Thursday, May 14, 2020

1980s: The Reagan Revolution

As we have seen, the 60s and 70s were a turbulent time in America. By 1980 we had finally dislodged ourselves from Vietnam and were no longer under the immediate shadow of Nixon's Watergate crisis.

But...our economy was a mess, Iran was holding Americans hostage in our embassy and the Cold War was still raging with the Soviets.

Enter...Ronald Reagan.

Reagan, a former Hollywood actor and Governor of California, became the face of the American Conservative Movement. His was able to galvanize support from Nixon's "Silent Majority" around the main ideas of pro life voting, limiting the size of government and putting an end to the Cold War.

To some, RR is a major hero. To others, RR is a tyrant. I'm interested in your thoughts.

For this week's blog, watch the Crash Course episode about Reagan.

For the comments...

1) Write a Top 10 list of the most interesting things you learned about RR from this video. (100 words)

2) Write a paragraph detailing the BEST and WORST thing RR did while President. (100 words)


  1. 1) he was called the great communicator in his presidency.
    2) his presidency was called the Reagan Revolution he gets credit for changing America.
    3) Though he was one of the least hands on of all presidents
    4) Ronald Reagan, in his presidency he condemned welfare cheats.
    5) he also stated his beliefs for and in states rights.
    6) he also condemned the busing act and affirmative action.
    7) he won support of conservatives and the new Moral Majority.
    8) he was the first us president to have been divorced.
    9) people liked his idea that he would spend more money on the military.
    10) he carried the traditionally democratic states of Illinois and New York.

    The best things President Reagan did was build the military up and he also made this program called Star Wars to protect from missile strikes. Which scared the Soviets a little. He also lowered taxes for a period of time. He fired one thousand of air traffic controllers at once because they refused to go back to work. He had an organization called NATO. Then he sent troops to Lebanon and he removed them after 214 died I think. There was also the Iran Contra scandal. They said he spent more money on the military than Lbj, Carter, and Ford combined which is a lot of money. He did not want busing or affirmative action and won the favor of the moral majority during his presidency.

  2. Reagan was one of the least hands on presidents
    Presidency was called regan revolution
    He said he was going to spend more money on the military
    He was a great communicator people think his acting helped with that
    He always talked about freedom throughout his presidency
    Proposed economic bill of rights
    Known for lowering taxes
    By him lowering taxes it caused economic growth
    What reagan did did not help the recession very much
    Government cut taxes but spent more money on government programs

    Reagan did a lot of good things and a lot of bad things during his presidency. He also did some things that were good and then kinda went south. An example of this is his spending on the military. This was a good thing at first because we needed to build up a military more but it was a bit excessive on how much he fully spent. I think he in the end spent way too much on the military and should have tried to fix the economy more and other government issues because of him cutting taxes he already had way less funds for everything else. But this is just my opinion on what Reagan did wrong and right. (204)
