Monday, September 4, 2017

Native American Assimilation: Kill The Indian, Save The Man

As we saw last week, not every armed conflict went the way of the US Army. At Little Bighorn, we are reminded the natives we fought against were as trained as our soldiers...perhaps more so.

As it became clear the "native problem" needed creative solutions, one phrase came to the forefront that changed the game forever.

Kill the Indian...Save The Man.

For this week's blog, read Website A and Website B for context and basic information. Then, watch this clip for more information about the Native American Assimilation program.

For the comment section, give me 50 words each for these four questions:

1) What does the phrase Kill the Indian...Save the Man mean?

2) How did we try to "Americanize" (or..."make the natives more like us") the natives?

3) What was the Carlisle Boarding School in Pennsylvania?

4) Was this system of assimilation better or worse than the wars we fought with the natives?


  1. 1.) “Kill the Indian…Save the Man” was Richard H. Pratt’s motto. Pratt opened a boarding school for Indian children. In the boarding school, Pratt completely changed the way the Indian children lived. He took away all they had ever known and loved. The motto meant that his goal was to destroy the Indian’s culture and make the Indians more civilized. (60)
    2.) We tried to Americanize the natives by sending the children to school. The students’ long hair was cut, and they were not allowed to speak their native language. They were even supposed to think in English. If they were caught speaking another language, they were severely beaten. Their tribal languages and cultures were replaced by English and Christianity. (59)
    3.) The Carlisle Boarding School was opened in 1879 in Pennsylvania. It was opened by Richard H. Pratt, an army officer. The school was created to educate Indian children and make them more civilized. 50 natives arrived at the school. It took them away from their families and stripped them of their culture. (53)
    4.) In my opinion, I think this system of assimilation was worse than the wars we fought with the natives. I think it was worse because in the boarding schools, everything was taken away from them. They were very far from their families, forced to speak English, and were forced to live a completely different life. (54)

  2. Richard H. Pratt opened a boarding school for the Indian youth in Carlisle, Pennsylvania in 1879. He had the goal to use education all through the American culture. In the same year, fifty Kiowa, Cheyenne, and Pawnee went this school. At this school they trimmed their hair, spoke English, couldn't do anything Tribal. During the late 19th century there was a call for the government to support schools and teach all the Indian children the, “white man’s way of life.” In 1871, Congress ended the practice of treating tribes as an independent nation and in 1882, they created a Court for the offense of Indians and to try Indians for those who violate government laws and rules. The saying, “Kill the Indian… Save the Man” means that they want to take your religion out of the Indians and make them like the white man. We Americanized these Indians by making them speak English and do the ways of the white man. We made them stop speaking their language, play their games, and they had to cut their hair. The Carlisle Indian School is an Indian Education Model as in boarding and reservation boarding schools. This system was worse than fighting with the natives because instead of fighting with the Natives they are breaking them apart slowly. (Word count: 218)

  3. 1) In 1879, an army officer named Richard H. Pratt opened a boarding school. He opened it for Indian youth in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The goal was to use education to uplift and assimilate into the mainstream of American culture. Later that year 50 Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Pawnee arrived at his school. Richard H. Pratt trimmed their hair, required them to speak English, and prohibited any displays of tribal traditions. Pratt's motto was "kill the Indian and save the man." The Carlisle Indian School became a model for Indian education. There eventually became reservation boarding school as long with Private boarding schools. (100 words)
    2) We tried to Americanize the Indians by making their children go to school. The schools they went to took Indian children away from their families and tribes and sought to strip them of their cultural heritage. Students were not to speak in their native languages. They were so post to talk in English. If someone ever heard them talking in the original language they would get beat with a leather belt. (73 words)
    3) In 1879, Pratt was ready to extend the experiment to other reservations. He went to the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Sioux reservations. He convinced parents and tribal elders to allow him to take 60 young boys and 24 girls to a new boarding school. The previous boarding schools had been near the reservations. This school was in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, 1,500 miles away. His thinking was that the long distance would break the hold for tribal life. (79 words)
    4) In my opinion, I think this system of assimilation was worse than when we fought the Indians. I think that it was way worse because when all the kids went to the boarding schools, everything they had, known and lived was taken away from them just like that. They were away from all their family, forced to be educated in a different way and beaten if they didn’t achieve. (74 words)

  4. So they settlers in 1879 tried to officially Americanize the native Americans by sending them to school (well only the children when to school). On their reaervation they had 4 schools. The teacher would teach what they thought fit to teach, but if the native parents did not like what they were teaching to their kids then the parents would home school them. They would teach them tribal languages, cultural beliefs (their culture not the settlers), reading, and writing. Which was fine the settlers were okay with that, surprisingly. Of course there were more than just 4 schools. They were 4 schools for each reservation. A man named Richard Phratt (who was an army officer) started and opened one in Pennsylvania for this Native American (Indian) girl named Carlisle in 1879. It was a boarding school (50 natives went their from many different tribes), and they were a strict American school. They made them cut their hair to a certain length, then taught them American history, and also made them not talking tribal languages, or learning them. They also made them speak only English. The Indians called it " the white man's way of life." So I'm pretty sure they did not like it. It they probably like not having wars all they time, and that their children are getting an education. 220 words

  5. The phrase "kill the Indian, save the man" did not mean literally killing Indians, it was talking about the Indian culture. Americans wanted to take the Indian culture out of the Indians, and make them like normal Americans. The Americans took their children, changed the way they looked,the way they talked, and the way they acted. Americans tried to force their beliefs and ways of life onto the Indians. The Carlisle school was an Indian boarding school. It was made specifically for Indians to train them to be normal American citizens. Assimilation was awful but not as awful as slaughtering tons of innocent indians. Americans shouldn't have interfered with the Indians way of life at all because they were in no way superior to the Indians.
    128 words

  6. The phrase “Kill the Indian, Save the Man” has a very intense meaning. This saying was popular during the time when whites were trying hardest to Americanize the Native Americans. The phrase to them really meant, “Get rid of the savage and bad part, and save the civilized man inside.” 50 words
    The main way we tried to Americanize the Natives was through schools. The United States government set up boarding schools outside of Indian reservations. These schools completely stripped the Native children of their Indian identity. The goal was to make them just like the white man and integrate them into the American society. 53 words
    The Carlisle Boarding School in Pennsylvania was the model school of all the Indian boarding schools. Founded in 1879 by Henry Richard Pratt, the main goal of the school was to educate and Americanize Native children. The school was also government funded. The school strived to completely rid the Indians of their culture and make them a part of white society. 61 words
    The Americanization and process of assimilation of Native Americans was pretty bad. I don’t think it was as bad as the wars we fought with the Natives, however. Over all the years, the settlers of America and eventually United States government killed millions and millions of Indians. We forced them out of their land and into places they didn’t want to be. The boarding schools and such weren’t nearly as bad, because it didn’t result in the Natives death. Also, it didn’t affect the entire population. Just about ten percent.
    90 words

  7. 1. The Phrase kill the the man means that most people of the United States of America still call native Americans, savages and probably said to themselves that the natives were a problem for them for one the natives were sitting on land that other non native Americans wanted and some natives supposedly attack some ranchers. word count 55

  8. 1. “ Kill the Indian Save the man” this is Richard H. Pratts go to saying. Meaning he was going to try to kill the way the Indians thought and would americanize them. He saw the indians a spastic way and that the way he was going to make them. (50)
    2.There was many ways we tried to Americanize the indians. The first way is we mad them change there names, made them cut there long hair. The worst one to me is we sent them to schools with teachers who didn’t even speak there language, and if they we’re caught speaking any language other then english they were beaten (59)
    3.In 1879, Pratt was ready to try out one of his new ideas. He went to the Pine Ridge and Rosebud Sioux reservations in the Dakotas and convinced parents and tribal elders to allow him to take 60 young boys and 24 girls to a new boarding school. This was hard on the children because the old schools were near the reservation, but this one was 1500 miles away. He thought this long distance would surely break the hold that tribal life had on students closer to home. (88)
    4.I think this was way worse then the wars fought with the indians. Because you could kill the indian but you couldn’t kill there traditions. But now there are killing the indians and there traditions. But don't get me wrong the wars were a bad time for the indians too but they got through it and the tribes survived.(59)

  9. 2.How we try to make native Americans like includes changing their wardrobe, giving them haircuts, putting them in boarding schools, banning their tribe dances, teach them how to be American citizens, have them speak English, no talking about their traditions, nor their religions, and their ceremonies.
    Word count:48

  10. Also the natives had most of their luggage were taken and burn.

  11. 3. Carlisle Boarding School was just another experiment conducted by Richard H. Pratt to covert more Native Americans into Americans, this school include tribe members of Pine Ridge and Rosebud Sioux which were in the Dakotas. The school mange to convince parents to send their children to the school but itself was in Pennsylvania which was 1,500 miles away from home. The school made their students wear American clothes, give them haircuts which hair was native’s pride, made them stand in formation to teach them order, and the school took from them their belongings and burn them including the medicine that their mother gave them.
    Word count: 107

  12. 4. It made much worse because in war they die for believing their religion but this pretty much strip them of their religion from their children and all of this was for land and money but did teach the natives a few things and the Christian way of life according to that video you had us watch.
    Word count: 59

  13. 1.The phrase,”kill the indian, save the man.” was a motto said by Richard H. Pratt. It did not mean to literally kill the indians, but kill the culture. Pratt’s goal was to uplift and assimilate into American culture. He opened up a boarding school for Indian youth in Carlisle, Pennsylvania to achieve this goal. He trimmed their hair, required them to speak english, and did not allow any display of traditions.(72)

    2.Indians were Americanized by being forced to go to boarding school. We took them away from their families and tribes and stripped them from their culture. They were required to speak English and if they were caught speaking another language they were beaten.(50)

    3.The Carlisle Indian school was opened in 1879 by Richard H. Pratt.50 Cheyenne,Kiowa,and Pawnee arrived at this school. The goal was to teach Indian children skills to function in American society. These schools took these children away from their families,Tribes, and stripped them of their cultural heritage.(50)

    4.I believe that this situation was worse than the wars we fought with the natives. We took them away from all they had known and forced them to act/live a certain way. War can be pretty brutal, but I think it’s cruel to try and force someone to live a certain way, because that’s the way you want them to live.(62)

  14. 1. The phrase “Kill the Indian, save them man” does not mean to physically mean kill Indians, but it does mean to kill their culture that is inside of them. This was a phrase that the Americans used when they were trying to send the Natives to schools. They were trying to make the Natives like them, the white man.

    (word count: 59)

    2. The Americans tried to make the Natives more like them by sending them to boarding schools. They were trying to change their culture. When they sent them to the boarding schools they changed their names to American names, they made them cut their hair to look like thiers, and they changed their clothes to look like theirs.

    (word count: 58)

    3. There was a Indian school in Pennsylvania that was for the youth. Richard H. Pratt opened it in 1879. He came up with the motto “kill the Indian, save the man.” He made them speak English. It was the “model for Indian education.” There were both private Native boarding schools and reservation Native schools.

    (word count: 56)

    4. I think that the assimilation is worse for the Natives than war because the white man was trying to kill their ways of life. Like one article we read last week said it was cultural genocide, and I agree with that. The only reason they were doing this to the Natives was because they wanted their land.

    (word count: 57)

  15. The phrase "kill the Indian, save the man" means to me that you should make the Indians more like us instead of them trying to mind themselves and do their own thing. The ways that we tried to Americanize natives were we tried to send the children to boarding schools and more st of the time would not let them come home to their families for different holidays. Some of the parents were extremely mad about that. Also, we tried to change the way they do things such as change their clothes style, change the way they did things and so on. The Carlisle Indian boarding school of Pennsylvania was a school for Indians to help them learn skills such as English speaking. I think that the boarding schools helped the Indians but also didn't help the Indians. The reason why it didn't help the Indians was because some of the Indians were against the assimilation.the reason why it did help the Indians was because they were able to learn English and were able to have different types of American clothes.

  16. The phases that a school used was that “Kill the Indian….Save The Man.” The government was . trying to put the Native American into the culture of the country. They made all kinds of laws that forced them to follow them. They made them put on culture clothes, and not move around the land like they used to. They made the Native American kids go to school out side the village in other state. This impact them so much for they were not allowed to there kids. They were made to live in side really house not tents like they were use too. The last thing we did was kill all the buffalo off so they would made to farm off the land. The land was not really good for farming at that time, so they would go hungry.
    The Carlisle Boarding School in Pennsylvania was for Native American kids so they would learn the grammar of the English language and simply math as well. The school was run by Richard H. Pratt who was a army officer. He made the saying “ Kill the Indian….Save the Man.” He would not really let the kids see there family on holiday. Pratt would cut of the hair of the boys so they would not have any Native American things in there lives any more. This school would have hundreds of kids go thur the doors of the school. This was a lot worse I think for the government was trying to change a whole lot of people that been doing the same thing for generations. They forced the kids to go to school out of state. Made them farm even if they don’t know how to farm. So many people died for they did not know how farm so they did not eat. (302)

  17. the phrase"kill the indian save the man" was a term used to basically tell the whites that the goal was to strip the natives of their culture and teach them the ways of the white men and how to live in the industrial age. we tried to change the natives by forcing them to go to boarding schools and learn the english language, which they didnt understand well, learn the way the whites farmed for the whole nation and not just for their own families, to change the way they dressed, and also to strip them of their beliefs. we initialy just told them to try and change with us, but then we forced them off their land by killing off their main source of food, buffalo. then we started forcing them to farther away states, eventually leading to reservations up north west. Carlisle was one of the most well known boarding schools for indian children. it was in pennsylvania and was used to teach the children the way of the white men. i think the assimilation without war was worse for the natives. it forced them into jobs or schools they didnt want, like mass farming and boarding schools for all the children, which didnt allow them to learn their roots. the children were deprieved of all their natural hunting skills and farming skills. (225)

  18. Kill the Indian and save the man article was very interesting as that saying was from Richard H. Pratt he started a boarding school in 1879 in and that boarding school were good for the whites but horrible for the native Americans as for he whites it made the native Americans more adaptable in the white culture. And for he natives it was horrible as he were taken from they're homes and whatever that had when taken away was burnt in the fire when they got there. And it could've been a pillow a doll they grew up with. And they were allowed to do anything from they're culture from the ghost dance they're religion even tho it was freedom of religion. And when the natives did speak they're language. They had to stand in the public hall to make them feel horrible. And when they did something bad like a garment outside the down they were thrown in the dorm jail and they didn't have much to eat as they only served bread and water. But the boarding schools help he natives after they left as they became Taylors and blacksmiths and they learned the English language. And family would ask to see they're children but the school could refuse to let them see them as it could help them get back into they're culture which was terrible but they did what they had to keep keep them going back to they're ways. 244

  19. The phrase "kill the the man" was a motto from Richard H. Pratt. He was an army officer. He opened a boarding school for young Indians in Pennsylvania. The message of the saying is basically that they need to kill Indian culture, in order to save the white man. (51) As an attempt to Americanize the Indians, the children were sent to boarding school, where they would be completely removed from their heritage. This way, they would be taught from an early age of the american culture, instead of the Indian culture. At these boarding schools, they were forced to learn English instead of Indian.(54)The Carlisle Boarding School was in was in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Richard H. Pratt was the one who opened it. This was a boarding school for the young Indians. Indians would be sent here so they would learn English, and be completely stripped from their native culture. This school taught them how to well function in the American society. (58) Personally, I think that the boarding schools were far worse. I think this because while no blood was actually shed, we decided to instead strip them of everything that they had stood for. We took away their beliefs, their food, their habits, and eventually, their own language that they spoke. (50)

  20. "Kill the Indian. Save the man" was the motto used by Richard H. Pratt for his boarding school. this boarding school was opened for the Indians.Pratt's goal was to change the culture of the young Indian population. He wanted to strip them of all they know of Indian culture, and teach them to be civilized people. Pratt put the Native Americans in the overly strict boarding school. They were not allowed to speak in the Indigineous language or participate in any form of a tradition to their native Indian culture. He wanted them to forget what they had been raised up in, and become "Americanized". the Carlisle Boading School in Pennsylvania was also established and ran by Pratt. This was one of his second Indian boarding schools he established. this school was 1,500 miles away from the closest Native American tribe. Pratt though this would be affective because then it would keep the young Indians away from their homes, and opefully they wold forget. But I think this had the wrong afffect. The young Indians became homesick and continuously thought about the reservations. To help them forget Pratt cut their hair short, and kept their school day busy not leaving them much time to think. I think this way of assimilation was slightly better than the previous wars. The only reason the boarding schools were better is because people weren't dying. Pratt was still destroying all the Indigineous expel knew and believed in. their way of life was ruined. Their families were torn part. One could argue that the young Native Americans sided inside when they had to leave their families. So if the schooling was better than the wars, it could not have been by much. (265)

  21. The white men wanted the Native American land but they couldn't get it. So they though they'd change the Natives ways to farming to make the hunting land useless making it easier to get from them.

    They started taking the natives kids and put them in schools away from their parents. And they burned everything they brought to school and cut there hair which is there pride. They were not aloud to speak their language and they had to wear the clothes of the white man. The children only had about one hour of free time a day. And only saw their parents on holidays but the schools often denied them that privilege.

    The Dawes act took the natives land and divides it up and gave only 35% of their land backs to the natives and sold the rest to the white men. So with their hunting land taken they were forced to farm and their farming was successful their market was to far to make money off of it.

    The American government started taking away their religious rights because they thought of native religions as savage and pagan. Even though it was just misunderstood. The government made it punishable if you practiced their religious rituals. They could be thrown into prison they could even take to their food as punishment. Chief Sitting Bull was murder because he refused to practice white mans religion.


  22. As people were trying to come up solutions for the problem of the Native Americans the phrase kill the Indian…. Save the man came about. This phrase was referencing to not literally killing the Indians but rather educating them and trying to assimilate he natives into American society. The goal was to separate Indian kids from their parents to try and rid the, of there culture and share what they learned with there parents. We first tried to Americanize the natives by sending them to day school, however, that did not work because when the kids went home they would be taught about there native culture. Then we tried to sending them to boarding schools during the week that were off the reserve, however, this did not work either because the natives simply moved there tepees closer to the schools. Then they would send kids off to school far from home to rid them of there culture. The boarding school in Charlisle, Pennsylvania was a school that prohibited any native culture. It was founded in 1879 by Richard H. Pratt whose motto was kill the Indian… save the man. The system of assimilating Indians into American society wasn't much better than the terrible wars fought against the natives. They were still just treated as savages, and assimilating them was the only way to get rid of them.

  23. The phrase "Kill the Indian... save the man.'' was the white saying that meant that the Indians should abandon their old lives and ways of living. And they should pick up the new ways of living that the white people did. The Motto was from the officer, Richard H. Pratt. We "Americanized" the natives by sending them off to schools that taught the natives to be white. They would not let the children speak their native language. They made the children cut their hair. They taught them Christianity. The Carlisle Boarding School was opened in the year 1879 in Pennsylvania. The students would be taken from their family's and stripped of their native culture. They were taught English at this school. It taught them to fit into the American culture. I think that the wars that we fought with the native Americans were worse. We came into their world and took it from them. We ruined everything that they created. This was a very sad thing because they were living good lives and we ruined everything and made it our own. But, without us developing the American land, we would not have such a great life and great opportunities that we have today. But I think that we could have made a better way that we could address the Natives. (220)

  24. Richard H. Pratt’s motto was “kill the Indian, save the man “. He trimmed the Indians hair, made them speak English, and prohibited displays of tribal stuff such as clothes, dancing, and religious ceremonies. Basically this phrase Manet destroy anything to do with Native American culture, and make it more “white”. In 1879, he made a school for youth in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. It was made to further instill the white culture into the Native Americans. These schools took children away from their family. There were also boarding and reservation schools. The saying is that the most powerful weapon known to man is the tongue, and the pen. If you have control of both, then that is pretty scary. That is exactly what America did to the Native Americans. So in my opinion, this was worse than actual bloodshed. Like in the poster in your room “You can't know where you are going until you know where you’ve been”. This way is sort of like brain washing the Native Americans into being “white”. The army came into their territory, which they had first, and are telling them what they have to do. What's the point of living if there is no reason to live?(203)


    1) The phrase, "kill the Indian save the man", was a phrase used by Mr. Richard Pratt who was an officer in the military. He opened a boarding school for native children. In fact there were four schools for native children. The phrase "kill the Indian save the man" had nothing to do with literally killing the natives but killing the way they lived. The teachers at these schools wanted to "kill" their way of life.
    2) There were many ways the Americans tried to "Americanize" the natives. Such as in the boarding schools they would cut their long hair. Also, they wouldn't allow any native language at these schools. We also took them away from their families, tribes, and ways of life.(47)
    3) The Carlisle Boarding School was a school opened by a officer in the military named Richard H. Pratt. This school was opened in Pennsylvania in 1879. The school took native boys and girls and attempted to strip them from their culture and civilized them into a modern American child. The school didn't only take away the children's culture, but the school did give them a education. In fact, 50 native children arrived when it was opened.(76)
    4) I feel as if the assimilation of these boarding schools was worse than the wars that were fought against the natives. The reason I believe this is due to the fact that the boarding schools separated many natives children from their parents and tribes. Not only were the children separated they were forced to live, look like, and speak as a regular American kid. It just seems as if it was a form of torture because the kids did not want to be stripped from their native culture.(88)

  26. Richard H. Pratt used the phrase “Kill the Indian. Save the man.” This phrase was used in his boarding school that he started for the Native Americans. His goal for these schools was to “Americanize” the natives. To Americanize was to basically white wash the natives. In a way the school was to teach the natives how to be white citizens in the states at the time. At this boarding school they were not allowed to speak their languages. They had to speak English ad often times that did not work very well. The Carlisle boarding school was the second school started by Pratt. This school was 1,500 miles away from the nearest reservation. The reason the school was so far away from the reservations is that the children would be so far from home that they would forget home. At the school Pratt made sure that there was no time to be homesick. He made sure that the kids had short and hair and that their schedules were super tight so there would be no time to think about home. The only good part about this assimilation was that no one was dying. Still Pratt was slowly destroying the rich Native American heritage.(204)

  27. 1. Richard H. Pratts motto was "Kill the Indian Save the man" I believe by this he was saying that every Indian had a "normal" man in him that just needed to be brought to the surface.
    2. He believed if he could teach them English, trim their hair, and prohibited any tribal traditions they could be just like every other "normal" man. They could no longer do their tribal dances, they couldn't wear Indian clothing, and they couldn't have anymore religious ceremonies.
    3. The Model for Indian education was a school called The Carlisle Indian School. There were other reservation schools and private boarding schools. These schools were determined to teach Indians to function like normal Americans. It's sad but they basically striped Indians of their cultural heritage.
    4. This system of assimilation is worse than the wars we fought with the Indians. I believe this cause they took away the Indians families and their heritage. They were basically abused and it's sad that they honestly believed they weren't real people. it is so hard to keep their culture alive after this system of forcing them out of their homes into school.
