out compete our co workers but WW2 showed that we had to come together and use each of the allies strengths beacuse we couldn't come at this alone. We had to put aside our differences and come together as one people and one bond to destroy our enemies that were trying to take over the whole world. It shows that which were the principles of our great county were founded upon. That was the more we stick together the more we can do together. We all want to out compete our co workers. The message is that us a people need to put aside all of our differences and form a better country because that's what we want is for the United States of America to be the best country it can be. Our purpose is to be the best people we are created to be we need to treat people better than the way we have even when they don't disagree with us. We have to be able to work it out for the betterment. 285

  6. http://www.webcrawlerblog.com/history/us-propaganda-during-world-war-ii

  7. http://amhistory.si.edu/militaryhistory/collection/object.asp?ID=554

    This poster was a little different than the others because it wasn't asking you to enlist into the military or things of that such. This poster was asking us as citizens to ration ourselves and conserve. You see during this time we had quite a bit of people in or going into the military yet there were not a whole ton of supplies. So for dinner and lunch and whenever the soldiers would eat they wouldn't get a full blown meal like us who weren't even in the military so this poster was wanting us to conserve our food and in the end result the men and women in the military would have big meals while in the war. Another thing that this poster did was it wanted us to kind of feel bad making us wanna give into giving some money to the military. We were not the richest country so for us to be able to have supplies and food and just daily essentials it was a struggle without donations from the United State citizens who also played a big role in the war. So i guess you could also say it did make people feel bad enough to go ahed and enlist in the military but i don't think that was the main point of this poster. (220)


  8. This propaganda poster talks about making different utilities or things that the military needed like guns and ammunition and it also symbolizes a soldier stabbing through Adolf and other axis powers leaders saying if you gives us the resources to take town and kill the axis powers they will get the job done. It talks about how the soldiers only do half of the job that they need Americans back home to pitch in and do their part. It underlines the word you emphasizing the importance of those that are not in the fight. The soldier also says he will give them hell.108 words

  9. https://www.google.com/search?q=ww2+propaganda+poster&safe=active&client=safari&hl=en-us&biw=1024&bih=704&prmd=misvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjMkfSAv4vSAhUCrFQKHV_CAFgQ_AUIBigC#imgrc=ROxEtq3XoEwMwM:

  10. http://gizmodo.com/the-best-operations-security-propaganda-posters-from-wo-1726361670
    This poster talks about not speaking about different military tactics such as troop movements ship sailings and war equipment. This is because they don't want anything leaked that would be of use to the enemies. So if you get a letter from your family overseas the you need to “keep your trap closed”. Cause a loose tongue doesn't aid you allies. This poster shows uncle sam with his finger over his lips like saying shhh. This is because if you didn't keep your mouth shut then thats lives lost. This was because they were worried about spies from other countries. There was also a poster that had a viper with huge fangs and blood dripping from it and it said that this is less dangerous than careless talk. This is all during world war two because we don't want anyone to know what we were doing and or building in the our country. If the information for the Manhattan Project was leaked we would be in big big trouble. And if the plane movements were leaked then we would be in big trouble because the could have intercepted the atomic bomb. So that's why careless talk is dangerous. (202 words)

  11. https://elginhistory12.wikispaces.com/Propaganda+WWII

    This poster I chose was a United States propaganda poster for the american industries during the great war of World War 2. The actual poster is a poster supporting bullets for american planes to take down the enemy's planes. The poster says, "You give us the fire, we will give em hell". It was motivation for the factories to never give up and to keep pushing to the common goal which was to defeat the Axis powers in Germany, Italy, and Japan. Sayings like these stirred up the nation and got us fired up for the great war that we were fighting in during this time as everyone joined in to help in the war efforts. I think this was a great poster for the war and it just seemed perfect with the wording for the exact point and time that they were in. Like I could just see soldiers saying phrases like this. Posters like these helped American production during the war as this great war against the Axis Powers sparked a fire and energy in the American people that we haven't seen in such a long time to this point as the nation rallied together to defeat a common enemy in the Axis. (203)

  12. http://www.iagreetosee.com/portfolio/world-war-ii-propaganda-women-work/
    One of the most vital and pivotal moments in our country's time was the moment we began to realize the word and capability of women. Before this time, women were willing to help, but often faced criticism and judgement for not just being a stay at home mom completely focused on the household. As the Second World War approached, we were waking up to the realization that women had much more power and help than we thought. If women could successfully run households all across the country, why couldn't they help with the war and all of its consequences? Women were now able to get jobs outside of the home, and could now make a name and earnings for themselves. As the poster describes, most women showed solidarity with their spouse as well as America by beginning to work. Women took the work force by storm, helping us "overwhelm the enemy". Significant faces, like Eleanor Roosevelt, were huge for women during this time. Seeing support from such notable figures as her gave the support and strength America needed to fight and win the war. The idea of taking their spouses place to provide support for their families gave women the drive and motivation they needed when they felt like giving up. The women of America showed such a great and sacrificial love by working hard and showing the next generation of girls to take charge and do anything you put your mind to. (243)

  13. https://goo.gl/images/rrVfv0

    This is a picture explaining what ladies can do in part to help in the war. Before this time there wasn't many ladies that had jobs or were willing or allowed to work to make money that was the mans job to support the house. But this war needed every so they had to help and were ready to. They liked it because of the accomplishment it gave the ladies they had never felt like they were getting something done that was helpful to all. And especially even since they didn't have jobs the definitely weren't allowed to fight in the war until this time. Yet while they weren't aloud in the first lines or out there they had back jobs as doctors and nurses. They often worked in factories making millions of guns and bullets which was just as dangerous as using the guns as it was making it because of the detonators they had to put in and if there was a little spark then it would blow. At the beginning there was more deaths in the factory more than the war. But this was the beginning of ladies taking their place in the everyday work life of society even if some didn't like it. (212)

  14. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fc8.alamy.com%2Fcomp%2FDK18X5%2Fhumorous-ww2-propaganda-poster-for-the-us-military-war-effort-DK18X5.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.alamy.com%2Fstock-photo%2Fww2-poster-propaganda.html&docid=B2ZIhPfV23ViQM&tbnid=1L91dwv90Fd7YM%3A&vet=1&w=1300&h=1115&hl=en-us&safe=active&client=safari&bih=928&biw=768&q=ww2%20propaganda&ved=0ahUKEwjk3LaRpYzSAhUF7YMKHR4bAFAQMwiHASgJMAk&iact=mrc&uact=8

    This is a picture of what happens when we put out mind to it and have a common enemy to fight. We had a man Adolf Hitler to fight because he was the one deystroying the whole world and it was gonna be horrible if he over took everything and it was going horrible and it was bad. We basically through this totgethr because we wanted everyone to focus and just put all there effort into deystroying hitler and building up more stuff to help us deystroying Hitler because he basically was toruturing the whole wide world and he declared war on us and we had everyone support and he had no chance if everyone thought of him when they started working like they were killing him every time they did anything to help. This helped us go in to overdrive and make everything and mass produce and just deystroy the competition and send to much stuff and deystroy everything and just over power everyone because we had so much more then they did because we had every one back home deystroying everything and just marketing more and more and doing so much that no one could stop us because we has everything eexvactly how we wanted it. (208)

  15. http://www.nationalww2museumimages.org/web-assets/images/propaganda-snapshot1.jpg

    "Loose Lips might sink Ships." The poster says. This is a very famous phrase from world war II. There were many similar slogans, this one in particular originally warned seamen and the general public to avoid talking or writing about ship manuvers, just in case they might be over heared, and the ships intercepted and destroyed, but it came to be an American idiom against careless talk in general. Soldiers were advised to, if captured, or in a situation that could lead to capture, to only carry essential information and to always have a plan to quickly dispose of them. The American Goverment worked hard to minimize information leaks. It also is an example of the public paranoia of spies, in that time. This fear of communist spies shaped much of the culture of that day, in music, in plays, and in news. Spies were very real threat in both the literal, and figurative sense. Obviously, spies could leak information that could cost lives or the war, but the fear of them could also just as great a hindrance. People were so afraid of spies that the Government turned away thousands of jewish refugees, and gathered japaneses americans into camps. These were shameful, and morally questionable acts that stemmed from the fear of spies.

    Word cound: 219 words.

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