Friday, February 5, 2016

We Didn't Start The Fire: Burning of D.C. (This is for the week starting February 8th)

One of the more interesting tidbits of the War of 1812 was the ransacking and arson of our nation's capital.

For this week's blog, read this account and this account of the incident. In the comment section, answer the following questions.

1) Why do you think the British not only attacked, but burned (attempted to burn down) D.C.?

2) Why do you think Dolley Madison felt it was important to save the portrait of George Washington before fleeing the White House? I mean, it was just a painting, right?


  1. In the first article there were two reasons that stuck out to me the most. One, they were trying to destroy or damage the place as much as they could. Two, they honestly thought that burning down the Baltimore port was the smarter thing to do strategy wise because it was important, busy place but they realized that maybe by burning down our nations Capitol would have a psychological impact on the Americans to withdraw from fighting.
    From the article it seemed that she would have risked her life to save an important artifact. While yes, it is a painting. It is the painting of our first American president. Something that we would treasure for hundreds of years to come unless Jesus comes back which is a okay with me. Meanwhile back at the ranch, there was no technology back then and everything took to long and was down by hand that there might have been no other painting of Washington ever. There was no back up and Dolley realizing this made a crucial yet rewarding decision to save the portrait.
    Word count-183

  2. In the first article there were two reasons that stuck out to me the most. One, they were trying to destroy or damage the place as much as they could. Two, they honestly thought that burning down the Baltimore port was the smarter thing to do strategy wise because it was important, busy place but they realized that maybe by burning down our nations Capitol would have a psychological impact on the Americans to withdraw from fighting.

    From the article it seemed that she would have risked her life to save an important artifact. While yes, it is a painting. It is the painting of our first American president. Something that we would treasure for hundreds of years to come unless Jesus comes back which is a okay with me. Meanwhile back at the ranch, there was no technology back then and everything took to long and was down by hand that there might have been no other painting of Washington ever. There was no back up and Dolley realizing this made a crucial yet rewarding decision to save the portrait.
    Word count-183

  3. 1) I think the British burned Washington along with attacked us because they wanted to do something big. Also because they wanted people to remember what they did, and for it to leave a mark on America forever. Another reason I think they burned it down was because they wanted to destroy as much of America as they could because they hated America because of the history they had with America.
    2) I don't think Dolley saved his portrait not only because it was special, but I think it was an act of respect. I also think she knew that was probably the only picture left of George Washington in the White House . She wanted people to remember who he was, and the good leadership he showed.

  4. I think that the British attack was a sign of our weakness. I feel like they wanted to show America that they really were strong and that they wanted to attack us just to show. There also could have been other reasons on why they attacked but that is what I think.

    I think Dolley thought it was important to get George Washington's painting because he was our first president and I think she thought that it was a Avery important painting. I don't think she thought too much about the fire going on inside because it obviously didn't scare her because she ran in and got the painting.


  5. 1. The British were mad that we got out from under there power and that what they hoped to happen with Washington did not happen so when they got a chance they wanted to destroyed everything that we as a country stood for and what we had accomplished so far, and so that by the end of the war we would be struggling with things such as what we would do next since they were able to destroy are capital and the presidents house.

    2. It is important because George Washington was are first president and he helped start are country with smart people and knew when something needed to change which helped us to know that the president should only be in power of a few things and that presidents should only serve at the most two terms or 8years. He was a veteran of the revolutionary war and helped out tremendously with our freedom and the war of course and it was a portrait of him that was very and still is very significant. (Word count 176)

  6. I think that the British were honestly just trying to end us and prove a British absolutely hated us, but I guess that is the point of a war after all. I think that the British really wanted to burn Washington DC because it was and still is our capital. They probably thought that we would be weakened, which we were, but we did not give up. They did run off our president, but we would not go down.

    When Dolley Madison went back into the White House, she grabbed something. What she grabbed, was Washington's portrait. Many people question why she did that and risked her life. I think she did it out of respect for Washington, after all, he set an awesome example for our future presidents or leaders and our country itself.

    WC- 134

  7. I believe England attempted to burn America's capital for one sole reason: It would cripple the country. England doesn't necessarily gain possession of anything through destruction, so it logically makes sense that they would want to harm America so it becomes harder for us to form.
    Dolley Madison of course would want to collect as much items as she could before they would be destroyed by the British troops. She found special value in his portrait probably because he was the most important figure in American history at the time. Therefore, she took the portrait and fortunately held on to it through the fierce fighting between the US and Britain.

    110 words

  8. The British probably wanted to burn the Capitol too because, they were trying to scare us. They thought if they not only attacked our capitol but also burned down the White House it would have a huge sociological affect on Americans. It would probably make them wonder if they were actually safe from threats or not.
    The painting she saved wasn't just any old painting it was the portrait of our First President, War Hero, and one of our Founding Fathers. He symbolized our nation. People might Lose hope if they saw a portrait of our first president being burnt.

    Word Count:100

  9. 1.) I think that the British thought that sense it was our capital that it would have the most power. The first link said, "However, as capital of the nation, the British hoped that its burning would have a psychological impact on the will of the Americans to continue the conflict."
    2.) I think that Dolley Madison saved the portrait of George Washington bc he was not only our first president but he was the worlds first hero. There is another reson that she might have saved t. I think that she also saved it because that is the only picture that was left of him. He might not have liked to take pictures
    Word Count:116

  10. 1. The British had one goal in mind when they went into Washington D.C. They wanted to burn down everything that was connected to the United States government because they wanted to ruin us and make it harder for us to reform. Obviously, Washington D.C. plays a big part in the government, which is why they wanted to burn it down.

    2. Dolley Madison probably saved the picture of George Washington out of respect. I mean, he played a huge part in American history. Without him, America might not have made it. He helped make America into a great nation.

    Word Count- 103

  11. I think the British burned down capital because it made sense to destroy the center of our government. They wanted to burn all roots of what made us a nation. It would also make it harder for us to reform as a country. The capital was also kind of a symbol for the people, it showed how far we've come, and how hard we worked to get where we were. Burning down a very important symbol would crush the people's spirits.

    I think one reason Dolley Madison saved the portrait of George Washington is because of what great man he was and the legacy that he left. He taught people about neutrality, he was also the very first leader of our nation. 122

  12. One – the British had no intent to physically harm and or kill people they just wanted to mess with their minds and hurt them mentally. Which it did work but they did not gain respect from that to say the least. Two – dolly Madison saved the portrait because the picture of George Washington meant more than just a picture it was respect and it was needed to pass down into future generations. Dolly Madison sacrifice getting their own stuff forgetting stuff that matter to the nation.

  13. Well, since we started this war they practically wanted to be the ones to finish it, and they did just that. By burning down the Capitol it would cause some damage on us Americans, and not just physically but mentally too. They wanted us to be afraid and backdown. and with the their numbers they could makes us do just that. We retreated from battle knowing there wasn't way we would win. That thought was correct. They wanted to show us who was supieror. Since, the war was over and we kept fighting was probably annoying to them, and this was their way of telling us to stop and realize the war is no longer happening.

    Without her doing such a thing, to this day we probably would have no idea of what George Washington looked like. Plus, it's George Washington he's practically a legend. She wanted people to know who he was and there was a ton of respect for this man. If she didn't save the painting many people would get mad and she would've been hated.

    178 Words counted

  14. Point 1- I think that they wanted to burn down the White House is because they probably thought that James Madison would be in it and wanted to kill him. Also maybe because it was the capital and it showed that Washignton isn't as strong as it seemed and it could crumble and it could fall.
    Point 2- I think she saved the painting of Washington instead of any other painting is probably becuase he made a big impact on the country and he was the first president. Maybe because they didn't have a lot of paintings of him and that one was the best one.
    Word count 106

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. 1. I think the reason Washington D.C. was burned down was because in retaliation for the American attack in the city of York, which is in Ontario Canada. Also, I think it was burned down because the British thought it was the best idea to destroy the center of the whole government. They wanted to ruin everything for America and make it very rough on us.
    2. I think Dolley Madison saved the picture of Madison most likely out of respect because Madison was the president and it was a big deal to have the painting of the U.S. president. Also because he had a huge part in America and the government.
    (112 words)

  17. I think the British were trying to symbolize they wanted the war or the battles to end. Also, we attacked many of their main towns and cities. I know that the British really didn't want this war to happen. So maybe they wanted to kill lots of people in the White House to show they could take us down.
    2.) Geroege Washington was our first president and he set up everything for America's starting constitution. The painting of him was important because along with George Washington, James Madison was president and she wouldn't want things like that to burn of her husband. (102)

  18. 1.) I think even if the British had just attacked the White house, there would still be "things" and memories left. It wouldn't be like, we actually concurred the White House, it would be like any other war. with the British actually burning it down, it was a sign of, "we just burned y'all too pieces. nothing can stop us now." (thinking that way) and I think that's why they tried to burn the White House, to show America, that at the time, we had actually lost, and we were the losers. I think with them burning the White House down, it made us become stronger and realize, this was just the beginning, and if we wanted to be America, and stay America, we couldn't be sissy's anymore.

    2.) George Washington was the Role model for our country at that time. It was very important to them, not only him being our first president, but also setting up our government, and teaching America, how to be America. I think Dolley Madison realized, that Washington wasn't just our first president, and think, "oh he's important so we better save his portrait." it was more the mind set, of, this is who the people look up too. the portrait is a memory of him.

    WC: 212

  19. 1) For a while, Britain was distracted by it's war with France. When that war ended, Britain could now turn it's full attention to the war with America. They knew that by burning down the American Capital, the Americans' will to fight would be injured. I think that Britain figured that if they destroyed the Capital, then America would see the power of Britain and back off.
    2) Dolley Madison must have known that the Capital City could have been burned to the ground. She probably predicted Britain's plan and thought that, even if the city itself burned down, if she had the painting of the first President (a man she held a lot of respect for), then there would still be a part of the Capital City. If she had the painting, the people might still have a reason to fight.
    (142 Words)

  20. I think that the British tried to burn DC because they didn't want it to Ba able to be rebuilt. If America's capital was destroyed, they would have no central place for the government to meet. Also, if many important buildings were destroyed, many important documents would also be destroyed. These could be laws or other structural documents, so we would have to rewrite all of that.

    Dolly Madison saved the portrait because it was a treasure to America. He was out first president, and he was very loved. At this point, Washington is dead, so the portrait is the only physical thing we have of him. Sure, the memories were there, but no one could see Washington.


  21. The reason the the British would burn Washington would be the hope that it would cripple the rest of the nation.By burning the capital of a nation,you would be burning the center of politics and government.This would cause the country to become more weak as it's leadership is dispersed.

    Dolly Madison saved the the painting of George Washington because he had set the course of the country and was the first president.She saved it because she had at least a small amount of time and the painting was important so she saved it so that if nothing else survived there would still be a symbol of the start of the country.(115 words)

  22. 1. well i honestly think that britain was trying to play with americans minds when they attacked us. we were going through so much, and to add on to the pain, they burn our capitol. like come on!! theres no reason. they just wanted to win again. we were also not ready at all for britain so it of course shocked us.

    2. dolley madison was given a warning that the british were coming and she naturally is a calm person, so she grabbed important stuff and fled. one of the important stuff was the portrait of george washington. mrs. madison got this portrait because it is important to america and in memory of our first president.

    word count: 115

  23. 1. I feel like they on,t wanted to burn down D.C because it was our capital city. Another reason could've been that it was where the president lived so they wanted to hurt him in some kind of way, shape, or fashion. They also probably wanted to hurt America as much as they could.
    2. I feel like she wanted to save the portrait because it may have been the only one. They didn't have a lot of means to capturing the moment. So, that was probably the only thing that the U.S had that would even be close to showing us what the first president of the United States was. 112 words

  24. This weeks blog is about the burning of our nations Capitol building. Was it necessary? Was it important?

    1. I Think that the burning of our Capitol was like the British rubbing salt in Americas wound. In my opinion, this event was a very big success for the British. I think that they did this, because it would just add confusion and troubles in America. Although, I thanked this helped America in the long run, because when we rebuilt the Capitol, it showed we could still remain strong.

    2. I think that Dolly Madison saved the painting, because George Washington was such an influential man both in war and in politics. She thought that this man had been so special to our country that she saved this portrait before fleeing the White House. This was more than a painting to her.
    (Word Count: 143)
