Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The French and Indian War

The French and Indian War 

In the middle of the 18th century (1700's), the British and the French were both trying to establish positions in the Ohio valley, including western Pennsylvania. colonial extension of the Seven Years War that ravaged Europe from 1756 to 1763, was the bloodiest American war in the 18th century.    Bear in mind that the British and French had been enemies for centuries in Europe, and had fought several wars.
Before long, British and French forces clashed over their attempts to gain control of this territory by establishing forts in the area.  Indian tribes who were unhappy with the British efforts to expand westward joined with the French.  There were minor conflicts for several years in the Ohio valley as well as further north into the Great Lakes and Canada before the war was officially declared in 1756.  
The turning point of the war was in 1759 when the French surrendered their garrison in the city of Quebec.  By the end of 1760, the British had gained control of the whole area.

This was confirmed with the Treaty of Paris in 1763, which gave all of North America east of the Mississippi River -- other than New Orleans -- to the British.

   Learn more about the information Read and watch ! 

1. Why would it have been difficult to fight, how different were the fighting styles of both?

2. What would the United States first president have to do with this conflict?

3. What do you feel is the reasons for the cause of the war? Please explain why!


  1. 1. The British and Indian fighting ways were very different. The British fought in wide open fields, while the Indians mainly fought in the woods. The British were also very meticulous about how they fought; they fought in straight lines and never fired without their general's command. However, the Indians were very random in their ways of fighting. They were "experts on hit and run". They also used their surrounding for protection.

    2. George Washington played a part in the French and Indian war. He was British major when he was only 21. Even though he lost in the Battle of Fort Necessity, he still showed his alliance to Britain early on in American history.

    3. The main cause of the war was because of land. The French controlled a lot of North America, including Canada and modern-day Florida, but the British wanted to control that. Another cause of the war was resources. The French controlled fur trading, but the British wanted that. Each of them wanted to control the fishing industry. Also, French and Britain were enemies back in England, so it was natural for them to fight over in America.

    Word count- 196

  2. 1.The Natives and English had very different fighting styles.The British were very straightforward and marched in formations into and during battle.The Natives had no organized way to go into battle and were very skilled at hit and runs.The Natives also had no commander to tell them when to do something,like the British did.The British were told when to fire by their commander while the natives were going whenever they pleased.The French and British had similar weapons like muskets,pistols,and rifles.The Natives had less advanced weapons but because of trade and such,they too had weapons like the Europeans.Sometimes they would use bows and arrows,clubs,and knives.

    2.George Washington was a major at the age of 21 who served during the French and Indian war.He was a major in British forces and he lost the battle of Fort Necessity.

    3.I think that the French and Indian war started because of the struggle for land between the two countries.Land was a very important thing during this time because they were all trying to expand their rule as far as they could in the new world.They are other factors that could've contributed to the start of the war like religion and the preexisting rivalry the two countries had. (219 words)

  3. 1. I think it would have been difficult to fight because there were two different types of people fighting together. The difference between them are the Indians used bow and arrows and spear. They also believed in not killing women or children. The white men believed using guns to fight, and killing women and children if they needed to.
    2. The first president would be the head of which ever side won.
    3. I think the reason the war started was because there were two different sides wanting one piece of land, but they both wanted to take the land from the Indians.
    Word count:103

    1. For #2, I think Mr. Enloe was asking for "what role did George Washington play in this conflict" so you might want to re-think your answer to that one and post it again! :-)

  4. 1. It would have been difficult to fight this war because it was 9 years long and a lot of people died. The fighting of the French was different from the fighting of the British because the British fought by marching in a row to battle, they fought in wide-open fields, and they didn't fire a shot until their commander told them to. Although the French or Indians fought in a different way. They did not have an organized fighting formation, no commander to tell them when or when not to do something and they went with the flow of things.

    2. George Washington was apart of the French and Indian war because he was part of the British team and army and he was one of the leaders in the war.

    3. I think the reasons of the war were the land owning, trading products, and for religious reasons. I think this because of the way they treated each other badly and they didn't trade the same products and they each wanted what the other had. 177 words

  5. 1. It was hard to fight because the fighting styles were diffrent . The Indians would use the woods and there surroundings to help them . Where the English and French were used to standing in a line or lines and fighting by gun shots . Also they did not have the same weapons . The Indians did not have a war leader like the eurapians .
    2.Gorge Washington was a fully devoted Britain. He had a huge part to play in the conflict , Because he was one of their generals .
    3. The reasons For the conflicts were because the natives lives there already and the English and friends came in wanting the same land. And they thought they could just take it from them. but they could not because the Indians realized it was not fair to them. And so that is what caused/started the conflict.

  6. 1) They both fought differently. The British were more of the open field fighters and used guns and the Indians were more of wood fighters and did most of their fighters with arrows. The British would walk in straight lines and stood in formations and would not fire until told too. The Indians were more random and would just shoot and run.

    2) George Washington was the 1st president and was the British Major in the French and Indian War.

    3) I thing the main idea was over land and both wanted slaves and more land for them to grow cotton.

    WORD COUNT- 100

  7. 1.) it was probably difficult because of the fact that they were two different kinds of people. The British would stand on a cleared field, they would then line up and the first row would shoot and then get down and reload. After this, the second and so on would go and do the same. This is how the British would fight basically every time. The Indians on the other hand did nothing like this. The natives were not simple like this they where complicated and advanced in different ways. They would fight in the woods and hide behind things. They knew the woods very very well.

    2.) George Washington was a huge Britain and he played an interesting role in the French and Indian war. He was one of the British Generals.

    3.) Well, from reading the article,watching the video, and what we have discussed in class I can see that there were 2 issues that could've caused it but one main issue really set the Europeans off. They wanted the natives land.Another thing could be religion. Overall the British were wrong for taking their land and judging them. (191)

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  9. The ways of fighting were very different from each other. The British soldiers lined up in a row and only fired when the commander told them to. The British fighting was very laid out and organized. The Indians were very unorganized with quick attacks. The weapons that were used by both sides were brutal. The smoothbore muskets that the British used had a bayonet on it which was a long sword. The Indians used tomahawks like axes to hit people with.
    George Washington was a major in the British army and was only 21 years old when he fought in the French-Indian war. He lost the battle of Fort Necessity in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
    The reason of the French-Indian war was mainly due to disagreements over land. North America had several countries including England, Spain and France that had land claimed by explorers that they wanted to keep. The French wanted to expand their land to the Ohio River valley. They also had disagreements over religions and claiming the fur trade of the country. At the end of the war the Treaty of Paris was signed. France kept a few sugar growing islands in the Carribean and New Orleans. England got all of the land East of the Mississippi River that was France’s land and Florida. The land west of the Mississippi River (except for New Orleans) was given to Spain.
    Word Count: 230

  10. 1. The reason it would have been so difficult is probably because their fighting styles were very different. Firstly, because the British would fight out in the open and the Indians would fight by using their surroundings by for example the would hide behind trees and rocks and fight. Also, the British were strict about their positions they would fight in lines out in the open and when the line in front of you went down you would step up and take their place but the Indians weren't it was very hard to predict what they were going to do next because their fight was very random they were especially good at the "hit and run" technic.

    2. George Washington was a pivotal figure in the French and Indian War. Though for Washington the French/Indian War started in late 1753, when he was selected as the British emissary to the French frontier establishment. Though this ended with the fall of Fort Duquesne. His actions, which reflected his lack of experience, and his ambitions helped determine the course of this war.

    3. I feel there were three main reasons for this war. First, land the French owned a lot of land and the British wanted that land i mean that is what the British came to the New World for. Next, resources the French controlled the fur trade and the British wanted that as well it makes it seam that the British just wanted whatever the French. Finally, the French and the British were enemies in England so it just makes sense for them to fight in America to

    Word Count: 266

  11. The difference in the fighting styles is that the natives knew the woods and the whites didn't. The whites didn't like going into the woods because they believed that it was the devils home. This was the only advantage for the natives.
    George Washington was a major part of the war when he was only 21. He was one of the British major commanders. Even though he lost his first two battles.
    One reason why the war happens was cause the whites wanted the natives land. Anther reason why is because they whites thought that the natives where the main problem
    Word count 101

  12. Okay, in my opinion it would have to be their weapons and how and where they were fighting. the British had guns a few knives and cannons, but the Indians had bows and arrows, knives, tomahawks, and clubs. The Indians obviously knew the land way better than the British; so, they had the advantage. Their fighting styles were so different. The Indians were more of the sneaky/independent type and the British were more of an all together type in formations.
    The battle started with their different cultures. The Indians clothing, way of living, and religion. The way the British misunderstand, everything must be the same way, and religion also. The British just practically, wanted everything to themselves.
    How was George Washington involved? Well, when he was at the age of 21 he was in the main British forces during the battle of Fort Necessity and surrendered to the French. That is all, thank you for reading :)

    157 words

  13. 1. At times it might be a little hard to fight with the Indians. The only reason was because of their weapons. The Indians also used the weapons from the British and the french, but the would sometimes use their own weapons such as: bows and arrows, clubs, knives, and tomahawks. That is probably the only reason it was hard.
    2. George Washington was the president at that time or was on his way to being one. What was most important is that he not take sides.
    3. I do believe that this war was started because of greed. They both wanted to take control of the same area and they were not able to get along so one side declared war on the other.
    Word Count: 125

  14. 1. It would have been difficult to fight because of the tactics the the Indians, British and French wanted to use. The British fought in rows and never broke formation. They like to fight in daylight and wide open fields. The Indians liked to hide behind rocks and trees instead of fighting in a row together. They ambushed quick and the got away and hid in the cover of the wilderness and darkness.

    2.George Washington commanded Virginia forces who were sent to force the French out of Fort Duquesne Which ignited the French and Indian war.

    3.It started because of land.

    Word Count:100

  15. 1. It would have been very very hard to fight back then. There were not as many open fields, plus they were not armed with modern protection and weapons. The fighting styles between the two were very different. The settlers and colonists did not know the land as well as the natives so the land did not help them during war. The natives knew the land because it was their territory in the first place! This was a huge advantage, it really helps them in time of war.

    2. The major man at this time was George Washington. He was a brave fighter. Even though he was only twenty one he was an amazing man.

    3. I personally believe that the French and Indian war all started because of two main things. The first one is the colonists invaded the natives land. And they took over their land, their people, and overall their lives. Which already had them angered. Then there was one area left and they both wanted it.
    Word count- 165

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. 1. Both sides had very different fighting styles. The British would march into battles in rows. Who had fought in wide open fields and broad daylight. The Indians had no organized battle formation like the British did. The Indians had fought on their own. The British didn't fire until their commander told them, to and on the other side the Indians didn't have a commander.
    2. George Washington was an important figure in the French and Indian War. He was only 21 years old during this war. But he lost the Battle of Necessity in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
    3. I think this wake happened because of the land in between the two sides and they were both fighting for it.
    (121 words)

  18. 1. In my opinion, the Indians would have a hard time fighting the English because of their weapons, spears, axes, and bows and arrows. While the English had guns, and swords. Yet, they Indians did have an environmental advantage because they lived there, and train there, and they grew up there. They would also have good physical strength because they didn't have as many tools or equipment as the English.
    2. George Washington was one of the main commanders in the British army. Even though he lost Fort Necessity, he showed that he had tried his hardest and stayed loyal to the British.
    3. I think, one of the reasons for war was land, only because, each country thought that they had founded this New World and that is was theirs to claim when they both found this land, but different parts of it. (144)

  19. 1. Why would it have been difficult to fight, how different were the fighting styles of both?
    The Europeans would stand in a line or group and that works in Europe but it would only work in plains in the Americas. The natives however are use to fight here and would do more damage and they use the landscape to their advantage.

    2. What would the United States first president have to do with this conflict?
    He was a major in the British army and was 21 at the time of the conflict, and it helped steer the war in the British's favor.

    3. What do you feel is the reasons for the cause of the war?
    They needed the space for colonist and the French wanted to keep it so they could trade with the natives in that region and finally it probably had something to do with the wars over in Europe.(154)

  20. The French, Indians, and British all had different tactics and weapons when they fought. The French and British generally used the same weapons; they used muskets and bayonets. The Indians actually used some of the French and British weapons. However, they also had some of their own, like tomahawks, bows and arrows, clubs, and knives.

    The British and Indians fought each other very differently. The British marched formally in rows,
    and only fired upon command. The Indians, however, were much more disorganized. They made swift ambushes and fired without order.

    Fighting may have become difficult due to a few different aspects. One of the main parts was terrain. Because of battle tactics, the British army may have done better against the Indians in an open field then in a closed area, and vice versa. Another aspect was weaponry. The side with better weapons would succeed more in wars.

    The French and Indian War was not a “cheap” war. The war put Britain in a debt of 150,000,000 pounds. Because of this, more taxes had to be paid. When taxes were enforced, the colonists did not like it, so the rebelled. This led to major conflicts among the colonies.

    The war was caused because of major disagreements between Great Britain and the colonies. The colonists did not like being under British rules because of taxes and other requirements that they rebelled against. Britain finally had enough of it and they waged war against the colonists. The British government had come to the conclusion that if they don’t take control over the colonies again, then the colonists were just going to keep rebelling. Eventually, Britain could no longer fight the colonies, so independence was declared between the colonies and Great Britain.

    289 words

  21. 1. I feel that the Indians/Natives would struggle with fighting the English because the English's weapons are a lot more advanced than the Indians/Natives. The English could also have some trouble because the Natives know where everything is because they've been stationed there or lived there for a while.

    2. George Washington was a main commander for the British. George Washington worked extremely hard during war.

    3. I feel like the war started mostly because of religious reasons. They're were many different religions running around at this time, and of course every religion believes that they were right. So, eventually they were going to butt heads. Obviously, this was going to turn into some huge battle. (115 words)

  22. I think that it would have been hard to fight this war because the natives were fighting on my side. The natives could be all rainbows and hugs and kisses one minute and then the next they could be mean and hurtful and backstabbing people. Also because the style of fighting was different.

    George Washington leader in 2 major battles at this time. He became a British officer there.

    I think they started the war because they wanted to be the best even they couldn't be the best one. They were all power hungry on having every little thing that their was.

  23. well first of all, they were fighting over dumb stuff. they fought over land, fur trading, religion and more. the difference in clothing was very important. the natives obviously didnt wear as much clothing as the french. the weapons were also VERY different. the natives didnt have updated/modern/powerful weapons like the britsh and french had, which was important because the britsh and french had an advantage. the british also had a very specific way of war, unlike the natives who just attacked when they wanted to. the war ended with with the treaty of paris which gave some of frances land to other places.

    george washinton surrendered to france in the war of fort necessity.

    i think that the cause of the war was how different the two cultures were. the natives were not advanced at all, they had different belief system, they had different weapons, and they just lived their lives differently. overall, i think the war was just plain unfair.


  24. 1. Both France and Britain used smooth bore muskets, rifles, and pistols. Britain marched to battle in rows and had a commander to give them orders. The Natives didn't have an organized formation for battle or a commander to give them orders. They would make a quick ambush before running to the wilderness and attacked in the darkness. They used the land to their advantage by large rocks or trees. Each side had completely different battle techniques.
    2. General George Washington, America's first president, fought in the French and Indian War. He fought in the first battle of the war at Fort Necessity where he surrendered to the French.
    3. There were many different causes for the war. One reason the war started was because Britain protested against Roman Catholic, the religion of the French and Spanish empires. A second reason is that the British Iroquois attacked a French settlement. France and Britain were enemies. The main cause of war was a land dispute between France and Britain. France wanted to claim the Ohio River Valley because of its rich soil but the British wanted to own all of North America. I believe that this is what officially caused the French and Indian War.
    (204 Words)

  25. Why would it have been difficult to fight, how different were the fighting styles of both?
    Well, first of all I think that them fighting was useless. They probably could have just made an arrangement where not as many people had to die or suffer lose. Also, they could have just flipped a rock because they may or may not have had coins back then.
    It would have been manly difficult for the French and British to fight because most of their fighting was being done on either hills or the woods because it doesn't really get flat until you get into the plains. The British and French were used to fighting by lining up and kind of in a way tacking turns firing at each other. They went from row to row shooting. Each row shot at one time because the guns were not that accurate back then. It would be a little difficult for the Indians if they were not from there and did not know the area well. The Indians fought just by hiding then coming out and shooting or you could say the Natives fought the smart way considering the terrain.

    2. What would the United States first president have to do with this conflict?
    Well since the USA was not even really being considered, he was a really loyal British leader who fought hard in battle. He was kidnapped once when they lost but was later let go. Probably it would have been better if the natives did not do that because America later led to their demise. What a coincidence.

    3. What do you feel is the reasons for the cause of the war? Please explain why!
    Well the cause of the war was the right to control the Ohio river valley. The French didn't want to give it up because it was the center of there fur and other goods trade while the British wanted the land so they could branch out. I THINK, aha all caps must be important, that the cause of this war all started in overseas on another continent. I mean would not you think if it were a country England was allied to they would just try to work something out? I think if that was the case their may Have not even been a war. So I'm pretty much saying that the "mother" country got its kid into a lot of trouble because her and her "friend" couldn't figure out how to solve their problems

  26. There are several differences between the British tactics and the Indian tactics in this war. The British stood in lines and shot, then after they shot they knelt down and reloaded while the next row shot. This process continued until all rows had shot and were reloaded. The Indians, however used a more stealthily approach to the war. They would hide behind trees and attack from the forest. They were also able to carry out quick ambushes due to the fact that they knew the landscape better than the British because they had been in America for centuries.
    Our first president, George Washington, had a impact on this war because he was a general in one of the armies that Britain sent over to America to help fight the French. He lost the battle of Fort Necessity, which was a very important battle for the outcome of the war.
    I believe that this war started because of two reasons. The hate Britain and France had for each other and the land both countries were fighting for. At this point in history, Britain and France have hated each other for years and this war really showed it. Also, the land that was being fought for was very valuable. There were many animals to get furs from I the Ohio River valley, and it was more land for either country to have in America, which was controlled by many countries at this time.

    Word Count-241

  27. 1. I think it would have been very hard to fight the Indians, due to their "gorilla warfare" techniques. While the British and French wanted to be "proper", the Indians would just shoot at someone from behind a bush, and then go to a different hiding spot and shoot again. The British were in the open, while the natives were in hiding, which would have made it very difficult to fight them.
    George Washington was not yet an American citizen, but a British soldier. He was not even remotely considering revolution, so he fought hard to overcome the French in honor of Britain.
    There were many things that led up to the French and Indian war. For one, the French and British had already been fighting for centuries back in Europe. So why would it be any different in the Americas? Next, the British and French wanted the same land. Neither was able or wanting to surrender, so that would have led to war.
