Sunday, September 6, 2015

Magellan: The First Man (well, his crew actually) to Circumnavigate The Globe

We begin cracking the code of exactly how "America", as we know it, came to be. It starts with curiosity! And greed! And adventure! And greed! And better sailing ships! And greed!

Ferdinand Magellan, from Portugal, was the first man to circumnavigate the globe. Technically...he didn't make it the whole way, but you'll read about that later.

He may not have influenced America as much as Ponce de Leon, Columbus and De Soto, but Magellan certainly played a role in the expansion of navigational technology. His bravery and tenacity perfectly blended with the Age of Exploration he is now known for today.

For this week, read this website, this website and watch this video. In the comments section, touch on these three topics:
1) What hardships did Magellan face in his lifetime?
2) What impressed you about his (and his crews') journey?
3) What is Magellan's legacy?


  1. Magellan endured many things through his journey of circling the globe. One of the most prominent hardships during Magellan and his crew’s journey is there lack of supplied on the boat. Basically, Magellan and his crew had to survive off of a week’s supply of food in order to get to another continent. Something that impressed me is how Magellan’s crew was able to circle the globe during that age. It seems like quite a challenge given the technology at the time of his sailing. Magellan is known for exploring parts of the known world today. However, he unfortunately died in a battle involving a tribe he ran into and their enemies.

    112 words

  2. Magellan and his crew were faced with many hardships throughout their long journey.Some of the being disease,under estimating lengths of time they would spend sailing on open ocean,and lack of supplies.What impressed me was that,despite all of their struggles,they continued their journey until they reached Spain again when they could have given up and stayed at one of the places they stopped at along their route.Magellan now has a strait named after him and his voyage was the first to go all the way around the world.Magellan's expedition inspired many explorers and his legacy lives on today.(105)

  3. Magellan was born in Portugal. At age 12 he and his brother went a a voyage to Lisbon. Magellan is known not only for a great explorer, but the first person to circumnavigate the world. Magellan also was the first person to sail on the Pacific Ocean. Which he actually named. One thing I was surprised about with Magellan’s voyage was how many men and ships they lost. It said on the website “that there were only eighteen original crew members when thy returned. One of the best parts of their voyage was they got very many things for the Europeans.
    Word count- 101

  4. Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan wanted fame and fortune so he set out in 1519 from Spain with a fleet of five ships. He was trying to find away to the spice islands and he decided to use a western sea route. They named a straight after him after he had become the first person to cross the Pacific Ocean. The voyage how ever was very dangerous and after 3 years only one ship made it back. Even though it was laden with valuable spices from the east only 18 out of the original 270 crew members returned and also Ferdinand Magellan was killed during a battle on the voyage. He was also the first person to circumnavigate the globe, and he was born in 1480 and die in Cebu, Phillipians. (130)

  5. The hardships Magellan faced were death long trip starvation arguments war and many others. What Impressed me you say? Well the thing that impressed me about Magellan and his crew members was that they didn't have an enough supply of food and that they never made it to their destination which was the Spice Islands also he had to fight in a war against some tribes enemies and that Magellan got shot by a poison arrow that probably killed him later and the last thing that impressed me was that he died a month after they made it to the pacific island of Guam. Magellan's legacy was that he was the first person to circumnavigate the globe and he got a strait name after him. (125words)

  6. Even though Magallen didn't circumnavigate the world, he still had to endure many hardships. First of all, he probably didn't have much food. He and his crew had to live on sawdust and rats so that they didn't starve! Also, he had to leave his wife and child for the trip. The fact that he was so determined to sail across the world impresses me. He did something that nobody else had even attempted. He probably knew that the journey was going to be dangerous, but he still completed it (or his crew). Many explorers were inspired because of him.

  7. I think that Ferdinand Magellon was a great Portaguese explorer. He was always a hard worker who seeker exploration. In September 1519, Magellon went on a voyage with 4 ships: the San Antonio, the Conception, the Victoria, and the Santiago. During the journey, Magellon sent the San Antonio ahead to explore the new route. Sadly, it was shipwrecked by a terrible storm. Although his crew members were saved, this put a big delay in the voyage. The biggest struggles that Magellon had were the fierce storms. One tho g that I find impressive about Magellon and his crew was that they were the first group of sailors to sail around the world. The Magellon strait was also named after him. The legacy of Magellons voyages and global sailing will live on forever. Word count: 135

  8. Much like Columbus (who is, in fact, a very evil man), Magellan first faced the challenge of finding a sponsor for his journey. Then, after Portugal agreed to sponsor him, he had the struggle of getting through the later-named Magellan Strait. In that, some of his crew deserted him, which couldn't have been easy to deal with. After that, he had the problem of his lack of supplies, and, by extension, starvation.
    What impressed me the most about Magellan and his crew was the fact that, despite all of the hardships that I just mentioned, they persevered (except for those losers that deserted him) all the way to the Spice Islands and, later on, Spain.
    I think that Magellan's legacy is this: he was determined, he was a good sailor (Spoiler: though perhaps not a good fighter), and he led the crew that, after his death, went on to be the first sailors to circumnavigate the world. (200 words)

  9. Crap, my word counter screwed up. It's actually 158 words

  10. Magellan and his crew went through some rough times. But through that they faced disease deaths crashes and much more they travel to Spain and stayed there for a while they could've given up but they didn't . Magellan at the age of 10 his parents died he went off to be a servant on a servant. Through this is where he found his love for sailing .he was from Portugal and wanted to find a way to get to the spice Islands faster . Without going through land because of the dangers and Islam make merchants. One way he thought was like Columbus going across the Atlantic Ocean. But what he did not realize was that the Atlantic ocean was far larger than he could ever imagine. Because he was on the strip for so long disease and hunger kicked . Ferdinand Magellan and his crew went through a lot but never gave up. That is what impressed me the most.142 words

  11. Magellan was a traveler or a sailor from Portugal. He faced many issues including lack of supplies. This was one of the biggest ones because if he ran out of food the passengers would have to starve so that decreased a big amount of the passengers. Another issue was diseases. When they would come over the would bring different diseases. (61) What really impressed me is that even though they didn't have many supplies or sometimes no supplies (until they to a continent) they still kept going and never really gave up many people not know who he is his legacy still lives on today.

    WORD COUNT 116

  12. Magellan was a traveler or even a sailor from Portugal. He faced the trouble of lack of supplies for his crewmen. With this struggle he lost many men. Because of disease many people died. When these people would come over from aouther countries they would bring disease with them. Even though they did not have much they still kept going on with their voyage.

  13. Magallan and his crew went through many hardships. They had diseases and injuries. During one of the battles Magallan was injured and the rest of the trip he walked with a limp. Magallan had 4 ships, there names were San Antonio, Conception, the Victoria, and Santiago. When they first set ail there were 270 crew man. At the end of the Excursion there were only 18 crew members left. I was most impressed with Magallans and his crews journey was that even through the weather, diseases, and injuries (deaths) they were still able to complete the journey. Magallans legacy is that he was a very smart man, who was able to go around the world, in ship.

    117 words

  14. Ferdinand Magellan went through many hardships in his lifetime. Some of the which are: when he was 10 years old his parents died, trying to find someone to sponsor him and his journey around the world, he was wounded in several battles, he suffered through starvation and survived when many died from diseases , but probably the hardest thing in his life was in his last moments he probably realized that he would not be able to finish his journey around the world and also live the rest of his life. The thing that impressed me was the fact that they survived The first trip around the world and did it through starvation and disease. Also that they had the pure ambition to keep going no matter what happened. He and his crew were completely determined to make it all the way around the world even when most of them died. I think that Magellan's legacy is a great legacy. He named the Pacific Ocean being the first to sail through it and the name still there today . He also got The straight that he sailed through named after him, The Magellan Strait. He was a big help in exploring Earth.

    Word Count: 200

  15. Ferdinand Magellan, unlike the other explorers in this time period, was much nicer to anyone he came across. However, the one time had fought in a major battle, he was killed. I guess he got the shaft during that battle! Besides this battle, Magellan and his crew face many other hardships on their voyage. During the trip from the Magellan Straight to the Spice Islands, supplies nearly ran out for the men and many men contracted diseases. What does impress me though, is the never give up attitude of the sailors. After Magellan died, his crew didn't give up and kept sailing. Magellan's legacy will live on forever as a great explorer who had a great idea, but just couldn't make it work for himself.

    Word Count: 125

  16. This man was actually much nicer than most sailors or what we he was then some people back in this time period. His parents died when he was at a very young age 10 I think. Magellan and his men went through many hardships. They didn't know it at the time but they had a lot of germs and gross diseases so that caused a lot of problems with their health. Magellan was hurt during several battles one battle he got hurt and walked with a limp for a while. I think a lot of people who read about him will realize he was a very smart man who knew what he was doing. (114)

  17. Magellan was a very, VERY brave man. Even from a young age Magellan showed that he was determined and strong. Him and his crew were the first people to sail around the world. They took five ships, but when Magellan did die, only one ship made it back to Spain. Unfortunately there were several issues along the way. In his earlier years he struggled with getting injured during battle. I was very much impressed by him and his crew more and more as I read. Like how they survived through so many hard times. They even almost starved when they all crossed the Pacific Ocean. But then they landed in Guam and restocked on supplies. I think that Magellan's legacy is that he never, ever gave up and was truly brave. I was very interested by the way he died, I know that sounds weird but, I mean he got shot with a poisoned arrow, that is pretty advanced! Word count: 158

  18. Some of the hardships that Magellen faced were that his parents died, then later on in his life, the King of Portugal denied his request to go discover, so he renounced his citizenship and got help from the grandson of King Ferdinand from Spain. Also, on his voyage, he did not bring enough food for the whole entire voyage, and his men and/or had disease with them. What impressed me about him and his crew was the loyalty, even though a lot weren't, some were. When someone asked Ferdinand to help,fight, him and his crew were there to help. His legacy is that if you pursue something, and do it, you never know what you'll find along the way. 113

  19. Magellan was aslo just a man so he did have many troubles during his very exploring voyage. His most important difficulty was the lack of food, while he was on this voyage. If there is a lack of food supplies then there will be people dying of starvation. So Magellan had to make this voyage fast so he would not loss as many crewman during this trip.

    Word count counting the other post: 171

  20. Magellan had many hardships. He lost his parents and became a page, but i don't know if being a page was hard on him; I he was able to go to school. Besides that he was once wounded in battle and had a limp. He had gotten married also had a son and he had to leave them behind and never see them again. That would be extremely painful. While he was sailing him and his crew were short of food and suffered of starvation, but luckily they had their rats and sawdust to survive off of. he alter died which was hard because he didn't get to finish traveling and couldn't see his family until they died. The thing that caught my eye was that the crew and him survived on sawdust and rats. He left behind that he was the first person to circumnavigate the globe. I thought he was a great man with courage, bravery and strength.

    160 words

  21. Magellan was the first man to actually sail around the world. As a boy he learned about Christopher Columbus in school. He believed that the world was round as well. So because of this he wanted to know the truth to so he asked to prove his theory like Christopher Columbus. but he was rejected by England so he went to Spain and asked them. the agreed and gave him five ships. some of the troubles he went through were bad weather, shortage of spiels, and deceases. his legacy was and still is how he was the person to actually prove the theory that the world was round. There were many interesting things about his adventure but i am pretty serrate that my favorite one is how he actually proved that the world was round and keep going even when times were hard. An end note is that he was much nicer to the Indians especially since he helped them.

    Word Count 160

  22. Magellan was the first person to sail across the world. As a child him and his brother went to Lisbon. One of the hardships he faced was when both parents died at the age of 10. Then as a boy,he learned about Christopher Columbus' journeys and wanted to go one one for himself.He was seriously wounded in a skirmish, which left him with a limp the rest of his life. It was cool to me that when they were turned down by the King of Portugal he didn't let that stop him in exporeing. I think that Magellan was a pretty cool guy. (105 word count)


  23. Magellan set out in 1519 with five ships to discover the sea route to the spice lands. He set out in hopes of fame and fortune. He eventually discovered what is now known as the Strait of Magellan. The trip was apparently log and dangerous. Only one out of all three ships ended up returning home after a long three years. Only about 18 of the original 270 fleets returned with this one ship. However, his crazily ambitious thoughts made it where we now know that the globe could be circled by sea. He also made it where we realized that the world was much larger then we have previously imagined. Ferdinand Magellan was told as everyone else at this time that the earth was definitely flat, but like columbus has said Magellan said he knew it was really round. A lot impressed me about him like the fact that he was able to open his imagination to thoughts of exploring and discovering great things like this while he was just twelve years old!

  24. Ferdinand Magellan lived from 1480-1521. He was born in Sabrosa, Portugal. At 12, him and his brother traveled to Lisbon to Queen Leonora's court. He had developed an interest in maritime discovery. In 1505, him and his brother had been assigned to a fleet headed to India. over the next couple of years, Magellan participated in expeditions in India and Africa. He was wounded in several battles. He commanded the main ship "Trinidad. His fleet sailed from Spain, across the Atlantic Ocean to South America. In March 1521 the fleet had reached the Pacific island of Guam. Later, they landed on the island of Cebu and converted locals to Christianity. He was close to reaching the Spice Lands, but when the Cebu asked for help on the island of Mactan, Magellan agreed. He thought that this would have been an easy victory, but the Mactanese fought fiercely. During the battle, he fell when he was shot with a poison arrow. He died on April 27, 5131. Him and his crews journey impressed me by how hard they fought and how quickly they crossed over to other countries. His legacy was The successfully attempt to circumnavigate the Earth.

    (200 words)

  25. Megellans voyage was very dangerous and long. Megellan was seriously injured many times and killed on the voyage in battle. One of the injures that he had was his knee, which made him have a limp for the rest of his life. The weather during the voyage was awful and very dangerous to be exposed to. The Mactan people shot Megellan with a poisonous arrow which killed him. Megellan was also the reason why the leaders were executed.

    I thought that Megellan was an excellent and brilliant explorer. He did make some dumb choices but overall I thought he wants cool. It impressed me that the remaining ships still went on with the voyage without Megellan. I think that was impressive because I probably would have just gave up or something lol. I also thought it was impressive that Megellan didn't give up when he hurt his knee and knew that he couldn't get it fixed.

    I think Megellans legacy is to go on no matter what and never give up. I also think that his legacy is when you are determined, don't let anything get in your way.

    Words- 195


  26. Magellan faced many hardships during his lifetime. One of these is when he was he injured his knee in a battle against the Morocco. Thanks to this, he has always had a limp. Another hardship he faced was that the King of Portugal would not finance his trip. I mean you would think he would have learned from the first time this happened.
    One major thing about Magellan that impressed me was the fact that he was so determined. All of them impressed me for surviving through the Pacific Ocean for that long without food or water. Also, I am impressed by the surviving eighteen crew members that made it back to Spain. That just shows there will to live and their determination. To do this voyage you had to have courage and that is exactly what all that didn’t turn around had.
    I would have to day that his legacy is the fact that he almost sailed around the world. Another than this, he has many other important things that he did that might be considered legacy’s. One, he thought of the idea sailing west to get the Spice Islands. Two, he discovered a straight near the bottom of South America. Three, we think he was the first European to ever sail in the Pacific Ocean. Four, he finally proved that h world was round. Now these are all great legacies and I hope that other people will learn about them too.
    Even though you didn’t ask, I must say that there are some things that Magellan did that I didn’t like. First, why would you have a child if you are going to embark in a long dangerous journey very soon? Second, why would you fight in a dangerous battle at the age of foot-one? He may have still had it but he’s not what he used to be. He over estimated his ability because he thought his weapons would easily defeat the opposing tribe. Third, I don’t understand why he would fight with an injured knee. You don’t fight better with a limp. You fight worse. Even though he was a very intelligent man I believe that his death could have been easily avoided.

  27. Ferdinand Magellan was an explorer for Portugal, but, before his death, he became an explorer for Spain. In 1519, Magellan set out to discover a western sea route along with a fleet of five ships and a crew of 270 people. Along the way, one ship, the Santiago, sunk during a storm, and another ship, the San Antonio disappeared. Only one ship, the Victoria, would return with only eighteen of the original crew - Magellan was not included. During the expedition, Magellan found the thing he and his crew were looking for: a western sea route to Eastern Asia, which we now know today as the Strait of Magellan. He (and his crew) were the first Europeans to explore the Pacific Ocean. While in battle, Magellan, along with many other members of his crew, died. He is credited as the first person to circle the globe by sea.
    One thing that impressed me about the journey was that even back then, around 1519, people could sail across the globe if they set their minds to it.
    (175 words)

  28. Ferdinand Magellan endured many hardships throughout his life. Magellan started out as a kid who was born into a wealthy family. He was even involved with royalty! Magellan was into boating and was interested in the ocean and what was out there. The king didn't approve of this and he argued with Magellan a lot. So when Magellan wanted to go on his voyage the king of Portugal didn't finance his trip. Magellan was also injured during the battle of Morocco. This injury caused him to limp. No as the journey went on the food ran out, water went bad, men died, and diseases spread, but Magellan kept going.

    Something that surprised me about Magellan was that he was so sure and determined that they could get to where they were going by his way. Another thing was that he had so many men that went with him and so many ships. The fact that Magellan didn't give up on the trip even when hard times fell was a great and surprising point to me.

    Magellan has a pretty interesting legacy. The main legacy would be that he sail around the world. Possibly another legacy would be continuing off where Columbus left off. Magellan has a better legacy than Columbus does to some people. Magellan was a great sailor who felt he knew what his destiny was. (286 words)

  29. Second Hour
    First Post: Ella Dolan
    Best Post: Taylor Slack

    Third Hour
    First Post: Adam Havens
    Best Post: Abi Denton
