Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Progressive Era: The Government Gets Busy

The Progressive Era is controversial, depending on your view of government.

If you do not believe government should be intrusive in people's lives by regulating markets and businesses, then this era will make you mad.

If you think government's role is to improve the lives of its citizens, whether or not they have asked for it, then you will see this era as one of progress.

Either way, there is a lot to digest during this time period.

Next week we will look at one of the darker truths of the Progressive Era, but this week we will stick to an overview.

Watch this video (10 minutes) and record 10 observations for your comment section. Be sure to include your opinion of the Progressive Era at the end of your 10 observations...and don't forget the 200 word count!


  1. 1. This is where the government would end the era of lazie faire, hands off type of theory.

    2. The roots of this progressive era started back during the guilded age.

    3. Muckrakers is somebody who breaks up dirt and spreads it among the people.

    4. Upton Sinclair was a socialist who wanted to overthrow the capitalist kind of mind set. He wrote "The Jungle" to describe working conditions in the slaughter house.

    5. The slaughter house was super dirty and there was even an act passed called the Meat inspection act, also it was looked into by the Food and Drug Administration.

    6. Frank norris wrote a book called The octopus. This led to The Hepburn act. The act regulated Rail road prices.

    7. States are experiments of democracy. Wisconsin was one of the first states, aka the Wisconsin Idea.

    8. Initiatives were when people wrote a law. The root word initiate is like to cause something to happen, these people are causing a law to be passed.

    9. Referendums is where you refer a law to be passed. It is almost exactly like initiative, this was also used by California.

    10. recall is the ability to pull somebody out of office. (203)

  2. 1. Progressive meant progress and that's what the government was going to try to get done in the 1900s was where the government was going to end hands off government.
    2. The roots of the progressive era started to come up around the gilded age. It showed the concept that change was going to start from the ground up.
    3. Muckrakers is somebody who digs up stories and distributes them to all people. Muckrakers can actually be anyone that is trying to get a story out.
    4. Uptown Sinclair was a socialist that went in undercover and wanted to demand change for the workers he wanted them to get out of the capitaliistic government. He wrote a book called "The jungle".
    5. Competition was driving up prices and also controlling other workers lives. Frank Norris wrote a novel called the Octopus. It talked about how prices controlled everyday living standers.
    6. The concept of the Anti trust act was that the President had the power to break up the Monopolies in America.
    So smaller businesses had a chance of actually succeeding in the workplace.
    7. States are basically have the experiments of democracy beacuse they try out everything first. The Wisconsin idea was that Wisconsin would be an example to try everything out.
    8. The initiative is where people initiate the law. Where people write the law and it's put into a ballot and then placed into action.
    9. Referendum is where you have the ability to recall a vote to have a deferred discussion.
    10. Primary is where parties are controlled by the people.
    Teddy Roosevelt was the first progressive president and his nickname was called the trust buster.
    (219 words)

  3. 1)this era was the end of lazie faire between government and industry

    2) this era was the era where monopolies ended

    3)initiatives are where the people wrote the laws

    4) a recall is pulling people out of office and they can't do anything about it. it's the states equivalent of impeachment.

    5) the Wisconsin idea sparked many different thing including the socialist movement.

    6)muckrakers are the people that spread the muck or dirt about the politicians among the citizens.

    7) lazie fair is the where the government was hands off on all affairs not concerning the federal government.

    8)Upton Sinclare was a socialist that wrote the book "The Jungle".

    9)Frank Norris wrote book called The Octopus
    and it talked about the monopolies and specifically about the railroad monopolies and how the head of the octopus controlled the arms.

    10) the butcher houses or slaughter houses were extremely dirty and therefore started the food and drug administration or the FDA.

    the progressive era gave me the impression that my future would be better because of the people that made progress for our country. and it gave me the impression that if the progressive era never happened our country would be in the toilet(202words)

  4. 1. The progressive era began in the early 1900s and was a time when America temporarily ended the laissez fairs style of economy and started focusing on issues like child labor.
    2. This was the same time as the guilded age and it was a time when big businesses started to shrink.
    3. Upton Sinclair was a socialistic man who wanted to be done with capitalism. He also wrote "The Jungle" to try to get his cause heard.
    4. Muckrakers are people who try to weed out political corruption and expose poverty within large cities.
    5. Thanks to Frank Norris' book, the Hepburn act was initiated. This act regulates prices of railroad business.
    6. The anti trust act is a law that helps smaller businesses stand a chance against larger ones because it breaks monopolistic chains if the government deems it necessary.
    7. Initiatives were people who wrote and passed acts.
    8. Referendums are similar to initiatives but have slight differences. Referendums don't actually write the laws they just push for laws to be passed.
    9. The food and drug administration started because of upton Sinclair's book, "The Jungle" which showed the unsanitary conditions of the slaughter house.
    10. Just like how the country can pull the president out of office, states can too on a smaller scale. We call it a recall.

    The progressive era was a great thing for the country because without it child labor could be much larger than it is in the USA. We also wouldn't have the anti trust act which is a major lifesaver for smaller businesses.

  5. 1)Upton Sinclair wrote a book called the jungle and he was a socialist that thought it would be a good idea to through capitalism under the bus -27
    2)the jungle was a book that pointed out the poor working conditions in the country and particularly Chicago he wrote it trying to upset people about average working conditions, he did it at a slaughterhouse and he raised the question of meat contamination.-45
    3)through teddy Roosevelt came the FDA, the drug act, and the meat inspection act-14
    4)monopolys started to become an issue because they were killing all the competition and raising prices and controlling people's lives-22
    5)Frank Norris wrote a book called the octopus and it was a concept of the railroad trust with the railroads being like tentacles just ruining farmers lives through controlling railroad prices which led to the Hepburn act which regulates railroad prices which teddy Roosevelt put into law.-47
    6)Sherman anti trust act gave Roosevelt the power to take down these giant monopolys and break them-17
    7)Teddy Roosevelt came in clutch with state reform
    8)the Wisconsin idea was brought up by Bob lafalette and was the concept of the government enabling democracy. And regulating democracy rather than just observing it.-27
    9)initiative-when people initiate a law and that law is put onto a ball dad and put directly into action-20
    10)referendums-you refer a law to be passed California uses this-11
    230 words total

  6. "Taylor Miles does not exist" -Taylor Johnston

  7. 1. Progressive, with a root meaning progress, was given to the era beginning around 1900. The government was kind of going to end the era of laissez faire (hands off). People were going to start putting their hands on problems such as child labor, the environment, and trusts. America was going to have an active government.
    2. The roots of progressivism started with The Gilded Age.
    3. Change begins from the ground. The fire is going to rise and when it rises high enough, the government will be forced to put their hands down.
    4. Muckrakers has to do with people that dig up "dirt" and distribute the "dirt" to masses of people. Anyone at the time could technically be a muckraker.
    5. Upton Sinclair (author of "The Jungle") was a socialist that believed in overthrowing the capitalist system. He went into the slaughterhouses of Chicago and wrote a book about the conditions he saw.
    6. Through Teddy Roosevelt, we get the Food Drug Administration (FDA). This will regulate the slaughterhouses.
    7. Competition drove up prices and controlled workers' lives.
    8. Frank Norris, a muckraker, wrote "The Octopus" that talked about a giant trust that had to do with railroads.
    9. The Hepburn Act regulated railroad prices.
    10. The Sherman Anti-trust Act talked about America having power and being able to break up monopolies and trusts in order to create competition through smaller businesses.
    In my opinion, the Progressive Era was a great time of growth for America (which we needed). People needed to understand what we should do as a country to make things better for everyone and I think without it, today, America would be a lot different - probably in a bad way.
    (285 words)

  8. I think that the progressive era was huge for our country and we wouldn't be the same without it. It changed out future

  9. 1. The progressive era began in the early 1900's
    2. This was the beginning of the end of lassiez fairre government
    3. Topics of problems included child labor and working conditions
    4. The government was now becoming more active
    5. The roots of progressivism began in the Gilded age, including groups like the Knights of Labor
    6. The groups showed that change really does begin from the ground and that one small group can have a huge impact.
    7. The FDA and the pure food act were both created during this time
    8. They are prime examples of muckraking
    9. The Hepburn act regulated railroad prices
    10. The Wisconsin Idea was the beginning of democratic reforms and the concept of the government enabling democracy to spread.
    I believe that the Progressive Era was good for America, especially after the Gilded Age. The Progressive Era tackled a number of big problems the country faced at the time that wouldn't have been handled properly, if at all. New laws and companies helped regulate business and safety, and other good things came out of it that impact us still today. Growth and opportunity was plentiful during the Progressive Era, and it almost seems like even today America is in need of a "Progressive Era" in a time where violence and division seem to flourish. (221)

  10. 1. The Progressive Era began around the 1900s and it was basically a time where America sort of ended its Laissez Fairre (not sure exactly how it is spelled) and the start of America putting its hands back on the American issues.
    2. The Progressive Era really started back in the early days of the Gilded Age with organizations like the Populist Party, the Knights of Labor, the Progressive Party, and the Socialist Party.
    3. Muckrackers were like the Katy Perrys and the Lebron James of the day. They were people that would go ahead and dig up dirt and spread it to the multitudes of people. They would spread their influence in this way to try and help their thoughts on society.
    4. Upton Sinclair was considered a radical Socialist at his time. He essentialy wanted to bring down the capitalist America. He wrote a book called "The Jungle"
    5. Upton's book was intended to rally the people toward the Socialist side by showing them the poor conditions of the slaughter house, but rather it drug them toward fixing the meat packing industry and asking the government to put their hands around that problem
    6. Theodore Roosevelt came up with the idea of the FDA and made acts such as the Pure Food and Drug Act and The Inspection Act to help fix these problems
    7. Frank Morris, another muckraker, wrote a book to help destroy monopolies and trust made by powerful companies in order to destroy competition called "The Octopus"
    8. Theodore Roosevelt came up with the Sherman Anti-Trust Act which would allow him to break up these trusts if he felt as if it was hurting competition in America.
    9. The Wisconsin Idea, made by Bob Lafollette, was based off of some of the Democratic Reforms like the government enabling democracy and other such ideas. The idea of primaries came out of this.
    10. Theodore Roosevelt was really the first Progressive President and he really was the first to put his hands down on some of the problems going on in America.

    I personally can say from my belief that I'm never the biggest fan of government control and the government regulating stuff. However, I believe that in order for this country to grow at the time we were in, some government involvement was necessary for America to grow as a nation and to help solve some of the corruption going on in America. (387 words)

  11. 1. This is where the government would end the era of lazie faire.
    2. The jungle book pointed out all of the poor working conditions.
    3. Monopolys became an issue because of the raising of prices.
    4. To recall someone means to pull someone out of the office.
    5. Progressive era started with the Gilded Age.
    6. Muckrakers are people who spread the dirt about people.
    7. Frank Norris also wrote a book called "Octopus." Which spoke on monopolies.
    8. Uptown Sinclair was a socialist.
    9. Referendums is where you try to get laws to be passed.
    10. The Sherman ain't trust act spoke about America having power and Ali's being able to creat copention through the smaller buisness.
    I think that the progressive era was a good thing. It helped American grow in many ways. It helped with the Child labor.

  12. 1. Progressive comes from the word, progress. This era began around the 1900's
    2. One of the roots of progressivism is the gilded age. Roots means building from the ground up.
    3, a muckraker is someone who picks up dirt and distributes it to the masses like magazines and the press. Muck means dirt and rake is obviously picking something up
    4. Upton Sinclair was a socialist who was radical for that time period. He went undercover as a journalist in a slaughter house in Chicago who was supposedly writing an expose on the working conditions which he called "the jungle." He talked about the nasty process their meat underwent before it was distributed and purchased.
    5. Teddy Roosevelt was associated with the square deal and the beginning of the FDA
    6. Frank Norris aka, "the octopu" was associated with the railroad trust and controlling the railroads prices. It made farmers lives hell.
    7. The Hepburn act soon followed and regulated rail road prices
    8. The Sherman anti-trust act had the power to destroy and break up monopolies and trusts to create more competition
    9. Wiscon idea = the democratic state reforms = "fighting Bob" lafollette
    10. Vocab term: recall- pull someone out of office and force an election (210)
    I think the progressive era is a huge example of how greedy people can be and how thirsty for power and success we are. Even though we wouldn't have a lot of the things we have today and our country is probably better for it, I think that we ccouldve Gone about getting to where we are in a different way that wasn't so brutal. (276)

  13. 1. lazie fair is the where the government wasn't dealing with affairs, which was not handling situations with the federal government.

    2. There was an era known as progressive era, this began in the early 1900's.

    3. muckraker's are writers who show corruption in business and government aroused public opinion and helped conduct Progressive-Era reforms.

    4. Teddy Roosevelt found himself in connection with a deal known as the squad deal and start of whats known as the FDA.

    5. Frank Norris wrote a book which was labeled "The Octopus" and this book dealt with the corruption of capitalism dealing with monopolies and such.

    6. There was an act known as the Sherman Anti Trust act and this spoke about the american power and how there could be smaller businesses with competition.

    7. There was a book known as the "Jungle Book" which directed attention to poor working conditions in America.

    8. Theodore Roosevelt was a helpful president that put America in the right direction.

    9. Other than the past, the government started to become more involved with the population.

    10. Recall was meant for taking someone out of a position and sort of rig an election.

    I think the progressive era helped with manors dealing with labor and it helped shaped the country, leading us to where we are today.
    -Matthew Mettendorf

  14. The progressive era was the ending of the laisezz era where it was hands off now it is hands on.
    The roots of the progressive age was seen in the muckrakers where they brought great new ideas and were exact opposite of the yellow journalism
    Muckrakers could be songwriters they could be magazine writers movie makers.
    Upton Sinclair was a socialist who liked to overthrow capitalist and also wrote the book the jungle!
    Through teddy Roosevelt we got the FDA which would be the food drug act
    Competition drove prices and controlled workers lives
    Frank Norris another muckraker wrote another book called the octopus which was assign of the monopolie trust as the head of the octopus being the head of railroads and the tenticles being the railroads which was destroying farmers lives
    The Hepburn act which was kinda of another square deal from teddy Roosevelt which this act regulated railroad prices.
    Sherman antitrust act was a trust that allowed Roosevelt to swing at the monopolies and break them up to make competition
    The Wisconsin idea which was started by Bob lafollete and it was a state democracy reform for the states and kind of an experiment. It allowed it to spread democracy all throughout

    1. One of the key things to me in the progressive era was the child labor act which in our chapter was one of the biggest things because without this no telling what would happen also I liked the

    2. Anti Sherman act which allowed the splitting of monopolies and making more competition

  15. 1. The progressive era began in the early 1900s.
    2. The government got really really into the the population.
    3. Upton Sinclair was a radical socialist. He wanted to get rid of capitalist America.
    4. Teddy Roosevelt came up with the FDA and helped made the drug act.
    5. Teddy roosevelt came up with the Sherman Anti-Trust act
    6. Muckrakers had to had to pass out different things to other people. Most people could be a muckraker .
    7. A recall was when they rigged an election to get someone out of office
    8. The Sherman anti-trust act deystoyed monopolies and trusts.
    9. The Wisconsin idea began the democratic reforms.
    10. Upton Sinclair wrote the book the jungle.
    The progressive are showed how greedy and cruel people were when it came to obtaining power. They could come up with anyway possible they would do it no matter what the cost if it meant they got office or a power spot. But I guess it also helped because it helped America grow and flourish and discover new things. It also had new laws and all sorts of new things happened during this time. We also never would have gotten the anti trust act out of it. (205)

  16. 1. The Progressive Era started during the 1900

    2. It is the end of Laize-fare policy era.

    3. The roots of progressivism started in the Gilded Age with various Unions.

    4. Muckrackers: Somebody who digs up dirt to expose corruption and secrets to the general public.

    5. The Jungle was a book written by Upton Sinclair to expose the working conditions of the lower class Americans.

    6. Though Teddy Roosevelt and the Square deal we get the FDA and various goverment-set Regulations in many businesses.

    7. The States often "test" democratic ideas, such as new regulations, Primary elections or new laws.

    8. Teddy Roosevelt's acts as president were at the heart of the progressive era.

    9. Anti-Trust act broke up Trusts or Monopolies in order to promote competition.

    10. Great Change starts at the "Grass Roots", in other words, the individual. No one law or sermon or proclamation started the fires of change, but those fires were sparked by individual people.

    The Progressive Era was a time of great social and political reform. Many great things were accomplished during that time. Where those great things were for the better or not is questionable. I believe that the change was for the better. Look at what it accomplished, better working conditions, improved quaility of life, national parks, more opportunity, and a greater say in elections for all Americans. The downside would be greater taxes, and a government that is more powerful and involved in your life, but those, I believe, are tolerable. For the reasons listed above, our lives are much better then those who lived back before the Progressive Era. I'm not saying that Goeverment control is all good though, there is a point where the Government's power can be too much, and restricts the people's freedom.

    Word count: 297
