Monday, May 7, 2018

Final Blog: Hot Button Issues

For the final blog of the year (Yay!!), please choose ONE of the following contemporary "hot button issues" and address BOTH SIDES in your post. Use 100 words to describe the case "for" this issue and then 100 words to describe the case "against" this issue. Then, write 100 words detailing your personal thoughts.  That's 300 words total.

You must have two websites cited as resources for your arguments.

Gay Marriage
Universal Healthcare (Obamacare)
Gun Control


  1. Gun control is a serious matter. Guns should be harder to receive than they are. They are dangerous and have been used to end many lives. There has been multiple school shootings lately because kids are getting ahold of guns easily. Guns should be harder to obtain, they should require a background check and a license. And if someone were to have a gun then it should not be powerful. People really shouldn’t need a gun in general. Sure, it is the people who kill not the guns but guns make killing a lot easier which is not a good thing. (101)

    People should be allowed to have guns for safety. It’s not the gun who kills its the people so they shouldn’t be taken away for those who are not killing people because not everyone kills. Guns are used for multiple things like hunting and protection and these things can be very important to some people. Some people make a living off of hunting and now they won’t be able to if their guns are taken away. People with guns should be background checked but they should not take away out gun rights all together. Guns are a necessity. (100)

    In my opinion, people who are looking to purchase a gun they should be background checked, interviewed, and licensed. It should not be as easy as it is to receive a gun. They are dangerous weapons and not everyone should be able to just go and get one. I get the fact that people use it for protection but no one needs a super powerful gun. An AR-15 is not necessary for any common citizen to just randomly own. People should not be able to just go out and buy a gun especially with all of the shootings that has been going on lately. (105)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is a right protected by the US Constitution in all 50 states. Prior to their decision, same-sex marriage was already legal in 37 states and Washington DC, but was banned in the remaining 13. US public opinion had shifted significantly over the years, from 27% approval of gay marriage in 1996 to 60% in 2015. On July 19, 2011, the Obama administration announced that it would support a bill by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). This followed President Obama's decision on Feb. 23, 2011 to instruct the Justice Department to stop defending DOMA, the federal law that defines marriage as a legal union between a man and woman, over concerns that it violates the equal protection component of the Fifth Amendment.(130)

    I'm against gay marriage because statistics have shown that children raised in a homosexual household will costs the society billions of dollars in social welfare and law-enforcement expenses. For instance, government is required to spend extra money on the benefits and protection programs for gay couples. Also, the allowance of gay marriage may lead to the increased number of non-serious marriage. For example, a couple of friends might choose to get married just to save on taxes and receive medical benefits from the government.Secondly, many studies and researches have concluded that homosexual behavior will results in a greater risk of health problems, such as AIDS, psychological disorders as well as a much lower life expectancy.This will add to the cost of the hospital industry.(127)

    Im for gay marriage because a marriage is a relationship between two people that love each other. Many couples are desired to get married not only for the recognition of relationship from the society, but also the ultimate expression of love towards each other. It is a relationship between two people, and that they are committed to each other to spend the rest of the life with them Moreover, accepting gay marriage as a civil right does not impinge on the rights of those who religiously and morally opposed it, and it does not do any damage to the people outside this marriage.On top of that, couples living together often have the need to receive marriage benefits and protection from the government in order to live. Examples are tax relief and insurance breaks. In addition, a married couple can often support each other in difficult times both financially and emotionally. The benefit of marriage to the couple is significant, and they should have equal right to be married. (150)

  4. Pro-Life
    In 2011, there was over a million abortions and that was only in the United States. This means that 1/3 of women in the US have had an abortion by age 45. The way they do abortions is horrific. Not only do abortions kill babies, but it could also lead to medical complications for the mother, as well as mental issues like guilt, depression, etc. Those that are pro-choice only view these small, unborn babies as a mere “clump of cells” with no legal rights. This is why they think it is okay to kill them. However, it is scientifically proven that an unborn baby is still a human. Every human being starts developing well before birth. (117)

    Abortion can often be the best situation for the people that have to make that tough decision. Abortion is ultimately the woman’s choice because it is her life that would be affected and no one else’s. The government should not be able to take that away from people. We live in a country based on freedoms, so women should be able to continue to have the freedom to that choice. It’s not like the unborn baby is a human because none of its organ systems is fully developed, and more importantly, it is not capable of having a conscious thought. This is why abortion is not wrong and should always be legal. (112)

    Personally, I think abortion is wrong. Abortion is murder no matter how developed a baby is, and I simply cannot agree with murder. I think abortion should not be legal. I understand that some people might not want to have the big responsibility of having a child, but that’s what adoption is for. Many people want to adopt children, and it is a much better alternative than killing a baby. Adoption is also free compared to abortion which can cost up to about a thousand dollars. No matter what way you look at it, abortion is wrong and I do not ageee with it. (104)

  5. Those who are for right to own arms have these things to say item the 1st guns don’t kill people do and if they don’t use a gun they will find some other way to kill someone like hammers or even their own fist. More deaths happen without firearms than with. Item the 2nd the approval of gun control will violate the second amendment but that doesn’t mean that you can have any kind of weapon like grenade launchers. Item the 3rd gun control won’t work because some many people have guns to ask them to give them up and those who obey will be left defenses against any who goes against that law.words114

  6. For those who are for gun control have this to say item the 1st the second amendment only gives the right to own guns for use in a militia meaning citizens should have when they are serving their country. Item the 2nd the amendment only applies to muskets which lots of people who are against guns often claim modern/ rapid-fire arms are not protected. Item the 3rd criminals won’t have guns if they are ban and even if the disobey they would be arrest. Item the 4th reducing guns will reduce gun violence and only law enforcement should only have guns. words101

  7. My opinion on control is that people should have the right to own arms and gun control is a bad idea one too many people have them already, two those who would obey would left defenseless to those who would disobey, third people would just find another way to get guns like how people would find other ways to get alcohol when that probation law was around, fourth the public is much safer with guns than without guns especially in the places to that prohibits guns which would enable those who would disobey to hold the armless hostage and fifth the people should have guns incased needing to overthrow a unruling government. words112

  8. For abortion
    In the abortion issue, women have the right to do what they want in that kind of situation because it is there right. So men should not try to control a woman to change her mind in what is better for her body, and the same goes for doctors. Yes they can give their opinion. But if a woman wants the procedure done. Then she should have the right to have an abortion without criticism from men because men do not have that right or that like of situation going on in their life. Also the fact that what if she was raped, and she would be ashamed to have the baby and see the product of that girl being taken advantage of by a horrible person of that degree. So if a woman wants an abortion so she isn’t reminded everyday of that terrible event than that is her choice, and people should be sensitive to her what what she went through to make that decision. (175)

    Against abortion
    The whole abortion argument should be shut down with the pro-life argument of life starts at conception, and that a human embryo has the same value as a child, adult, and the elderly. This is wrong! If the fertility clinic had a fire and you have 2 choices. A. Save a 5 year old baby or B. Save 1,000 human embryos, what would you choose? Some people will say the 5 year old, and that is just the wrong answer. You’ll save 1 baby and kill 1,000 future babies. Thats murder, but women say that it is “their right” and if we don’t let them have abortions they will complain and say that their rights are being violated. (128)

    My view on abortion
    I am pro-life, and I am strictly against abortion and everything it stands for. There is no way anyone should support the killing of an unborn baby. People say it’s not a real person bc it’s not in a human form, but that’s because they aren’t devolved yet. It’s just like animals. Their eggs have an embryo inside, but it’s not in it’s full deceloped stage; because it is not fully developed! The only case where I kinda feel if a woman is if she got raped. Yes my heart goes out to her, but she should’ve have it aborted. She should either use that baby to show her strength and be a beacon of light to other women who have been raped, or find a good foster parent who wants a baby. (138)

    1. Pros guns control
      There are many things that we can say for this argument tha been going on for a long time. One thing is that might be less mass killing in the United States. The argument about the 2nd amendment is that is as old as our country it self. Was made made in a time when we need it and the military was not there to help or even the police was not ether. If man and women own guns they are some time stolen and use in other crimes that. This is what many people fight against. There are crazy people in the world. Teens are getting bullied and if their parents own a gun they might go and take it and use it on those that bullied them at school. (134)

      Cons guns control
      They are many however on the other side of the argument that guns should not be taken away. Most people that go out and kill man and women gain guns illegally. Criminals have ways of getting them. If the government puts stricter gun laws on us then we have no way to protect ourselves from these bad guys. The last point is that guns makes people feel safe that can protect themselves from the enemy. This nation we live in has people that want to fight for themselves and for their families. We are the country of fighters and never will stop fighting for what they believe in. (108)

      My view
      My view on that of the gun issue is that something has to change. I am not on either side of this argument. The things on both side should come to agreement and combing the ideas into one big ideas. The making of new law might cause even more trouble for everyone. The criminals can get them still. Now we have no way of protecting ourselves. If we just have a little more restriction on guns then these mass shooting might dial down a little not so many in a year. We just need to come together like when when we start this county we might be able to stole this problem. (112)

  9. Obamacare known as the affordable health care act is an act that is meant to help the people who cant work or are having a hard time with money get health insurance. This is made possible by the people who are making more than 200,000 a year or 250,000 for couples have to pay more income taxes. also if you own a business you will have to pay more money because you make more money. And you can only have health care through sertan places so that Obama can monitor who all has health care.(100)

    Obamacare is a good thing it helps people who cant get healthcare provide the proper care needed for them to feel safe. I also like it because it keeps people accountable because if you don't have healthcare you will be heavily taxed. This was made for all the people who think that they are better than the law and don't have to follow them because of how much money they make. I don't think Trump should try to amend this because it is helping so many people. But he is the president so he has the right to do whatever he thinks is right(104)

    I personally believe that Obama care is stupid. They are taking money away from the businesses and people who are making more than 200,000 a year and giving it to people. I understand giving it to people who physically can't work and provide for there families and helping them get the proper health care they need. But this is going to turn out just like food stamps and well fare, people who are lazy and don't wanna work are going to sit at home all day and do nothing but piggyback off of all the Americans who are willing to work and want to make a name for themselves. So I believe we could amend Obamascare as soon as possible.(120)

  10. Listen, we should not have guns in America. If we have no guns in America, then there would be no gun crime. Look at the United Kingdom for example. The UK has banned guns and the gun homicide rate in England is about one for every one million people. That equates to about 50-56 killings in a population of about 56 million people. Then in America, there is 160 times more homicide rates in a country that is 6 times larger in population. There were 8,124 gun homicides in the US IN 2014. Then there is the mandatory buy back program in Australia. The government collected and destroyed over 640,000 guns, which is a third of all the guns in the country. Gun attacks plummeted and there has been no significant attack ever since the shooting at Port Arthur that killed 36 people in 1996. We definitely need more gun control in America. (154)
    The right to bear arms is a right. No if and or buts. If we take guns away then only the bad people would have them. How would I defend myself if I was attacked? By punching them? Nope. All of the mass shootings in America have been caused by a person who should not have a gun. Some of the circumstances of the shooters lives are : mental insecurity, unstable family, poor upbringing, or parents giving the guns back to there kids. The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. (101)
    I would be on the side against gun control. While I do believe there should be better background checks, gun control simply is not the answer for less gun crimes. The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglass High School could have been prevented, or at minimized if the armed officer on campus would have done his job and tried to stop the shooter. As I said above, a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun. Taking guns away from the Americans is like playing with fire or throwing water on a grease fire. The 2nd amendment is not just there for protection against people. It is there for the protection against a tyrannical government. The first step of conquering a country is disarming it’s citizens. We all know what happened to Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Russia. The 2nd amendment is a right that shall not be infringed upon. Guns don’t kill people. People kill people. (160)


    Abortion to some people is very wrong. People say that women should abort babies even if they don't want to have to take care of the babies or if it interferes with their work schedule. A lot of people are against abortion because they think that a baby should have the right to live with their mother outside of the mother's womb even if the mom does not want to have to take care of the child. This is what some people would say that are against abortion: if you say that you can't take care of a child that you created and God helped you create, then why would you even think about having sex in the first place if you knew that you would get pregnant and possibly have a child and then you try to abort the child for no reason or because you just don't want to have to go through the stress of taking care of a baby? That is just foolish talk. And you try to say that the baby that you have growing inside of you would "interfere with your work schedule." People think that it is absolutely foolish for women to get pregnant and then try to abort the baby for some stupid reason. People get very upset that are against abortion at people who take it out on the baby when it was the woman's fault for making the baby in the first place if they knew that they would not be able to take care of it. (270 words)

    There are a lot of people that are for abortion. People are for abortion because they believe that a woman has a right to choose to kill or abort the baby if they want to. Many people would say that the reason for aborting the baby is because it would interfere with the woman's work schedule and because the woman just does not want to go through the problem of trying to take care of the baby so the woman thinks that it is a good idea to abort the baby. People that are for abortion think that it is a great idea to abort the bay if the woman thinks that they would not be able to take care of it. (119 words)

    My personal thoughts about abortion are that I am completely against abortion. I think that women should not abort babies because that is very wrong. People say that babies are not technically human until they are born out of the mother's womb, but I say that it is completely false because once a baby grows inside of the mother then it officially becomes a human but it is just inside of the mother which pretty much means that they are human. This is what I say: " if you are a woman and you know that you won't be able to take care of a child, then why would you even get pregnant in the first place when you already said that you would not be able to take care of a child." I think that abortion is very wrong but other people say that it is the right thing to do which is completely and entirely false. I think that if babies are made and are growing inside of a mother then they should have the right to be born and live a great life and be raised to be great adults. Abides should not be killed or destroyed at all because that would be considered murder. (203 words)

  12. Many people in today’s society differ greatly on hot topics such as abortion and gun control. Most Christians are opposed to abortions, but the pro-life agenda can be argued entirely without using the Bible. I am very pro-life. When it comes down to it, the abortion argument is very philosophical, and that is why people disagree on it so much. It is a very complicated issue that most people do not know how to solve. Each side of the debate has their own ways of convincing members of society to think the same way. Usually for the Left, it is appealing to people’s emotions and sensitivity. For the Right, it is usually appealing to facts and God given rights. (115)
    The abortion argument is a very complicated issue. It is one that can be argued against without using the Bible. Many who are pro-choice believe that it is a woman’s right to decide what happens in her own body. This is true, but not when it endangers another life. Pro-life people understand that even though a baby is just maybe a millimeter tall, it is still a human life, and taking it would be murder. People who deny this tend to believe that it is just a bundle of cells, and that a bundle of cells is not a human being. This simply is not true and can be proven. If each party can agree that it is wrong to take a human life, then it comes down to when does that human life actually begin. Pro-life people would argue that life begins upon conception, and anything otherwise is false. (150)
    The argument FOR abortion also has many good points. One of which is dependency. A fetus can not survive on its own. It depends on the mother for survival. Also, people can refuse to donate organs, even if it would save someone else’s life. So why should women have to bear a child against their will? Also, many pro-life people say they are okay with abortion in case of rape or incest. Do those “lives” not matter as much as others do? Many times in these cases, women are shunned and shamed, especially teenagers, because of their pregnancy, and why should they have to go through that for something that is not alive? (113)


  14. Obama care has given many American the security and peace of having health care. 90% of Americans are insured thanks to Obamacare. Women can no longer be charged more than men. Seniors have bigger discounts on prescriptions.Young people can stay on their parents plans until they are 26 years old. Americans who already receive health care gained an upgrade. Although prices are still rising, they are rising at the slowest rate in fifty years.Health care inflation has slowed dramatically. This law is not a job killer because America has been on a record breaking streak of job growth in 7 years. America is much more stronger thanks to the Affordable care act. (114)

    Obamacare is a disaster and will never work out.” Since Obamacare's central rules took effect, premiums for individual market plans have doubled.” Insurance coverage rates have fallen short of predictions. Patients also don't have a choice of their insurers.In one third of all of the counties in America, there is only one insurance company participating on the exchanges.We were promised several things and instead of getting those things we got the complete opposite. The law brought rising premiums, unaffordable deductibles, fewer insurance choices and higher taxes.“more than 37 million Americans will still be uninsured when the ACA is fully implemented in 2019, that many more millions will be underinsured, and that profiteering will still dominate the culture of U.S. health care…”(125)

    There are many other points as to why Obamacare is good and why it is not. I think the main issue is whether or not it is too expensive and where the other choices are. I think it is a step in the right direction, however at the moment it is a little too expensive. I’ve seen several stories of people who couldn’t afford and of people who praised the law. I feel like the issue is not that the healthcare insurance is the problem, but the healthcare cost. Insurance premiums are only high because healthcare is expensive.(100)

  15. There is a growing issue on gun control laws. As the school shootings, or mass shootings in general, keep occurring, this gun control activists continue to speak out against what they believe is tearing our nation apart. We have seen this in the Majory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida in February whe 17 people were shot and killed. The students and teachers who survived have spoken out for stricter gun control laws. One of their main protests consisted of the March for Our Lives, where the marched on Washington DC demanding gun control. They believe that restrictions to owning a gun should be tighter and more strenuous. Some outsiders that do not agree with this movement think these kids are wanting all guns to be take p by government which is not even close to what they are wanting. (142)

    Obviously with any sort of protest or activist movement there is going to be an opposing argument. This opposing argument is found at the core of the NRA, National Rifle Association, with a lot of its supporters being people who live in the South. They stand fast to the belief that if the government took the guns away it would be another Hllocaust tragedy. They also believe that gun ownership should be stricter, but they also, when in a debate about gun control, want to go right to the fact that the government could wipe out the population by taking away guns, which is not the main thing up for debate. (111)

    I agree with the pro gun rights people in the truth of keeping the guns to prevent an event like the Holocaust to happen. But I do not agree with them when they get upset because a store stops seeking automatic guns or just guns in general. Let’s be real, pro gun people do not need an automatic gun to go hunting. And they say they want an automatic gun to take to the shooting range, then I would tell them to save the lives of Americans by not exercising in the protest just or that ignorant reason, AND FIND A NEW HOBBY. I agree with the students that there should be stricter restrictions on owning and purchasing a gun. (120)

  16. Abortion is a very hotly debated issue in America today. There are a lot of reasons why people seem to be pro abortion. Most people argue today that women should have the choice to keep or abort their baby because that choice is part of a woman’s rights. Some scientist argue that it is not wrong to abort a baby because a baby, in its first few stages of life, is not a human being. These scientist base their theory off the baby’s appearance. Some also argue that it is a woman’s right to be able to chose to abort her baby because it is her body, not the baby’s.

    (Word Count: 110)

    There are some people in America that argue against abortion as well. Most Christians are anti abortionist and believe that it is not the mother’s decision to abort a baby based off of the mother personal desires. Anti abortionist argue that as soon as the egg and sperm meet the baby becomes a living, breathing person. Also, they argue that women who have had abortions have been affected by their decision. These women can suffer from mental and emotional problems after they choice to abort their child. Anti abortionist also argue that if the baby is conceived by or during a hard situation in life the baby is not the problem, the situation is.

    (Word Count: 114)

    My opinion of the whole argument is that I do not believe that abortions should be legal in America. I believe this because, firstly, my Christian worldview, and secondly, science. I do not think that abortions are ok because the child is a living being at the moment it is conceived, and that child has a right to his/her life. Also, speaking of all of these women’s rights, what about the baby’s rights? Who is advocating for all of the unborn babies? I believe that abortion should be illegal because it is murdering a defenceless baby. Abortion should not even be legal anywhere because it is just downright, morally wrong.

    (Word Count: 111)


  17. The right to abortion has been debated for years. Many people believe abortion should be your own choice. Their reasoning behind this is “my body, my choice.” They believe that the pregnant woman alone has the choice to abort her child, and that the government has no business telling any woman what to do with her body. Most people who agree with this view are women. They believe abortion is a private decision up to only the mother because it is her body. They do not believe life begins at fertilization. Many believe the child is not human or living until it is born. (104)

    Others believe abortion is a crime. Abortion is murder. Abortion should not be a choice because it is not “your body”. It is the body of an innocent child. Those who believe abortion should be illegal believe life begins at fertilization, and that life is precious. The government should be allowed to outlaw abortion because it is murder. Most people who believe this to be true about abortion are religious. They believe that children are living directly at the moment they are conceived and that they are a precious gift to be valued. Just because the young stages of a child do not look like an adult human does not mean that it is not living or that it is not valuable. (122)

    I believe abortion is murder. Abortion is not something you chose because the child is inconvenient to you, or because you don’t want a child. Children are a valuable gift from the Lord, and their life begins at fertilization. Every single one of us was a small strange looking fetus in our mother’s womb. What if your mother had chosen to abort you? Abortion is taking away someone else’s’ life before they even have the chance to live it. This is why I believe the government should be able to outlaw abortion. Because abortion is brutal murder of innocent lives. (100)


  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. there are many pros too having stricter gun control laws. in a study, about 75% of mass shooting in the past 3 decades were done with a legally bought firearm. also, with stricter laws the access to guns is lessened, which lessens the chances of having shootings, and it would not allow bad people such as mentally ill people or gang members and such to buy guns because the laws would be so strict. and also, adding more gun laws would almost eliminate all gun accidents, where children or teens are accidentally shot because they are playing with a parents weapon and discharge a round. 105 words

    the advantages of not having as strict of gun laws are very good. the gun laws we have now allow normal people to buy a weapon, ensuring that there will be no black market that only allows bad people to have firearms. also, having less guns wouldnt change the mindset of all the mass shooters and killers who have commited such crimes. another point is that guns are used for self harm more than harming others when used in the USA, which says a lot. the average citizen doesnt understand how to use a gun or what it is for and the respect it is deserved to keep it safe also. 113 words

    i personally believe gun laws should stay as they are. yes, the second amendment protects my right to own a weapon, but im thinking of more towards the, keep the general public safe by allowing everyone to own weapons, not my own personal right. if a black market of weapons came around because nobody could buy a gun legally, there would be terrorist acts all over the USA on a regular basis. also, it would not stop the people who are so determined to harm others with weapons, which are the group of people who successfully commit a mass shooting somewhere. the law isnt the problem, the people are. 109 words

  21. Pros:
    “Love is love is love is love is love!” In 2015 the Supreme Court ruled that the right for a gay couple to get married was to be protected in all 50 states. Prior to the ruling it was already leagal in 37 of them. Marriage has been a constitutional right since the beginning of America. At first is was just between a man and woman but now anyone is allowed to love the guy or girl of their choice. Studies have shown that kids who grow up with gay parents have better test scores and social skills. Also children need to be adopted. There are 115,000 children just in America that need adopted by two parents that love them. It does not matter if those parents are male or female. (132)
    Since the beginning of the world the constitution of marriage has been with a man and a woman. This is shown to us in the book of Genesis and other parts of the Bible. Also marriage is supposed to be a part of procreation in wedlock between a man and a woman. A gay couple can not procreate. A gay couple is unnatural. God did not make two men in the garden to populate the earth. God made a man and a woman because he knew that a man and a woman was right and that it took both genders to procreate. (102)
    My opinion on the matter of gay marriage is that marriage is a constitutional right and it should not matter the gender of the people getting married. The argument that marriage is supposed to be used to procreate means that heterosexual couples that are sterile or do not wish to have children should be constitutionally unable to be married. I feel that if someone loves someone and they want to get married they should be able to no matter gender. In the 1950s interracial marriage was illegal and now that is not a big deal at all. I feel that it is not something to loose our heads over and I am pro gay marriage. (115)

  22. Gun control is a serious issue that should be seriously considered. The fact is that guns can bring good things and bad things to the world. One way that guns should be taken away because they cause wars. For example, the shot heard around the world in the Revolution this was caused by one shot which started all the fighting. Another way guns upset world is that they cause arguments between families. This was like the Civil War where families split and had to fight each other. And lastly they cause many animals to be endangered. Making many animals to become extinct.(102)

    Guns can also benefits the world as well. They give us a right to defend ourselves because we have the rights to protect our families by any means and anything we choose to protect. One thing is they protect our homes from criminals. Another is that they help us win wars and fight them. They also give us freedom that we have the power to defend ourselves. Lastly they help us feel safe like no one is going to hurt us. Guns help us get food they help us be a able to be strong physically more than our enemies.(103)

    My opinion on all this is that we should have the ability to control the guns we possess and only us them for the right reasons. Like we should definitely have the right to bare arms for our families but you shouldn’t just kill some one for no reason we have them I’m case something major happens. Lie a criminal kills someone you love you should have defend them not revenge but a reasonable way of doing using the gun to frighten them or injure them. Guns also helps gain food from animal which is necessary for us to live.(100)

  23. Obama Care is a universal healthcare system in the US. It is supposed to be very affordable, however what about those who rarely need medical help or just don’t have the need to go to the doctor. One con of a universal healthcare is you are basically forced to have it. Many people who don’t need medical assistance pay for Obama care even though they are not using the health care for anything. You may think why can those people just go without healthcare and pay straight to the doctors if they were to need to go to the doctor,well it sounds good but doctors jack up the prices to the point
    Words 116

    Obama care is good because it is providing very affordable healthcare to people. All those times you are paying your monthly fees for healthcare even though you didn’t go to doctor or anything you are helping pay for the people that who are having medical issues. And when the time comes when you are in the hospital your healthcare will help you greatly because those who are paying for healthcare while being healthy and helping pay for expenses. You can’t really get by without healthcare these days because you will have to pay a fee for not having healthcare and doctors jack up the prices to insane amounts on people without healthcare just because they can.
    Words 116

    I am for a universal healthcare system although it seems that the Obama care isn’t working out a well as expected it is still helping many Americans. I believe that with a little more work we will be able to make a better and even more affordable universal healthcare system for people. Obama care does need a lot of work done to it but I would disagree with people like trump who say we need to just get rid of it completely. Universal healthcare is a great idea in theory but it is not yet where it could be.
    Words 105

  24. Pro-Life: Abortion is murder and many do not believe that. Abortion is the killing of a unborn child, but some abortions are done at childbirth but that's a very small fraction. The process of an abortion is very graphic and horrific. Abortion can cause many issues such as mental and health complications. The pro-choice side views unborn children as merely a "bundle of cells" with no conscience or rights. This thought process is what drives the pro-choice side to believe it is okay to kill a fetus. Not only is a unborn baby a complete living being it is even scientifically proven to be a human. (106)

    Pro-Choice: Abortion is a choice which should be up held since the United States of America holds tightly to their freedoms. Abortion is not murder simply because the fetus has barely had time to develop. Is is not a baby but merely a fetus which had no rights that a regular American citizen has. We should have the right to choose what happens to the blob of cells inside of us. The only person the abortion effects is the mother's because it his her decision. The fetus had no conscious thought of what is happening and cannot even grow without the mother so there is no way it is a human being. (101)

    Personal thoughts: My belief on abortion is in the Pro-Life standpoint. I believe abortion should not be allowed. If you really feel as if you don't want the baby, well first of all you shouldn't have had one, but if you do have one then put the baby up for adoption. There may be some exemptions of rape or incest but rape is hard to prove it is mostly verbal evidence. Now, if the fetus is putting the mother at health risk I would say that abortion should be allowed there, but Ido still believe it's a complete human being with rights. For instance, when a pregnant woman is murdered the culprit can and usually is charged with double homicide because the baby that was in the mother was killed as well.

  25. Abortion is murder. How can you justify killing something before it even had a chance to live of you killed any human out of the womb you would be sent to prison for the rest of your life and in some states killed. But somehow we can justify killing a defenceless unborn baby and not even see anything wrong there. The second debate is when does life began. Life is believed to start at conception. So if you are believed to be pregnant anyway you look at it, that baby is alive. And another argument is that the fetus can't feel pain but has been debate that in fact fetuses feel pain during the abortion.(115)
    Abortion is said to not be murder. This is because the baby is not a life till it can survive in its own and does not fully depend on its mother. And abortion should be legal because the mother's rights are more important then the lifeless piece of fleshed rights. It choose to bring it into the world it can take it out whenever she pleases to. And if women cant get the legally they will just get them illegally which is more dangerous because there would be no regulations or qualifications. Because if there's a will there's a way.(100)Abortion is murder no questions asked. At the point of conception the baby is baby a human life that only God has the right to take away. If you kill anyone it's the biggest crime you could commit, but we are to be okay with baby murders walking free as if they did nothing wrong as if they did not kill a baby that had no chance. And this should be looked upon as the worst crime to be committed. In the bible Jesus says if you lead the little ones astray it's better to die, imagine what God thinks if you kill a little one.(106)

  26. To start off with... I do not agree with gun control. Gun control has good things and bad things fueling it. But, what i do know is that it limits people's abilities to individually take control of the bad situation that they are in. Say someone with a weapon is breaking into your home and you live outside of the city... Your wife and children are also in the house with you. What are you going to do to protect them? Option A; hide in a closet with your family and wait 10 minutes for the police to get to your home. Option B; fortify a room with your wife and kids in it and guard it with a gun instead of nothing while the police are on the way. I can throw in another example. If the terrible day were to come up that the government became so twisted that it did not protect its people and we have some evil leader. Do we revolt with bolt action rifles and revolvers that are slow to fire and only affective at certain ranges or do we try to give ourself a little bit of a chance and have legal access to weapons that would at least be able to put up a fight.

    The other side of the gun control idea is that people should have complete access to guns. I can agree with that to a point. Obviously we don't want criminals and crazy people with guns... that is the whole reason for background checks. I agree that background checks should be enforced even more. But what happens when you take the gun away from the good guy and the criminal has the gun. Bump stocks are not necessary. But i would say that there is a misconception that ar15s have been dubbed as assault rifles just because they look mean. They have been the weapon of choice for mass shootings but there are lots of other legal guns that would do more damage, if not more. Part of the reason that people think this way is because ar's are super popular in general.

  27. Every day in the United States of America, approximately 2,900 distinct, living, whole human beings are killed for reasons we’d never tolerate the killing of older born humans. We use the generic label “abortion,” but what is taking place is no medical procedure. It is the dismembering, decapitation, and disemboweling of someone no less human than you. The only difference is that he/she is younger. Abortion is the worst domestic crime ever sanctioned by America, and the statistics become grimmer by the year: nearly 60 million unborn children have been legally murdered since Roe. Anyone even remotely involved in politics in the last few years has heard a sentiment very similar to this. Many right-to-life advocates use the term “murder,” expressing their deep feelings on the topic. (130)
    On the other hand, many women have chosen abortion. For thousands of years women all over the world have wanted to prevent pregnancy and birth when they are not ready to have a baby. Proponents, identifying themselves as pro-choice, contend that choosing abortion is a woman's right that should not be limited by governmental or religious authority, and which outweighs any right claimed for an embryo or fetus. They say that pregnant women will resort to unsafe illegal abortions if there is no legal option. Since 1973, when the United States Supreme Court made abortion legal, there have been more than 53 million women in America who have chosen abortion. Those abortions also involved nearly 53 million men. One in three American women will have an abortion during her life. Each day, women and men make that choice. (139)

    In my own thoughts, I think Abortion should be made illegal. I don’t believe in abortion because I know everyone is apart of God’s plan. Even in the womb, that God is knitting together, he or she is still a person. No matter how big or small that child is a person. If we can kill humans smaller than us, then why is it illegal to kill bigger humans? It makes no sense that just because one human is smaller than the other that you can kill him or her? In all I do not believe in abortion and I believe that each and every human is equal. (108)

  28. Planned Parenthood. “Abortion Information | Information About Your Options.” Planned Parenthood, National - PPFA, 13 May 2018.

    “A Christian View on Abortion - Abortion in the Bible.” ActiveChristianity, 26 Mar. 2018
