Monday, October 26, 2015

Events leading up to American Revolution

Events leading up to American Revolution 

To raise money, Parliament passed the Stamp Act in 1765. This law required the purchase of tax stamps to buy paper. The Colonists were outraged. After years of "Salutary Neglect"wherein Colonial taxes were not collected by the British, the new policy was unwelcome.
The Colonists had always considered themselves Englishmen. Among the rights granted to all Englishmen was a voice in Parliament -- something they didn't have. With the Stamp Act, "Taxation without representation is tyranny," became a battle cry. Rioting, rhetoric, and the calling of the Stamp Act Congress quickly led England the repeal the Stamp Act. But many new taxation measures, such as the Sugar Act and Townshend Acts followed. The Americans reacted by forming organized political groups such as Committees of Correspondence and the Sons of Liberty.

The people of Boston were most outspoken and violent in their reaction to taxes. They threatened and harmed British customs officials trying to collect taxes. So, the British quartered troops in Boston to protect their officials. In 1770, the Boston Massacre occurred as British troops fired into a group of protesters, killing five of them. This was the first blood.
In 1773, with the issuance of the Tea Act, the East India Company was granted a virtual monopoly on the importation of tea. In protest, a group of Boston citizens disguised as Mohawk Indians boarded a ship and dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston harbor. This was known as the Boston Tea Party.


1.What caused Americans to rebel against the British? and Why...? 

2. What did American colonists mean by “No taxation without representation”?


  1. In 1763, the British threw overboard three hindered and forty-two chests of tea into the Boston harbor. The people wanted to raise the taxes on different foods and other good. Then the cancelled the taxes and wanted to start charging taxes on smugglers. The eventually started taxing the people again when tea became a big good.

    2) they were probably meant that by how the parliament wanted to tax all the people when they bought goods but they didn't want to represent their city. They would help their city but not as much as what they should have. The people soon started to loose their colonies that they owned.

    WORD COUNT 110

  2. 1. They did not like Britain because they did not have to pay them a dime for years for nothing. The. All of a sudden they wanted taxes for their paper goods, and not long after that they wanted taxes for their molasses to.

    2. They meant that the law they were making was illegal to the bill of rights and shouldn't be able to make it.

  3. 2.they meant that the law that they were making was illegal to the bill of rights and they shouldn't be able to make it, and because the thirteen colonies were not represented Jonathan Mayhew used this quote in the sermon in seven teen fifty this was one of the main causes of the civil war, because the British wanted ship tax
    Word count:102

  4. The British were taking over right when we felt like we finally had some peace and all. So to get the British to get the idea that you know they don't want them there they threw all this tea over board which is now known as the Boston tea party.

    2. It probably meant to them like everything they own was kind of going away and they were going to loose their colonies. And the tax money was going to waste and it might have illegal because of the bill of rights that they had back in the day .


  5. This weeks blog is on the sugar act, why the colonists rebelled against the British, and what they meant by "no taxation without representation."
    First, the colonists obviously rebelled against Britain, but why? Well, I'm not sure if I even understand. The colonists ideas about rebelling were not exactly the brightest. The colonists had been free for along time, so they had the best of both worlds; they had the British army to back them up, and they could rule themselves. Because they had this ultimate system, they were very upset when Britain came in and told them that they could no longer rule themselves. Although, Britain had every right to do this becuase the colonists were all from England. So the colonists rebelled when the Birtish came and told them all what to do. The colonists were famous for saying "No taxation without representation." This meant that the colonists were not allowed to choose representatives to parliament in London. The parliament is what gave them the Sugar Act, so this part was a little unfair in my opinion.
    Word Count: 182

  6. These people rebelled because they had their taxes lowered. The officers thought since we have to portent these peop,e they should have to pay at least a little bit of tax. Their tax was 6 cents and it was lowered to 3 cents. They did this so the people would not smuggle sugar. I honestly think the people of that time where very dumb like just pay the tax boo ho. It's 3 cents what's it gonna do to you cause it sure ain't gonna hurt your salty. Unless your drop dead broke😑.

  7. They meant they meant if you don't have a stamp on everything or you can't use the piece of paper. This is dumb and angered many lawyers and newspaper writers.

  8. 1. The Taxes made the colonist rebel against the British because they wanted independence from Britain but they didn't give it to them so it caused The Boston massacre and the Battle of Bunker Hill as well. It also caused the rebellion because of how much the colonists had to pay just for tea so the British would be the most powerful country ever.

    2. It meant that the colonists want no taxes for more freedom. They felt like parliaments laws were hurting their freedom to not have to pay taxes for really lame things. They probably went on a strike holding signs and saying no taxes no freedom. 109words

  9. A. The colonist didn't really speak up for a long time, but they just couldn't sit there and let the British do this any more. They finally rebelled from how the British were taxing things and even the wrong things and the stamp act. Did the colonist right to rebel? No, not really but it was brave of them to take the chance and speak up.

    B. Just like I said before, they just didn't couldn't anymore. So, they through riots, boy cauts, and it even got a little violent. Well, not a little violent but only five people died. So, it was kinda violent. That's not the point. They didn't want to be controlled by Britain that way anymore. Which led to the rebellion.

    122 words

  10. 1. What caused Americans to rebel against the British? and Why...?
    They could not represent them selves to the biritish in Eurpoe and this made them mad because they were no longer being considered Brititsh subjects in their eyes.

    2. What did American colonists mean by “No taxation without representation”?
    They did not want to pay taxes unless they could speak freely with the Biritish government about the taxes and any thing else they wanted to talk with them about that they may or may not think is fair such as the Intolerable acts.
    Word count (94)

  11. 1.The colonists began to rebel for multiple reasons. A main reason was taxation.There were multiple tax acts passed to pay for war expenses,stop smuggling,pay for defense and sometimes just to remind the colonists that they still belonged to England.The colonists didn't want to be taxed when they had no representation in parliament.

    2.No taxation without representation means that the colonists didn't want to be taxed when they weren't represented in parliament.They thought that it was unfair that they were taxed when they didn't have a say in the government even though they were British citizens.( 100 words)

  12. 1. The Americans rebelled against the British because they were taxing them for lots of things. They taxed things like molasses and wool and focused on taxing the colonies and try to regulate trade instead of using that money to repay their war debt. The stamp act also angered the colonist, but not all of them wanted to rebel against the British. I think they had the right to rebel because they put taxes on lots of stuff and made them pay even more for goods.

    2.I think that no taxation without representation means that the colonist didn't like any taxes.

    Word Count:100

  13. 1. The colonist were getting mad because before they had crossed the sea, they didn't have to pay Britian any taxes. Now all of a sudden, they are having to pay for something that 60 days ago, they could get for free without any taxes. They were very mad because just because they weren't living on the same land as Britian, they had to start paying taxes. They wanted to rebel because of his .

    2. This meant that the people wanted less taxes and more freedom. It went against the Bill of rights. They were mad because this meant, if it didn't have a stamp on it you basically couldn't use it.

    Word Coutnt: 113

  14. 1. See unlike what most people think the reason that the colonist rebelled was not because of taxes it was really more because of the representation. The colonist felt that they did not get a say it the governing of the colonies and they felt that they should be able to govern theirselves. There is also the reason that they had been left alone to govern theirselves for a while then all of the sudden England came in and started telling them what they can and can't do. Now if I were them I probably would have done the same thing.
    2. “No taxation without representation” refers to the slogan from 1750s and 1760s that encapsulates the prime grievance of the Thirteen Colonies. It is actually part of a sermon given by Jonathan Mayhew. This was also one of the causes of the American Revolution. It was a the lack of representation in the British Parliament. Even though it was clearly a violation of the rights of the colonist. This phrase summarizes the sentiments that caused the English Civil War.

    Word Count: 178

  15. When you actually look at how and why the British colonists started to fight Britain, it becomes pretty embarrassing.
    For an entire century, the mother country, Britain, had left her colonists to their own devices. Because they had gone so long without Britain cracking the whip, the British colonists had become accustomed to a life of being able to do whatever they wanted, and, even if they got caught doing anything bad, they would most likely get off with a warning. However, once Britain got into some serious debt after the French/Indian war, Britain’s Parliament decided that the colonists should pay it off. They began to enforce taxes, and, if a colonist got caught doing something bad, instead of getting off free, s/he would have to pay a fine. The colonists started to squirm under the thumb of Britain. They had been left alone all this time, and NOW Britain decides to enforce the laws? The colonists didn’t like it at all, even though Britain had every right to enforce these laws.
    By saying “Taxation without representation is tyranny,” the colonists laid out very clearly what they wanted. What they wanted is something that we have today. As a republic, we have the ability to send a representative that has our best interests in mind. The colonists wanted to be able to send a representative to England, and give the Parliament the colonists’ collective opinion. It wasn’t the taxes that were the problem. The problem was the combined lack of colonist representation in the British Parliament, and the fact that Britain suddenly started enforcing the rules. (268 words)

  16. Well first off the British kept throwing out acts. Every time one of the Americans turned around there was another act be placed. The Americans felt like the British just now wanted to step in after leaving them on there own for a long time and the Americans felt like they were wrong for doing that. Then on top of then stepping in they throw in some acts with it I would be ferocious.
    The colonists wanted to be treated fair just like the rest. Now they may have wanted to much but they just wanted a fair trial just like everyone else. So what did they mean by no taxation with out representation is they didn't wanted to be taxed if they didn't get a fair trial. I would feel the same way.

  17. 1. The colonists rebelled against the British because they thought that the British were being unfair. The colonists had the British behind their backs, so if anyone wanted to fight them, they could call up the British and they would be safe. For a century, the British just left them alone. They could do whatever they wanted in America, but they still had the British on their side. When the British decided to tax them, the colonists got mad. They didn't like to be told what to do and what to buy. They didn't care if the prices were lower. They also didn't like being held accountable for smuggling. In America, smugglers weren't punished, but in Britain, they were put in jail or they had to pay a fee.

    2. The colonists were mad that they couldn't have representatives in Britain. They didn't want to be taxed if they weren't being represented by someone from the colonies.

    Word count- 160

  18. The Americans rebelled against England for one reason. They had absolutely no representation in England. The Americans were fine with the new taxes, but they also wanted a say in parliament on what got taxed. I think that if England had just given this opportunity and not said no to us having a say in parliament, we may have very well still been English citizens up to this day.
    When colonists say "taxation without representation", they mean that they were being taxed without any say in what the taxes were. When the American Revolution started, the colonies had been taxing themselves for over a century, but after the French and Indian War, Britain began to impose more and more taxes to help get revenue back from the war. Now the taxes were actually not that bad, but the colonists wanted a say in what was taxed and when Britain rejected that, we got angry and began to revolt.

Word Count: 158

  19. After the Mother country, Britain, left the colonies they were fine. The colonies had their own taxes, laws and rules, everything was going well. But, then Englad all of a sudden comes back and starts to lay Acts, and the Parliament seems like their taking control. The reason why the colonist rebelled was because they wanted to be represented in the mother country. They wanted people to speak for them, and stand up for them. Britain was that, but not after they left. That's why when the Mother country cam back, the colonist felt like they were being invaded.

    The colonist kept saying " taxation without representation." What the colonists meant was that they were being taxed, without having any say, or part in what the taxes were going to be. 130

  20. 1. The colonist were very upset with the British because of how unfairly the were treated. The colonist and the British were once very close and relied on each other. That continued for almost a century, the the colonist declared war. They did what any other colony, city, country, or state would have done.
    2. The colonist said that they would not pay taxes until the had a representative in office. I would have done the same thing. When they said something, they stuck with it. The British took advantage of the colonist, and the colonist did not respond the way the British expected.
    Word Count:104

  21. 1: they started to enforce the laws again. They had not been enforced for many years.there where so many taxes put on these people all at once. They had been taxing the selfs for several years, that was not the issue they just did not like that Britten was taking there charge back.
    2: when the laws got put In place they were not able to speak up or have representation. They were disgusted by that.

  22. 1. One reason why the Americans rebelled against the Britain was mostly because they felt like they had no say in their own lives. The reason why they felt this way was because of all of the taxes on some of the things that could be named "important" to the Americans. The Britains and Americans were friendly and they depended on each other for trade and supplies. Then when they felt that Britain overstepped the colonist wanted to start a war.
    2. The colonists probably felt bad because they couldn’t have a representative in office. They wouldn’t pay their taxes until they could get a representative in office. They were boycotting their taxes because they felt they had no voice in anything that went on with them and their lives.

  23. 1. The colonists did not start rebelling just because of taxes. The colonists were angry because they did not have any say in the taxes Britain was enforcing. They started rebelling because of the lack of Parliamentary representation. The problem was not the new taxes; the problem was that Britain did not give the colonists have a voice when it came to the new taxes.
    2. When the colonists said, “No taxation without representation”, they were most likely saying that Britain should not tax the colonies if they would not represent (give the colonies a say in the new taxes) the colonies.
    (100 Words)

  24. It all started with the stamp act of 1765. This was a new law that anything printed on paper must have a stamp. This caused the Americans and colonists a lot of extra money, especially newspaper printers and lawyers. This new act out raged the colonist and Americans. Next came all of the unfair taxes, these Maison even more upset. They started to oppose through this long. They were so infuriated, they felt like they weren't even citizens anymore. In protest to these taxes they stood up for themselves and got all of the taxes removed except for the tax on tea. However there was a catch, they could only buy tea from Britain. In protest to this they got aboard a ship and dumped 342 crates of tea into the Boston Harbor.

    The statement no taxation without representation could have met several things. I think they were trying to say that they felt that they were not being treated as equal British citizens. This would've caused him great worry and upset. All they wanted was to be treated as equals.
    Word count- 183

  25. Taxes had cause the American colonists to revel against the British. They had rebelled against the British because of the taxes being to high, but even though the taxes weren't even high. The British would tax the American colonists on everything, like molasses and wool and a bunch of other things. The colonists got really angry at the British because of this and they did not like to pay for taxes. The phrase " no taxation without representation." means if I do not have a voice/part in the government, I am not going to be giving the government any money.

    (100 words)

  26. The Americans got mad at England because the raised the prices on taxes. They raised the prices on taxes because they were in debt from the war. They also were mad because of the stamp act. The Stamp waft was that they raised the price on stamps. That is why they were mad. The saying was a battle cry as it was said. People would rioting or rhetoric the calling of the Stamp Act Congress quickly led England the repeal the Stamp Act. People didn't like the stamp act. But the Stamp Act led to the Sugar act and the townshed act.
    Word count 102

  27. 1) Taxes would start to rise in everything that happened. The British thought they were in control of the Americans. 342 chests of tea got thrown overboard. Tea was a big selling product and they even have a tea time. However, colonists really started to protest by saying that the British were being unfair.
    2.) They were refusing to pay taxes without being able to represent how they really felt. They did not want to pay taxes and since some people did not have a lot of money this could really affect their family. Yes, lots were saving money with slaves, but then everything would get taxed so they started losing more than before as well.(116)


  28. 1: they started to enforce the laws again. They had not been enforced for many years.there where so many taxes put on these people all at once. They had been taxing the selfs for several years, that was not the issue they just did not like that Britten was taking there charge back. And they did with the Boston tea party, though it was not much of a party!
    2: when the laws got put In place they were not able to speak up or have representation. They were disgusted by that. They thaught if that they could have represenitives then maybe the taxes would go away and they could get back to smuggling and stealing .117words

  29. 1. America rebelled against Britain for several reasons. The primary reason was because they felt like the taxes did not represent them well. This is where the famous quote “Taxation without representation is tyranny: comes from. Although the rebellion was not totally centered on the tea act, it did make the colonists angry, thus the Boston Tea Party occurred. This enforced the Coercive Acts on them, and the whole situation escaladed from there.
    2. “No taxation without representation” was a famous quote during America’s revolt against Britain. This essentially meant that the taxes being paid were not being used well and did not represent the colonists well. The colonists kept growing angrier as Britain passed more acts to tax them.

    120 words

  30. 1.What caused Americans to rebel against the British? and Why...?

    Well most people think it was the taxes but as that guy on the video said the taxes did not start the rebellion. Now it did contribute to the fact that since the colonies had been on their own for so long and suddenly Britain taxed them. They were kind of shocked because they had their own tax system. They deserved to be taxed because they had to help pay do the war sine England spent approximately half her money on the war. The only problem was the fact threat the colonies could not send someone to represent them to the England's King and give him some of their needs. They got really mad because they thought "Taxation without representation is tyranny," which I am pretty sure it is. Really the whole thing could have been avoided if King George # would have just let the colonies represent themselves. Who knows? We might still be under England today if not for that fatal mistake. They were also mad because of the proclamation line. They just had fought a war to win it then they are just gonna give it back? What's up with that? It to me seems very self concerned and dumb because they were fighting to the land from the French who did not even own it. The natives owned it. Then once they beat French and stole the Natives land England just gave it back. It is like if I stole a pen from Chris, gave it back, then asked for a thank you. It is really is just dumb. Even though all that is dumb, the colonist should have respected the fact that that was the natives land not theirs.

    2. What did American colonists mean by “No taxation without representation"

    I pretty much answered this already but why not relapse. They wanted a say in what happened to them. This is called being British citizen. If people in Britain could represent themselves then why could not them. They were Kind of stubborn well really stubborn because the British just payed lots and lots of money to help you win a war then you are just gonna Rebel? This whole thing could have been resolved if the colonist just got their way and could have sent a representative to speak for them.

    Word count- 400 words
