Monday, October 31, 2016

Political Cartoons: When Words Cease

One of my favorite ways to learn about history is through political cartoons. These images, often exaggerated to make a point, can range from entertaining to enlightening.

For this week's blog, I want you to search for a political cartoon about ONE of the following topics...
1-Panama Canal
2-William Howard Taft
3-Spanish-American War

You political cartoon should be from the era we are studying (not a modern cartoon about these events).

Post the cartoon you chose in the comments section and use your 200 words to explain why you chose this cartoon.

You cannot post the same cartoon as someone else, so getting this done quickly is best!


    I picked this Panama Canal cartoon because of the realistic depiction of its construction. Some people thought that Roosevelt was not respecting the people of Panama because he just "came in and did what he wanted". However, some people took this to their advantage because the United States was wanting to become a part of their territory, so they thought they would benefit financially from doing business with them. We were sold the rights to the land from a French company. The land that was in question was Columbia, as we see the president dumping dirt onto it. The Columbian diplomats agreed to our offers, but the Columbian senate did not. Roosevelt even thought that we might have another war to claim the territory and build the canal. He also wanted to send troops in to protect the construction, as seen in the cartoon as the ships are in the water. In the picture, you can also see a man holding the "New Treaty", referencing to the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, which references to the treaty that was rejected AND accepted by different Columbian groups. An American gunboat, the USS Nashville, immediately sailed to Colรณn, where a force of 474 Colombian soldiers had landed and was preparing to cross the isthmus and crush the rebellion. A small party of troops disembarked from the Nashville, and with the support of the American superintendent of the Panama Railroad, kept the Colombians from taking the train to Panama City. (244)

  2. I chose the Panama Canal. In the cartoon i chose it shows teddy Roosevelt as a giant holding a huge shovel. That shows how much more power the United States had over Colombia. In the shovel is the Colombians that Roosevelt was trying to move out of the way because when we asked them if we could build the Panama Canal they said no. So once they disagreed the United States was for Panama revolt from Colombia, and when Panama finally became its own country we were allowed access to build the canal. In the picture the ground shows where the canal was going to be build and teddy Roosevelt represented the United States. In the shovel were Colombians so it showed that teddy Roosevelt (United States) "shoveled" out the Colombians for the canal to be built . Now I chose it because it shows what really happened, the cartoon did not try to sugar coat anything. The United States went in and moved the Colombians out and this picture shows that happening to the tee. It shows how dominant the United States were even many years ago, not just today. The picture also shows how innocent the Panama people really were. (201)

    I choose the Spanish American was because it shows that the soldiers was going away from Spain and headed toward Cuba. The war was surpremely one sided beacuse they basically didn't have a army and their navy sucked. All we were doing was trying to protect Cuba and Spain wanted to say no to the United States and we handled business and Spain wanted to bully Cuba into ownership and we didn't let that happen. The cartoon shows that Spain was just out in the open beacuse we defeated them in just a very short time. They were in a very lonely place beacuse they didn't have anyone to bully around any more. It shows a true testament of Cubas people to not give into Spains demands and to stand up for themselves and it helped that we added a big asset to the Cubans. They needed to as people stand up for Cuba beacuse they were being bullied around by Texas. It shows of how awesome and great our military was back then and how awesome it is now. (200 words)

  4. I selected the Panama Canal for my choice of a political cartoon to use for my post. In the cartoon, it shows "Teddy" Theodore Roosevelt taking his big shovel and digging through the stretch in Panama which would be known as the Panama Canal. Ships are lining up at the entrance waiting for it's completion as well on the picture. The left is occupied by a depiction of Bogota, Colombian capital city, over which Teddy delivers the debris, making it look, literally, like a pile of manure on a corner. The middle is comprised by a small caricature of Phillipe-Jean Buneau-Varilla under the providential shadow of the shovel overhead. Phillipe is holding a dreary flag reading “New Treaty” while giving his back to Colombia. Days after Teddy Roosevelt gave his State of the Union Address on December 7, 1903, the New York Herald published a colored cartoon titled “The News Reaches Bogota.” The author, William Allen Rogers, delivered a summary of the geopolitical context surrounding the U.S. taking over the construction of the Panama Canal, and the way that Colombia was taken out of the negotiations and put aside like a dish. The cartoon mocks Roosevelt's intention to wash off his hands, in any case the US government’s hands, in the recent changes of the negotiations, which had shifted from the Colombians who refused to give in, to the Panama's rebels. (217 words)

  5. I chose a political cartoon about William Howard Taft. The picture is portraying "Little Bo Peep." The sheep in the picture is William Howard Taft. The girl in the picture is Teddy Roosevelt. The sheep (Taft) is huge compared to the girl because Taft weighed over 300 pounds during his presidency. Taft is shown as the sheep because although he was president, he always tried to follow in Roosevelt's footsteps. Roosevelt is shown as the girl because Taft was trying to "follow" him and sheep are known for always following their shepherd. Roosevelt led Taft through his presidency with his own policies. Taft was even persuaded by Roosevelt to head to the War Department in 1904, a position in which he had no background or training. Roosevelt was the type of person to want things to always go his way-- so he basically "worked" through Taft's presidency. Roosevelt and Taft were friends and kind of worked together for many years, even though their methods of operation were very different. Both of the two accomplished many things and initiated new policies that would eventually improve a lot of the common man. Their differences eventually led to a split between the two, which would later darken the rest of their political histories. (210 words)

    I chose this cartoon because Teddy Roosevelt obviously was the president that constructed the Panama Canal, it shows him holding a torch like the Statue of Liberty with his legs spread and the Panama Canal running underneath between his legs. It has a sign that says the "Roosevelt canal" and it most likely says this because he was so adamit to get the canal approved and build/dug. It shows their more modern naval ships traveling through the canal so I guess you can see a little bit of Roosevelts intentions. (I really don't know how to say more)106 words


  7. I choose to do my blog post on a political cartoon on the Panama Canal. The cartoon I chose shows how President Roosevelt "drove" the United States to build the Panama Canal, "running over" the issues with it like International Law, Columbian Protests, and Precedent using the Treaty as a loose Guide. I chose this cartoon because I depicted the sort of urgency and disregard that Teddy pushed the building of the Panama Canal with, stopping at nothing to get it built. To me, it seems like cartoonist is depicting it with a neutral, slightly negative opinion. They appear to think that the building of the canal is good, but they way it is being done is not okay. Teddy does not look like a villian, but he is driving the elephant forward mercilessly hitting bumps along the way. The author make it immediately clear that the cartoon is about the Panama Canal, with "Panama or Bust!" written in large letters across the wagon. In the wagon are digging tools, and driving the wagon is a person resembling Roosevelt, and is labeled "Roosevelt" on his hat. The cartoon also calls to mind the Organ Trail, which was a route used by people headed to Oregon during that time.

    Word count: 208

  8. (Oops, I forgot to copy and past the link. ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…)

  9. Political cartoons and drawings were popular features in 1890s newspapers and the yellow journals of the Spanish-American War era. Before the Spanish-American War began, drawings depicting Spain as evil, Cuba as innocent, and President McKinley as a coward, helped rally sympathy for the Cuban people and fuel a pro-war feeling in America. Illustrations simplified the message that yellow journalists like William Randolph Hearst wanted his readers to buy--Cuba was helpless and the U.S. must intervene. Also the guy we call Uncle Sam liked was very greaty there is another picture depicting him grabbing up all the land and all the hopes he had for his future. And in this picture the guy in the picture who is getting held back is Uncle Sam and the reason he is getting held back is because of all the land he was grabbing up and all the hopes he had and all the greed !! And also he is trying to fight everyone else with the sword in his hand and then in the background you see the man on the ground dead and the lady in terror of him because of what he was doing. ( 205)

  10. I chosee this one
    From the Harper's weekly cartoon about the Panama Canal we see Columbia standing with a gun in each hand. Teddy Roosevelt is choking the daylights out of Columbia. Uncle Sam is digging the canal while Colombia demands money for it.e Teddy is holding a bag of money and Columbia is demanding for the money. The Spanish American war made the need for a short route for warships to get through Panama. In 1881 America after the war wanted to build a canal through Panama so that war ships could get through there. Where they built it was called the Isthmus of Panama. Julian pauncefote signed a treaty that gave the us control the Isthmus area of Panama. The Spanish American war and the Panama Canal they are very much related because they need things to be transported through to the other side of the Ocean and war ships need a faster inter oceanic route. All they need is for Columbia to release panama to them. Secretary of State Hay signed a treaty with Colombian diplomat Tomas Herren which gave the United States a 99-year lease.


    This cartoon is about the Spanish American War. At the very top of the picture it shows all of Spain's territories before the war like the Philippines, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and panama. The 5 territories are represented as people and they all have things on their back that represents the Spanish oppression they have been suffering. Hawaii had industrial slavery, Puerto Rico and Cuba had Spanish yoke, and the Philippines had a box over its head that said Spanish oppression. Under them was a caption that says "before the United States intervened on behalf of these oppressed people". The bottom half of the picture has the same territories but without the Spanish burdens over their heads. Instead, they all carried things with them that said self government, prosperity, Filipino assembly, and Panama Canal Zone. Below this set of people the caption says "after the United States had rescued them from their oppression. The title of this cartoon at the top of the picture was "what the United States has fought for". I chose this cartoon because it really shows just how much these territories suffered due to Spanish rule. They were basically slaves and some were literally slaves to the Spanish until the United States decided to come in and set things straight. The United States did a good thing for these territories and this cartoon recognizes the good that they did for them. (244)

  12. I selected the Panama Canal for my choice of a political cartoon to use for my post. In the cartoon, it shows "Teddy" Theodore Roosevelt taking his big shovel and digging through the stretch in Panama which would be known as the Panama Canal. Ships are lining up at the entrance waiting for it's completion as well on the picture. On the left hillside stands a picture of Phillipe-Jean Buneau-Varilla. He holds a gold colored flag that says "New Treaty" with the capital city of Columbia, Bogota behind him. The picture shows Mr. Roosevelt shoveling up the dirt and throwing the dirt all over the capital city of Columbia making it look like it was covered in ash from head to toe. The author of this cartoon, William Allen Rogers, delivered a summary of the U.S. taking over the construction of the Panama Canal and putting it in a way that made it seem like we just threw Columbia aside like a dirty towel. The cartoon was published just days after Teddy Roosevelt gave his State of the Union Address on December 7, 1903. I chose this cartoon because it caught my eye when I first looked at it. I say how it showed the dirt showered city and how Roosevelt just plowed through the stretch of land like it was nothing. It seemed very intriguing, especially after I saw the little guy on the hilltop. I didn't see anything else that unique so I decided to choose it for my blogpost. (259 words)

  13. I realized I hadn't answered all the questions and I had a little more information that I wanted to add. Here is the link as well.
